Health and Wellness

10 Practices That Could Be Damaging Your Libido by Lisa

Libido levels can fluctuate, and there may be periods ‌when you experience a decrease in sexual desire. This can lead to ⁣feelings of confusion, distress, or even embarrassment.‌ However, it’s important to remember ‍that​ sexual desire varies from​ person to person and can⁢ change at different stages of our lives.

According to Jacqueline Hurst, author of How To Do You: The Life-Changing ‌Art of Mastering Your Thoughts and⁢ Taking Control of Your Life, societal expectations can ⁤often pressure men into believing they should always ⁤desire sex. However, a decrease in sex drive can be quite common and ​can lead to a cycle ⁣of physical and⁤ emotional side effects.

Hurst reassures that it’s normal⁤ for‍ both men and ⁤women​ to lose interest in sex occasionally. However, a prolonged period of‌ low libido could be a cause for concern. While it could indicate an underlying health⁤ issue,⁣ it’s often due to psychological factors or ingrained ​habits. Here are ten habits that could be impacting your libido.

Excessive Workload

Continuous work stress, such as back-to-back Zoom meetings or overlapping deadlines, can negatively impact your ‌libido. Hurst confirms that stress is a ⁤major libido killer and suggests finding ways to manage it. This could⁢ involve speaking to a therapist, exercising, spending time in nature, or ‍discussing ⁣your stressors ⁢with a friend.

Use of Certain Medications

Some prescription medications, including antidepressants and antihistamines, can lead to ​a decrease in sex drive. If you’re experiencing this ‍side ‍effect, Hurst advises discussing⁣ it with your doctor who ⁤can suggest alternative medications or provide other advice.

Conflict with Your‌ Partner

Arguments, poor communication, or a lack of intimacy with your partner can also lower your sexual desire. If you’re experiencing these issues, Hurst suggests open communication with your partner or ​seeking ‌therapy if necessary.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

While alcohol can lower inhibitions, it can ⁤also decrease sexual performance and libido. Recreational drugs can have a similar‍ effect and can contribute to depression and anxiety, which‌ can further reduce your libido. Poor sleep quality after drinking can also impact your sexual desire. Hurst ​suggests prioritizing⁤ self-care to manage these effects.

Low Self-Esteem

Fluctuations in self-esteem can also impact your sex drive. Sex and‍ relationship therapist Miranda Christophers explains that low self-esteem can affect how desirable you feel to others and your perception of your sexual ability. This‌ can lead to the suppression or avoidance of sexual feelings and‌ can further impact sexual function and confidence.

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The Custom-Made Condom by Lisa

Custom-tailored suits, shirts, and‍ now, condoms.⁢ The⁤ better the fit of‌ a⁢ condom, the more ‌comfortable and pleasurable it will be. A common complaint about‍ condoms is the lack of​ sensation, often due to a poor fit.

A condom that is too ‍small ‍can‌ be uncomfortable or ‍even break, while one that is⁢ too large can slip ⁣off. It would be much simpler if condom ⁣manufacturers ‍labelled their products ⁣as “small”, “medium”, “large”, and so on.

Condomania, a​ condom company ⁢based in Hollywood, California, offers a solution with‌ their TheyFit ‍condom. ⁢This custom-fitted condom is referred to as the “couture condom”. To ‍get your perfect fit, you​ download the Fit Kit, ⁣print it, and ‍then measure your erect penis.⁤ The measurements correspond to⁣ your width and‌ girth. For example, an “M17” would⁤ indicate a long and wide penis, while a “J22” would suggest a wide but short penis.

To test these custom condoms, I enlisted the help​ of a ⁢volunteer. After taking⁤ his measurements, we sent them to and awaited the ⁣arrival of the custom condoms. According to‍ a testimonial on TheyFit’s website, once you’ve tried a custom-fitted ​condom, a standard⁣ one feels like⁢ a punishment.

When the custom condoms ‌arrived a week later, ⁤we were skeptical. ‌However, the ​volunteer was ⁢pleasantly surprised by the perfect fit. He described ⁤the experience ⁤as feeling like he wasn’t wearing a condom at ⁤all.

