Women’s Health

The Duration of Sex According to a Woman’s Perspective by Lisa

If you’re wondering⁤ how long ‍sex should last, you’re not alone.⁢ Many ⁣people equate longer sex with better sex, but that’s not necessarily ⁢the case. While marathon sex ​sessions ‌can be exciting, they ⁤shouldn’t be the norm. Just like indulging in ⁤sweets and ice cream, quickies can be enjoyable but shouldn’t make up the ⁢entirety of your sexual diet.

There’s‌ no ‌definitive answer to how long‌ sex should⁢ last. A 2005​ study⁢ in the Journal of ‌Sexual Medicine asked sex ⁤therapists for their⁣ opinions. They categorized sex into four groups: adequate, too short, too ⁣long, and desirable. They considered‌ 1-2 minutes of penetrative vaginal sex as “too short” and‍ 10-30 ‍minutes as ​”too long.” “Adequate” ‌sex lasted 3-7 minutes, while desirable ​sex lasted 7-13 minutes.

It’s challenging to gather accurate ⁢data on​ the average duration of sex. Many people don’t keep track of how long they’re engaged⁤ in sexual activities. Moreover, the definition⁢ of sex can vary greatly. Some ⁤people and studies only⁣ count penetrative ⁢sex, which is a narrow and heteronormative way to measure⁢ sex. It also doesn’t reflect how most people with vaginas ‍achieve orgasm.

When asked, most women and nonbinary individuals said they’d ideally like sex to last‌ around five to⁤ ten ⁣minutes,⁤ with ​more time dedicated to foreplay. However, people often express a desire for​ sex to last longer than it typically does. Many ⁤people feel their answers are shorter than​ average, but in reality, they align with or exceed the average duration of sex,⁢ which is approximately 5.4 minutes.

Despite our​ insecurities ‍about the duration of our sexual⁣ encounters, sex doesn’t usually last ⁢that long, even for those satisfied​ with their ⁤sex lives.‍ A Twitter ‍poll ​revealed⁤ that 82% of ⁢819 ‌participants ‌have felt bored⁢ during penetrative‌ sex. Another Twitter poll of ​2,380 people who receive penetrative ‍sex⁤ showed that most (61%) wanted penetration to last about 5-10 minutes, excluding foreplay. Only 26% wanted‌ it to⁣ last ⁣longer than 11 minutes.

So, instead of⁣ striving for lengthy sex sessions, consider diversifying your sexual activities. The more ⁣varied the⁢ sexual⁤ acts, the more likely both partners are to orgasm. This is ⁢particularly true for women. ⁢The takeaway ⁣is​ that the quality of sex is more⁤ important ‌than​ its duration.

Further reading:

Exploring the world of coronavirus erotica

What I learned from coronavirus porn

Managing your coronavirus dating‌ anxieties

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A Mother’s Guide to Resuming Intimacy After Childbirth by Lisa

Resuming sexual activity after childbirth is a certainty, not a possibility. ⁤However, the duration of this hiatus is ‍entirely dependent‍ on you and your ​partner. ​Rushing into it may prolong your sexual dry spell, but waiting too long isn’t beneficial either. As‍ a mother of two with an active sex life, I’m here to ‌guide you⁣ through what to​ expect post-pregnancy.

Let’s start with the immediate aftermath⁢ of childbirth. Every woman will tell you that resuming sexual activity immediately after giving birth is ⁢not⁤ an option. Imagine pushing a melon-sized baby out and then eagerly welcoming something else​ in shortly after – amidst the pain, bleeding, and tears. It’s best ​to let your partner initiate when she’s ready, and don’t even consider hinting at it for at least two months. Use this time to catch up on your favorite⁤ shows or books.

Once‌ your‌ partner has healed and there’s potential for some intimacy, tread lightly. The key to initiating sex is ensuring she’s relaxed. She ‌might be feeling nervous or unattractive, so reassurance and a comforting environment are crucial. A chilled ‌glass of her favorite drink might also help.

When she’s ready, she’ll initiate. Remember, gentlemen, post-childbirth foreplay is ⁤entirely up to her, so let her guide you. Be aware of the changes her body has undergone. ‍For instance, mothers who have breastfed may not enjoy nipple stimulation, ⁣and there’s also the possibility of milk leakage, which can be off-putting.

when it ⁣comes to penetration, proceed ⁢with caution ⁢and lubrication. Remember, she’s been abstinent just as long as you have, so⁣ don’t rush things. If ​she appears ​uncomfortable, stop immediately, reassure her, and offer comfort.

If everything is going well, maintain a slow and gentle pace, and⁣ pay attention to her reactions. If she seems uncomfortable, stop. If she seems ‍content, gradually increase the intensity, but take ‍your⁤ time. She may not want full penetration immediately or ⁢at all, so wait ‌for her to signal when she’s ready. Also, be prepared for the possibility of blood or blood ⁤clots, and don’t be repulsed – she’s been dealing with⁢ the aftermath of childbirth while you’ve been relaxing.

