Dating Tips

Experts’ Advice on How to Successfully Meet People in Real Life for Dating by Lisa

There are times ‍when I ponder ‍about the dating scene in the pre-digital era. People had to physically meet someone, perhaps at a club or on the street, and then exchange phone numbers on a piece of paper,⁣ assuming‌ someone had a pen handy. ‍Then, they would wait for a call on their landline phone. Without the convenience ⁣of dating apps or the ability to slide into someone’s DMs, dating was a completely ​in-person⁤ experience, with ⁢a few phone ⁤calls or emails in between. It’s quite a lot to contemplate.

However, ‌it’s worth noting that many people have grown weary of dating apps in recent years, opting for a more traditional approach. This is understandable considering the endless swiping, the difficulty ​in ⁢gauging⁤ a person’s personality from a few photos ⁤and some scripted words on a screen, and the fact that chemistry is a physical⁤ phenomenon. It seems that dating⁤ apps were never going to be the ultimate solution we once thought they would be. Hence, the resurgence of meeting people in person and dating ⁣them.

That being said, not ⁣everyone finds it easy to meet people or flirt offline. This is particularly true ​for those under​ 25 who can’t recall a time before Instagram reactions. With this in‌ mind, here’s a useful guide to meeting people ‍in real life without the use of dating apps or DM slides.

Choose the Right Locations

If ​you’re‍ looking to meet new people, it’s not enough to frequent the same three places (your home,⁣ the ‍local Aldi supermarket, and your friend’s house). You need to ‍explore new locations,‍ particularly ‌those that ​encourage‍ conversation. You’re unlikely to meet someone at the⁢ cinema or a dental clinic, although ⁢stranger things have happened.

Dating educator and author Lalala⁣ Letmeexplain recommends‍ attending actual singles events. She also suggests⁤ joining local groups based on your interests. However, she ⁤advises joining these groups for the enjoyment of‍ the⁢ hobby itself,⁢ with meeting someone as a bonus.

Otherwise, just stay open to possibilities. As Lalala Letmeexplain puts it, “It’s⁤ possible to have meet⁢ cutes all over the place if you’re open to it.” If you’re open to random encounters, make eye contact with ⁣people you find attractive, be friendly‌ and approachable, and initiate non-creepy conversations when appropriate.

Embrace Flirting

Flirting comes ‌naturally to some people, while ⁣others find it challenging. However, flirting​ can be enjoyable, so don’t hesitate to show your interest through⁤ your body language. Just ensure it happens naturally and you’re not trying too hard. As Lalala Letmeexplain advises, “Just‍ try to make eye contact⁣ and smile. Most things you⁣ say will sound a bit⁢ flirtatious if you say them with a smile.”

Leverage Your Friends (Positively)

Before the advent of dating apps and social media, ⁤many people met “through ⁢friends.” Your parents and your Gen X neighbors probably met this way. This doesn’t mean‍ you⁣ should try to date within your⁣ friend group, but it does mean that you ⁢shouldn’t ignore social invitations. You never know, ‌there might be attractive people at these‍ gatherings, which might be the only good ⁤reason to ever leave the ​house.

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Enjoyable First Date Ideas by Lisa

Over the years, our quest for ‍convenience has transformed‌ the dating landscape. The rise of dating apps ​has certainly eased ‌the process of finding a potential partner, but it has also increased the pressure for the first date to be flawless.‌ However, unless you’re a character in a‌ Hollywood movie‍ with only 15 minutes left, perfection is⁤ unlikely.

So, what should be⁢ the ideal setting for a first date and what activities should⁢ you ⁤engage in?

Here are five excellent first date suggestions…

1) Coffee Date

If⁣ you’re ⁤uncertain about your date ⁤or vice versa,​ a casual coffee date could be the perfect solution. It’s like a trial run⁢ for a date.⁤ Coffee shops, despite their reputation for being‍ mundane, offer ⁢a distraction-free ‌environment.⁣ This allows you​ to focus on⁤ your‍ date and gauge if ​you’d like to spend more time with them in the future.⁣ However, it’s ⁣best to ‌avoid overly trendy coffee shops with constant background noise and overly enthusiastic baristas. If the date goes well and you’re ready for more than just coffee, you can always transition to a…

2) Pub

It’s hard to⁢ go ⁣wrong with a pub date,⁤ unless you ​choose a terrible ‍one or one ⁤that reeks of deep-fried food. Pubs are ‍great because they serve ​alcohol, which ⁣can help ease nerves or fill ⁤awkward silences. Even ​if you end up in a bad pub, you can bond⁣ over critiquing it. However, ⁣be aware that⁢ your date‍ will likely judge‌ your choice of pub. If they don’t seem to‍ be enjoying it,‌ you ⁣can‌ always say a friend recommended it or you found it online. If they love it, claim it as one of your⁣ favourites. Just be careful not to appear too familiar with⁢ the bar staff, as⁣ it might give the impression that ⁢you frequent the pub too often.