Other condom ​brands‌ like Trojan, ⁢Durex, LifeStyles, and Kimono also offer various sizes ⁤to match your needs. Highly rated condoms include the Pleasure Plus, which features a “pleasure pocket” for extra comfort, and the Inspiral condom, which has more room ⁣at the top. For those‍ who are well-endowed, Trojan’s Magnum and ‍Magnum XL condoms offer extra width and​ length.

For ⁤those on the‍ smaller side, LifeStyles‍ offers a Snugger Fit condom. However, these⁣ are not ⁢as popular due⁤ to​ potential embarrassment at⁤ the point ⁢of purchase.‌ According to Adam Glickman, CEO of Condomania, there has been a recent revolution in the condom industry, with a⁤ focus on making condoms feel softer and more natural.

New materials‌ like polyisoprene ⁣promise a “skin-to-skin​ sensation” and transmit body heat, enhancing the experience. The Durex Avanti polyisoprene⁢ condom is currently‍ a bestseller at ​the Hollywood ⁢Hustler boutique in California. For those allergic to latex,⁤ polyisoprene and ⁤polyurethane offer great alternatives.

The Ecstasy ‌latex condom from Trojan features a tapered base and a roomier design, with ‍lubrication ‍on both ⁢the inside and outside. While it’s‍ marketed for “her​ pleasure”‍ due to its textured ⁣ribs, the actual experience may vary.

The Trojan ⁣Supra​ condom,⁣ made of ultra-thin ⁤and strong “Microsheer” polyurethane, offers a more “natural ⁤experience”. It’s clear and odour-free, and heats⁣ up with‌ friction for a warming sensation.

According to Glickman, the clear colour of these condoms ‌is particularly popular with men of colour,⁤ who find ⁤that the beige tone of ⁣latex condoms can look​ unappealing.

This article was ​originally published⁣ in the​ July 2010 issue of British GQ. Anka Radakovich is ​GQ’s sex columnist.

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Steps to Achieve Female Orgasm by Lisa

Question: What are some effective strategies to help⁢ her ⁣reach orgasm? (EP)

Answer: The key element here is‌ time. If she senses that there’s no rush and that you’re⁤ eager and willing to spend the entire‌ day pleasuring her, she’s significantly more likely to ⁤achieve⁣ orgasm.

However, if you both have ​other commitments such as work, family visits, or catching a game, here ⁢are some ​useful tips:

**1. **Encourage ⁢her to use her breath to enhance the sensation. Breathing is a potent erotic tool. She might find it beneficial to visualize the sensation. For instance, she could imagine a flower blossoming between her legs, its ‍vibrant color spreading up to⁣ her⁤ breasts, fingertips, and throat. With each breath, the color intensifies throughout‍ her body. This technique works best when paired with a consistent, repetitive motion,‍ like your tongue stroking one side of her clitoris ⁢while your third finger applies steady pressure on her G-spot.

**2. **Communicate with her. As you spoon her, lift her hair and whisper in her ear, describing in detail your first encounter or the sensations you experience ⁤as you penetrate her.

**3. **Introduce⁢ a hint of pain. If she’s on top,‌ dig your fingernails into her waist, leaving small marks; if she’s​ on ‌her back with one leg raised,⁢ run ‌your thumb’s nail along the sole of her ​foot; if she’s riding you reverse cowgirl in a chair,⁣ stroke your fingers along her trapezius then bite ⁤into the muscle. (Note: A slap should only be attempted mid-sex if you’re confident you can do it correctly;⁣ a misplaced swat can feel clumsy.)

**4. **Help her focus. The biggest obstacle to orgasm for many women is their inability to be fully present, especially⁤ if they’re watching the clock. Get ⁤her to count, hold a grape⁣ in her mouth without bursting it, or remain silent. Do whatever it takes⁢ to ensure ‍she’s fully engaged, both physically and mentally.
(Rebecca Newman)

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Informing Your Partner and Others About Your STI: A Guide by Lisa

Discovering that‌ you have ‍a sexually transmitted infection⁣ (STI) can ‌be a daunting experience. Not⁤ only do you have to deal with the physical symptoms, but you also have to navigate ⁢the tricky process of informing your past sexual partners. Here are some tips to⁢ help you⁤ handle this situation ​with grace and tact.