Don’t be discouraged – things will eventually return to normal. Everyone’s experience is different. Some couples become more sexually active once​ their children are⁣ older, while others are content with less frequent ⁤encounters. The key is to ​take your time and consider any sex in the⁣ first six months as a bonus. And remember to keep your devices charged for those quiet moments.

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What Factors Contribute to a Woman’s Sexiness? by Lisa

75 Characteristics That Make Women‌ Eternally Appealing

As⁤ an advocate for equality, I believe that ⁢women/” title=”Tips for Picking Up Women”>attractiveness ⁤transcends gender. I’ve previously discussed‍ how the definition of‍ attractiveness has evolved over ⁢time.‌ In the ’60s, a woman⁤ was ⁢considered​ attractive if she could prepare an elaborate meal and be ‌fully⁢ made-up by ‍the time her husband arrived home. Today,⁤ an⁢ attractive woman is one who is in ​control of her ‌own life and destiny.

In ‌my⁤ view, both ⁢these aspects of femininity are equally ⁣beautiful. Having previously compiled a list‌ of ⁤timeless traits ‍that make a man attractive, it’s only fair to do the same for women. As ‌a man,⁤ I’ve sought the opinions of others to compile⁣ this list of 75 ⁣timeless traits that make a woman attractive. This list will help you identify these traits in women you meet ​in ⁣the dating scene.

1. She prioritizes her physical health and hygiene.
2. She has a thirst for knowledge about​ the world and herself.
3. She forms her own⁣ opinions‍ about her appearance, independent​ of media influence.
4. She treats animals with kindness.
5. She is gentle ‍with babies.
6. She⁤ makes an effort to remember important dates, ‌like your mother’s birthday.
7. She enjoys reading new‍ books.
8. She appreciates various forms ⁣of art.
9.  She maintains good personal hygiene.
10. She values men for more than⁢ just their physical appearance.
11. She refrains from derogatory language towards other women.
12. She dresses neatly and appropriately.
13.⁤ She has hobbies ⁣outside of her work.
14. She is dedicated and hardworking.
15.⁤ She ⁣can hold her own in a drinking contest.
16. She always carries a business card, ready for networking opportunities.
17. She is ⁤secure in her relationship and doesn’t get jealous.
18. She doesn’t stereotype people based ⁢on their sexual orientation.
19. ⁣She refrains from using derogatory terms to ‍describe her friends.
20. She ‍doesn’t reduce people to their physical appearance.
21. She is aware of sexism but doesn’t let it affect her.
22. She is generous⁣ with her‌ tips.
23. She maintains ⁢good oral hygiene.
24. She ‌carries cash, despite ‍the popularity of cards.
25. She maintains contact with her family, even during disagreements.
26. She responds to messages promptly.
27. She understands the emotional implications of dating.
28. She ⁣is open to watching different​ genres of movies.
29. She is willing​ to‌ pay the bill, challenging ‌traditional gender roles.
30. She enjoys her freedom and independence.
31. She is spontaneous and flexible with her plans.
32.⁢ She respects other ⁣people’s religious beliefs, even if⁣ they differ from hers.
33.‌ She is​ responsible with her finances.
34. She is supportive and helpful to her friends.
35.‌ She enjoys‍ indulging in comfort food.
36. She is secure and not overly jealous.
37. She doesn’t believe in restrictive social norms.
38. She knows when ⁢to end a relationship.
39. She knows when to fight ‍for a relationship.
40. ‍She is politically aware.
41. She is faithful in her relationships.
42. She respects differing political opinions.
43.  ⁢ She stays informed about current events.
44.  ⁤ She refrains from publicly criticizing her ex.
45.   She avoids online arguments.
46.   She respects her elders.
47. She openly identifies as a feminist.
48. She takes care of her loved ones‍ and possessions.
49. She is open to discussing the future.
50. She is open-minded towards⁢ new ‍experiences and⁣ cultures.
51. She is adventurous with food.
52. She ‌is​ patient and understanding with children.
53. She doesn’t judge you based on⁤ your‍ past.
54. She​ is flexible with her social activities.
55. She maintains a clean and ‌organized home.
56.‌ She celebrates her friends’ successes.
57. She is assertive in her‌ professional life.
58. She is confident ‌in various roles.
59. ⁤She is passionate about her‌ career.
60. She ⁤embraces change and personal growth.
61. She respects cultural boundaries.
62. She is not ⁤racist.
63. She is not transphobic.
64. She has⁢ a special outfit ‍for special occasions.
65. She makes her loved ones feel valued.
66. She stands up for her beliefs.
67. She knows her limits with substances.
68. She doesn’t assume every man is ​interested in her.
69. She avoids clichéd‍ poses in photos.
70. Her social media posts are concise and meaningful.
71.‍ She appreciates fine beverages.
72. She enjoys⁢ a variety of movie genres.
73. ​She is independent‌ and self-reliant.
74.⁢ She understands the importance of financial planning.
75. She ⁣defines her own femininity⁣ and embraces it.

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