Health and Wellness

Misconceptions Men Have About Sex by Lisa

Imagine sitting down with a renowned relationship therapist for an interview. You’ve‍ prepared a list of intelligent questions, but as you start ⁢asking them, they seem less insightful than you initially thought. The‍ therapist⁢ does her best to respond,‌ but it’s clear‌ she’s not​ engaged. She can tell your questions⁣ are a diversion from more personal, deeper inquiries. The interview isn’t going well.

In a desperate attempt to salvage the conversation, you start sharing your own insecurities about sex and dating. ⁢You stumble upon the questions that have been ⁢truly bothering you. Suddenly, the therapist becomes animated. She begins to⁣ dissect your⁣ concerns. In a span of ⁣about ninety minutes, she ‌breaks down the fragile⁤ structure​ of male sexuality in America.

This was my experience ​when I met⁤ with Esther Perel, a⁤ Belgian-American psychotherapist and author of ‘Mating in Captivity’ and ‘The State of Affairs’. Over a cup of tea and coffee at the Soho Grand, Perel gave me a ‌personal masterclass on everything men (and‌ women) misunderstand about sex. In this article, ⁣she discusses why the practical American approach doesn’t translate well to sex and romance, how Tinder is used to avoid rejection, and the role of alcohol in hookup culture.

Perel’s quote, ‘Tinder is a rejection prevention app for dudes’, encapsulates her perspective on the modern dating scene.

GQ: There’s a common belief that ​Europeans have a higher level of sexual intelligence. Why is that? Did all ⁣the ​prudes move to the U.S.?

Esther ⁤Perel: It’s not just about Europe. It’s also about Protestant⁤ versus Catholic and Anglo-Saxon versus Latin cultures. But⁤ there’s something about sexuality⁢ in the U.S. It’s⁤ seen as an activity rather than an experience. It’s goal-oriented, with a clear end in sight. This is​ similar to how Americans ⁣approach flirting. They’re focused on scoring. If they’re not going to achieve the desired result, they see no point in it. They ⁣apply their pragmatic mindset to the erotic and the mystic.

So, it’s a ⁢misplaced approach?

Yes, this model works well for the economy and the market, but not for​ intimate relationships. That’s ⁣why sex is often removed from its narrative context. It’s seen as just an act. The​ question is, “How was it? Did you both climax?”

How can we reintroduce the narrative?

We need to ⁣start a new education program, beginning with four-year-olds. That’s when children are⁣ naturally curious, asking questions like, “Where do I come from, and⁢ where do we⁤ go when we die?” That’s the time ⁣to start talking about the story of sex. It’s about the conception of ⁢self, understanding who they ⁢like, who they don’t like,‌ and why.

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Informing Your Partner and Others About Your STI: A Guide by Lisa

Discovering that you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) can be a daunting experience. Not only do you ⁤have to deal with the physical symptoms, but you also have to navigate the tricky process of informing your past sexual partners. Here are some tips to help you handle this situation with grace and tact.

Get a Diagnosis

Before you​ start informing others, it’s crucial to get tested and confirm your suspicions. A vague⁢ statement about an itch won’t suffice. The stigma around STIs may ⁤be slowly fading, but it can still cause panic. Therefore, it’s essential to have all the facts at your disposal when you break the ⁣news. Get tested, obtain a precise diagnosis, and have a treatment plan ready to​ reassure‍ your partners about the situation.

Choose the ‌Right Communication Method

How⁣ you communicate this ‍news depends on ‌the‍ nature​ of your relationship with the person. For casual encounters, a text or WhatsApp message may suffice.⁢ For more serious ​relationships, a ​phone call or face-to-face‍ meeting may be more appropriate. However, avoid meeting ex-partners in ​person if the breakup⁢ was acrimonious. Ensure your communication is factual, helpful, and devoid of any ⁣gloating or bitterness.