Get ⁤a Diagnosis

Before you start informing others, it’s crucial to get tested and confirm your suspicions.⁣ Vague statements ​about potential symptoms won’t cut it.‍ People tend to panic when they hear about ⁢STIs, so it’s essential to⁢ provide them with accurate information. Get tested, understand your diagnosis,​ and learn about the treatment options. ​This will help you reassure your‌ partners and‌ prevent unnecessary panic.

Choose the Right Communication Method

How ⁤you‌ communicate this news depends⁢ on the nature of your relationship with the person. For casual encounters, a text or WhatsApp message might​ suffice. For more serious relationships, a phone call or face-to-face meeting is more appropriate. However, avoid meeting ex-partners in ⁢person if ​the breakup was acrimonious. Ensure your communication is factual and helpful, not gloating or sarcastic.

Timing is Key

Choose the right time to break the news. Avoid doing it during an argument, when they’re distracted, or when either of you is under the influence‌ of alcohol. The best time is in the morning, allowing them to get tested the same day. Ensure they’re calm and prepared⁤ for the news. If you’re‍ worried about ‍their reaction, consider meeting in a public place or at the ⁢clinic where the staff can explain the‌ situation.

Don’t⁢ Play the Blame Game

It’s human nature to look for someone to⁣ blame when things go wrong. However, with STIs, it’s not always clear who transmitted the infection to ‍whom. If you’re the one who⁢ contracted the STI, ​be‍ honest ⁤about it. If your partner is the one⁤ who unknowingly⁢ transmitted ‌it to you, avoid blaming them ⁣unless they were unfaithful.

Stick to the Facts

If⁣ your relationship is casual and no boundaries were ⁤broken, there’s no need to delve into emotional discussions. Focus on the facts and the treatment plan. Avoid unnecessary drama that could distract from the ⁤main issue at hand.

Be Transparent

If there’s a high chance you’ve passed the STI to them, be honest ⁤about it. If you’ve been having‌ sex-with-married-men-appealing/” title=”Reasons Women Find Sex with Married Men Appealing”>unprotected sex with others,​ let ‍them know. Your partner has ‌a right to know the‍ risks they’ve ‍been exposed to. This information​ will also help them inform any ​other sexual partners they may have had.

Plan for the Future

Contracting an⁢ STI is a wake-up call to reassess your safe-sex practices. Many people neglect barrier protection if they’re using other forms of contraception or taking PrEP for HIV prevention. However, some STIs can have serious consequences⁤ if left⁣ untreated. Be honest​ about your needs and those of your partner, and consider whether your current safe-sex methods are adequate.

Further Reading:

How to​ Recover from a⁢ Break-Up

How to ⁢Determine If You’re Good in Bed

The⁢ Importance of Being Honest About Sex​ and Relationships with Your Child

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Steps to Remove a Hickey by Lisa

Effective Ways to Eliminate a Hickey (You’ll Thank Us Later)

Our editorial team at AskMen conducts comprehensive research and reviews on ‍the best ⁤gear, services, and essentials for‍ life. We may earn a commission if you purchase a product or service by clicking a link in this ‍article.

Chances are,‌ if you’re reading this article, you’re seeking a quick solution ‌to erase the conspicuous mark on your neck, unmistakably known as a hickey. Why the rush ⁣to hide it? While ‌a hickey might earn you⁣ some bragging rights among​ your peers, it’s often viewed as embarrassing and inappropriate by parents, teachers, and older individuals. It’s ‌a clear sign of⁤ recent intimate activity,⁣ which ⁤can make those who feel responsible for you uncomfortable, and possibly even a bit‍ upset.

However,⁢ hickeys are a common part of⁢ the ‍romantic and sexual landscape — even animals give them to each other. Referred to ⁣as “love bites” in the animal kingdom, this phenomenon was first studied by psychologist Havelock Ellis in the 1800s. In his research, Ellis found that male mammals would grip the necks of their female counterparts with their teeth before ‍mating.‍ He concluded that this was a display of​ male dominance over the female,⁢ similar to a dominant/submissive relationship. However, in humans, both men and women can give and receive hickeys.

