Sexuality Education

Five Essential Facts about Pansexuality You Should Know by Lisa

Many ⁤celebrities, including Janelle Monáe, Bella ⁢Thorne, Miley ⁤Cyrus, Asia Kate Dillon, Brendon ​Urie, Tess Holliday, ​and⁣ Jazz Jennings, have publicly identified as pansexual. But what does pansexuality mean, ‌and how does it differ from bisexuality or​ other ⁤LGBTQ+ identities?

Pansexuality is an identity that is gaining recognition within the queer community. It signifies an individual’s attraction ‍to people of all genders and sexual orientations. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary,​ pansexuality is a “sexual desire or attraction that is ⁣not⁣ limited to people of a particular⁢ gender identity ​or sexual orientation.” This means that a pansexual⁤ person can be attracted ⁣to cisgender, transgender, ⁣nonbinary, gender-nonconforming ‍individuals, and anyone who identifies outside the traditional gender binary.

Due​ to its ‍unfamiliarity, there⁣ are ‌several misconceptions and⁢ myths about pansexuality. ​This article aims ⁢to clarify‌ what⁢ it means to be pansexual and perhaps help you identify if you are ⁢pansexual. Here are some key points⁤ to understand about pansexuality:

The terms “pansexuality” and “bisexuality” are often used interchangeably, and some individuals identify as both.

The prefix pan- signifies “all,” ​hence pansexuality refers ​to an attraction ‍to all genders or an attraction that is not influenced by ⁤gender. While bisexuality is commonly understood as an ⁢attraction to two genders (men and women), it is not strictly binary. Bisexual individuals can be⁤ attracted ⁤to‌ people of their own ‌gender and different genders.⁤ The term bi+ ⁢is emerging​ to explicitly state that‌ bisexuality is not confined to binary definitions of gender and sexuality. Depending on the context, many people identify as both pansexual and bisexual, and some also‍ use​ the term ​”queer.”

Pansexual individuals can be attracted to any gender, but it doesn’t mean they are attracted ‌to everyone.

It is a misconception that pansexuals are​ attracted to everyone they meet. Just because someone can potentially be attracted to any⁤ gender doesn’t mean they are more or⁣ less likely to be ‌attracted to a specific person. This is similar to the misconception that heterosexual women are attracted to all men, which is clearly not the case.

The⁤ term pansexual is not ⁤new.

The Oxford​ English Dictionary states that the term ⁤pansexual has⁤ been⁤ in use⁣ since the⁢ early 1900s as a‌ psychological term referring to sex as a primary motivator for humans. Its⁣ current definition​ has been in use⁤ since at least⁤ the late ⁢1960s. The ‍concept of ‍sexual attraction not being ​limited to binary⁣ gender constructs is not new; it’s just that more people now acknowledge and accept it.

Pansexuality is different from polyamory.

While many pansexual individuals ‍also ⁢identify as polyamorous, ​the two are ‍not the same. Pansexuality refers to the genders ⁣one ‌is attracted to, ⁢while polyamory⁢ refers⁣ to the ability and willingness to form romantic and/or sexual‌ relationships with ​more than one person. Not all⁤ pansexuals are ‍polyamorous, and not all polyamorous individuals are pansexual.

Pansexuality is not uncommon.

Contrary to popular belief,​ bisexuality is becoming increasingly prevalent in America, both in terms of self-identification and​ the number⁤ of people who have‌ had ‌sexual ⁣relations ‍with more than one⁢ gender. As⁣ understanding ‍and acceptance of nonbinary identities ⁣grow, it is likely that pansexuality will​ also become ‌a more commonly recognized orientation.

Originally published‌ by them.

Further reading:

Are you anxiousexual?

Why are we so ⁣concerned‌ about our ⁢genitalia’s appearance?

How to ⁢respond if ⁢your friend identifies as nonbinary

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All You Need to Know About Asexuality by Lisa

It’s common knowledge that ⁤some⁤ individuals are ⁢sexually attracted to ⁢women, while others are ​attracted to​ men.‌ We’re aware of the​ existence⁣ of heterosexual, bisexual, and​ homosexual individuals, ‍and discussions about ⁣gender ⁣nuances, non-binary identities, trans identities, ⁣and pansexuality have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Sexuality ⁤seems to be‍ a broader ⁤and more ⁤diverse topic than ever before, encompassing a wide range of experiences. However, one community often‌ gets overlooked in this inclusive⁤ movement, and I’ve taken it upon​ myself⁢ to rectify this.

My name is Yasmin Benoit, a British⁤ lingerie model and advocate for ⁣asexuality. Leveraging the platform I’ve gained through my modelling ⁤career, I’ve chosen ‌to raise awareness about asexuality, ⁢empower the community, and‍ introduce it to areas ‌where it’s been previously absent. This includes media, education,​ policy-making, academic⁢ research, sex-positive spaces, and publications like‌ GQ. I’m here to provide an overview of asexuality, ‍often⁤ referred to as “the ​invisible orientation”,‌ which you may have ⁣heard of but likely don’t know ⁢much about. This article might even lead to your asexual awakening…

1. Understanding Asexuality

Contrary to what the‍ term ⁤might suggest, asexuality doesn’t imply a complete lack of sexuality, sexual feelings, desire, or association (yes, the dictionary got this one wrong). Asexuality refers to experiencing little to no sexual attraction towards others, regardless of their ‌gender,⁣ or⁢ having minimal ‌to⁣ no ‍sexual desire ​for others. I like to describe⁢ it as the sexual orientation that ⁢isn’t​ oriented in⁤ any particular ⁢direction.

It’s important to note that there are asexual individuals ‍who still⁢ enjoy sex, even if they ⁤don’t experience sexual‍ attraction towards their ⁣partner. There are asexual individuals who masturbate, have a libido, and can experience orgasms just like anyone else. There ​are ⁢asexual individuals⁣ with‍ kinks, who work in⁤ the sex industry, who enjoy⁣ erotica and porn,​ and are ​comfortable⁢ with sexual‌ associations. Asexuality should not⁤ be confused with celibacy or abstinence – it’s a sexual orientation, not a ‌lifestyle ​choice or a religious ⁤decision. It’s also not a social commentary, so being asexual doesn’t mean one⁣ is ⁣against sex, slut-shaming, or expressing an inability ​to find a sexual partner (i.e., asexuals are not incels).

2. Debunking Misconceptions

You might be wondering: what if asexual individuals just haven’t⁢ met the right person yet? The truth ⁤is,⁣ many of us‌ have, and yet our asexuality remains. I ⁣know asexual individuals who are married, have children, experience​ romantic attraction, and find non-romantic love.⁣ Asexuality is not a reflection of ⁤the people around you any more than⁢ being gay⁤ is a reflection of finding all ‌members​ of‌ the opposite ⁣sex unattractive or unappealing. Being attractive doesn’t “cure”‍ asexuality. I’m a ​huge ⁤fan of Megan⁢ Fox, but if ⁤given the chance, I’d politely ask her ‌to leave my bed. Love isn’t a “cure” either. There is no ⁣”cure” because asexuality isn’t a‌ disease or an unfortunate condition; it’s not a hormone imbalance or ‌a​ guarantee of⁤ eternal ⁤loneliness.

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