Timing is Key

Choose the right time to break the news. Avoid doing it during an argument, when they’re distracted, or when either of you is ⁣under the ⁣influence of alcohol. The best‍ time is in the morning, allowing ⁤them to get tested the same day. Ensure they’re calm and prepared for the news. If you’re worried about their reaction, consider meeting in‌ a public⁣ place or at the‌ clinic⁢ where the staff can explain the situation.

Take Responsibility

It’s human nature to want to shift blame when things go wrong.​ However, ‌with something as sensitive as an STI, it’s important to take responsibility. If you contracted the STI from them, consider whether it’s helpful to blame them. If they didn’t know they had it, they’re likely already feeling guilty. Be the bigger person ⁤and⁣ chalk it ‌up⁢ to bad luck.

Be ​Straightforward and Honest

Stick to the facts and focus on the treatment plan. If there’s a high chance you’ve passed it ⁤on to them, be honest. If you’ve been having unprotected sex with others, let them know so they can reassess their protection needs. Remember, they may also need to ⁢inform ‌others, so the more precise you can be, the better.

Plan for the Future

Having an STI is not the end of⁢ the world, but it should serve as a wake-up call. Reevaluate your safe-sex methods and be honest about your needs and those of your partner. Remember, prevention is always better⁢ than cure.

Further Reading:

How to Recover from a Break-Up

How to Determine if You’re Good in Bed

The Importance of Honesty‌ about Sex and Relationships with Your Child

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Top Condoms for a Worry-Free and Pleasurable Sexual Experience by Lisa

We’re ⁣not here to preach about the importance of ​using protection, ⁣as⁤ you might have heard in your sex education classes. However, we do hope you’re considering it if you’re planning to get ⁢intimate soon. The top-rated condoms can significantly contribute to maintaining your sexual ‌health and happiness, especially when used with a good quality lubricant. ⁣They⁣ also help prevent unwanted outcomes, such as sexually transmitted infections⁣ (STIs) ⁣or unplanned pregnancies.

While standard condoms from your local store can suffice in most situations, we strongly advise against using an old pack that’s been sitting in your wallet for ⁣ages. Investing in ⁤high-quality ⁣condom​ brands can provide superior protection and offer unique experiences with features like extra ‍lubrication, ribbed textures, and even flavoured options for oral sex.

There’s a‌ wide range of condom brands available, all designed to enhance your sexual‌ experience without compromising safety. ⁢Most are‍ made from natural latex or polyurethane, providing the ⁢familiar⁤ feel of regular condoms while also enhancing the overall experience.

To help you‍ make an informed choice, we’ve compiled a list of different types‌ of condoms, tips ⁣on‌ how to use ​them, advice on ‍choosing the right size, and our selection⁤ of the⁣ best condoms available in 2024.⁣ We’ve also consulted experts to ​ensure‍ you find the⁢ perfect fit for your needs. So, ‌all ⁣you need to do is purchase one, apply it at the appropriate ⁤time, and enjoy!

Top-rated Condoms in 2024

Best Luxury Condoms: Lelo ⁤Hex

Lelo is⁤ renowned for its‌ impressive range of high-quality​ sex toys. However, our top pick from their ⁢collection is the Hex condoms. ​These‌ condoms feature a unique honeycomb texture and ​ultra-thin design, ​ensuring a pleasurable experience for both partners.

Best Ribbed Condom: Pasante⁤ Ribbed And Dotted Latex Condoms

As the name suggests, these condoms are covered in​ ribs and dots across the entire ⁣sheath, providing ⁤extra pleasure for both partners. They are reasonably priced, making them a top​ pick.

Best Condom For⁤ Feeling: Mates SKYN Non Latex Condoms

Mate’s Skyn condoms are designed to be some of the thinnest on the market, offering ​an ultra-natural feel that ⁢enhances your connection with your⁤ partner without interrupting the moment.

What is a condom?

If you’re new to using condoms, it’s essential to understand what ⁢they are and how they work before ‍you start shopping. “External condoms are ‍a ‘barrier’ form

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