3) Bowling

Note to all men: you don’t have ​to⁤ be a ‍pro at bowling to enjoy it. ⁤Also, beating ‍your date (who is ⁤also⁢ your opponent) mercilessly is not a good​ look unless you⁤ can make it ⁣humorous. Bowling ⁣is a great activity because it provides a topic ⁣of conversation if things⁣ get awkward. It’s⁤ a prop that can help move​ the evening ⁤along. Plus,⁤ if you’re proud of your posterior ⁤and want your date ⁢to notice it, bowling ensures ‌they’ll have no choice but to look at it ‌for a good portion of the evening. ⁢Just‍ be mindful of wearing too-tight trousers, the smell of ‍hot dogs, being ​overly critical of others in the next lane, revealing bad socks when changing into bowling shoes, and ‍being a ​sore loser.

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Experts’ Advice on How to Successfully Meet People in Real Life for Dating by Lisa

At times, I find myself pondering ⁣over how dating​ used to be in the past. People would meet ‌in person, perhaps⁣ at a club or on‍ the⁤ street,‍ and ‍exchange phone numbers written on ‍a piece of paper (assuming ​someone ‌had a pen handy). Then, they would wait ⁣for‍ a call⁣ on their landline, or make the call themselves. Without the convenience of dating apps or the option⁢ to‌ slide into someone’s DMs, dating was a completely‍ in-person⁢ experience, with a few phone calls or emails thrown in the mix. ‍It’s quite a lot to wrap your head around.

However, it’s worth noting⁢ that many people have grown tired of⁢ dating apps in recent ⁤years, opting for a more traditional approach.⁣ This is understandable, considering the endless swiping, the difficulty of getting a sense of someone’s personality from‌ a few⁣ pictures and a brief bio, and the fact‍ that chemistry is a physical phenomenon – a touch ​on the leg, a ⁢lean ⁢in to light a⁣ cigarette, and so on. It seems​ that‌ dating apps were ‌never ⁣going ‍to be ‌the ultimate solution ‌we once thought they could‌ be. Hence, the​ resurgence of ⁤meeting people in person ⁤and dating them.

That‍ being said, not⁤ everyone finds⁣ it easy to​ meet​ people or flirt in person. ​This is particularly true for those ​under ​25 ‌who can’t recall⁤ a ⁢time before ‌Instagram⁣ reactions. With this in mind, here’s a useful guide to meeting people in real ‌life, ⁢without the ‍use of dating apps or DMs.

Choose the‌ right ‌locations

If you’re looking to meet ‍new ⁣people, it’s⁤ not enough to ⁤frequent the same three places ‍(your home, the ⁢local Aldi, and your friend’s house). You need to explore new places, particularly ​those that ​encourage conversation.⁤ You’re unlikely to meet someone at the cinema or a dental clinic, although stranger things‍ have happened.

Dating expert and author Lalala Letmeexplain‌ recommends attending singles events. While this may ​sound awkward,⁢ it’s worth remembering that everything​ can seem awkward if you overthink ⁢it. “Joining local groups is also a good idea,” she suggests. “But join them ⁣because you enjoy the activity, not just to meet someone. Consider group fitness boot camps ⁤or similar activities‍ where you might find someone ​with shared ⁣interests.”

Otherwise, just stay open to possibilities⁤ – or⁤ as my mother would say, “keep your light on”. “You ‍can have chance encounters ‌anywhere if you’re open to⁤ it,” says Lalala Letmeexplain. “I’ve been approached in a cafe and on the street. While some ⁣might find​ this uncomfortable, I enjoy the ‌unpredictability ⁣of it. If you’re open to random encounters, make eye contact with people you’re attracted to, avoid wearing headphones, and be ⁣friendly and approachable. ⁢Say something non-creepy when the opportunity arises. It’s ⁤a good idea‍ to ⁣simply get ​out there and socialize.”

Master ‌the art of ​flirting

Some people⁣ are naturally flirty. They’ll lean ⁢in while laughing or hold your ⁤gaze ‌for a moment longer⁤ than necessary. For others, flirting ⁢can‍ be a challenge (like those who resort to teasing because ‌they heard it works on a ​podcast, or those who misinterpret⁣ signals). Or, like many of us, you ‍might fall somewhere ‍in between.

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