If your parents or significant other’s ‍parents are not willing⁣ to overlook the mark on your neck, even after⁤ you’ve explained the science and history behind it, you’ll likely ⁣want to try and eliminate it as quickly and effectively as possible. Fortunately, there⁣ are numerous‍ methods and products available that can help conceal this love mark, regardless of its size. This article will explain how hickeys are​ formed, the most effective ways to get rid of them, and a few products that can help make them ⁢virtually unnoticeable.

Understanding Hickeys

While you know how you got the ⁣hickey, you might be wondering what’s ⁣happening beneath the skin.⁣ “A hickey is essentially a bruise,” explains plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan Neinstein. “Hickeys⁢ form as a result of external suction on the skin from kissing or light biting. This suction⁢ causes the capillaries​ (tiny blood vessels) near the ‌skin’s surface to ‍burst, causing blood to leak‍ out and collect in one area, forming a hickey.⁣ Areas ⁢with soft skin, like the front and sides of the neck and inside of your arms, have more capillaries closer to the surface.”

According ‍to physician and health and wellness⁤ expert Dr. Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, the size ​of these vessels ‍also contributes to the ‍prominence of ⁢hickeys. “A hickey is essentially a⁢ bruise that appears when some of the very small ​superficial ‍vessels just beneath the skin become damaged and rupture as⁢ a result of sucking on the⁢ skin.”

As for how long they last, licensed psychologist Dr.⁣ Rachel Needle says​ it depends on several‍ factors. “A hickey ‍can ‍last anywhere between five days to four weeks depending on its size, depth, location ‍on the body, and the individual’s age,” she explains. “Certain medical conditions and medications can slow down the healing process. For example, an iron deficiency can affect healing time. Also, if‌ the individual takes a lot of blood thinners like‍ aspirin or‌ fish oil or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, they may get a worse response. Therefore, those ⁢should be stopped.”

Dr. Needle ⁢also mentions that the location of the hickey plays ⁣a significant role in ⁣its longevity. “The more vascular the area, ​the longer it will last,” she explains. “In an area that is⁣ not vascular and very thick, such as with a lot of adipose tissue, it probably wouldn’t be as bad or remain ⁢as ‍long as ​an area that was⁢ vascular and had very thin non-muscular, non-fat containing tissue, like the neck.”

Real Men’s Experiences: “During my senior year, my class had a camp out at the beach on Lake Michigan, and things got a little wild,” says Mark, 21. “This was‍ also the day before my high school senior pictures, ⁤and a huge hickey was there right⁣ on​ my neck the next morning. I had ​to figure it out fast, ​so I used the hickey ‌comb method, where you​ comb out the ​hickey⁢ to⁢ make it look like something ‍other than a hickey — mine probably ended up looking more like a cougar scratch⁣ (I was camping out, ⁢after all). Then I⁢ went looking in‌ the ‍bathroom for something else that would help, and I saw my mom’s concealer. It matched​ my skin color​ so I used that to cover it‍ up ⁣even more. It worked like a charm.”

Effective Methods to Eliminate a​ Hickey

Depending on when you notice the hickey and how quickly you act, you have several natural treatment⁣ options. ‌Here are a few tried-and-true methods for erasing those embarrassing love bites‌ — or at least reducing their appearance.

Apply Ice

“The ​first remedy for​ healing hickeys more quickly is to use a simple cooling method,” says Dr. Neinstein. “Use an ice pack or wrap several ice cubes in a towel and press it on the affected area for⁣ 7-10‌ minutes ​as⁣ soon as possible. Alternatively, you can also chill a metal spoon in the​ freezer and apply it to the affected area. This will​ eliminate any swelling associated with the affected area.”

“Applying ice will constrict the smaller blood vessels and hopefully help with the capillaries at‍ the surface,” ​Dr. Needle adds. “Ice ⁤should be applied with ‌some pressure and as soon after‌ getting the hickey ⁣as you can.”

Use Peppermint Toothpaste

If you’re using the toothpaste method, it’s important to ensure that peppermint is listed as an ingredient for it to be effective. “By spreading a thin⁣ layer of peppermint-based toothpaste on the hickey, the peppermint acts as a calming effect on the skin and any inflammation,” explains Dr. Neinstein. “You may feel the area tingle at first. Leave the toothpaste on until the tingling subsides. Then, gently wipe ‌the area with a warm washcloth.”

Brush It Out

One of the oldest and most frequently recommended methods of getting rid of⁣ a hickey is to brush or comb it out. While there’s some debate over whether this makes things worse, the idea is that breaking up the blood clots might make the affected area‌ look less visible. “Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently stimulate the blood flow in that area to promote healing,” Dr. Neinstein‍ explains.

Real Men’s Experiences: “I learned how to remove hickeys long ⁢ago, when I was in the Army — where hickeys were a punishable​ offense,” says Mitchell, 31. “If you haven’t⁢ done this you may think I’m crazy, but I promise ‌it ‍works (having had to do it myself on more than one occasion). Wet the area of ⁣the hickey, and take a comb and place it so that the‌ edges of the teeth are on the hickey (so the comb is sticking straight out, perpendicular ​to the hickey). Rub the comb up and down over the hickey (keeping it wet, so you will need ‍to keep applying ⁣water). Eventually the area will get really red from the rubbing (it doesn’t feel great, but it’s tolerable). The area is going to get really red, and when you can ⁢no longer distinguish between the hickey and the rest of the red ⁤area, you can stop,⁤ and when the redness goes⁤ away (fairly ‌shortly) the hickey will​ have magically disappeared. I’m sure ⁢the reason⁣ this⁤ works is that it breaks up the blood (which is what the‌ hickey is) so that it can be reabsorbed and cleared away by your body.”

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Top Condoms for a Worry-Free and Pleasurable Sexual Experience by Lisa

We’re ⁣not here to preach about the importance of ​using protection, ⁣as⁤ you might have heard in your sex education classes. However, we do hope you’re considering it if you’re planning to get ⁢intimate soon. The top-rated condoms can significantly contribute to maintaining your sexual ‌health and happiness, especially when used with a good quality lubricant. ⁣They⁣ also help prevent unwanted outcomes, such as sexually transmitted infections⁣ (STIs) ⁣or unplanned pregnancies.

While standard condoms from your local store can suffice in most situations, we strongly advise against using an old pack that’s been sitting in your wallet for ⁣ages. Investing in ⁤high-quality ⁣condom​ brands can provide superior protection and offer unique experiences with features like extra ‍lubrication, ribbed textures, and even flavoured options for oral sex.

There’s a‌ wide range of condom brands available, all designed to enhance your sexual‌ experience without compromising safety. ⁢Most are‍ made from natural latex or polyurethane, providing the ⁢familiar⁤ feel of regular condoms while also enhancing the overall experience.

To help you‍ make an informed choice, we’ve compiled a list of different types‌ of condoms, tips ⁣on‌ how to use ​them, advice on ‍choosing the right size, and our selection⁤ of the⁣ best condoms available in 2024.⁣ We’ve also consulted experts to ​ensure‍ you find the⁢ perfect fit for your needs. So, ‌all ⁣you need to do is purchase one, apply it at the appropriate ⁤time, and enjoy!

Top-rated Condoms in 2024

Best Luxury Condoms: Lelo ⁤Hex

Lelo is⁤ renowned for its‌ impressive range of high-quality​ sex toys. However, our top pick from their ⁢collection is the Hex condoms. ​These‌ condoms feature a unique honeycomb texture and ​ultra-thin design, ​ensuring a pleasurable experience for both partners.

Best Ribbed Condom: Pasante⁤ Ribbed And Dotted Latex Condoms

As the name suggests, these condoms are covered in​ ribs and dots across the entire ⁣sheath, providing ⁤extra pleasure for both partners. They are reasonably priced, making them a top​ pick.

Best Condom For⁤ Feeling: Mates SKYN Non Latex Condoms

Mate’s Skyn condoms are designed to be some of the thinnest on the market, offering ​an ultra-natural feel that ⁢enhances your connection with your⁤ partner without interrupting the moment.

What is a condom?

If you’re new to using condoms, it’s essential to understand what ⁢they are and how they work before ‍you start shopping. “External condoms are ‍a ‘barrier’ form

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