
Guide to Enjoying Summer as a Single Person by Lisa

Summer is here, and with it comes the familiar scent of barbecues, the inevitable tan lines, and the sight of your own knees more often than you’d like. It’s ‍the season of weddings and holidays, and while it may seem daunting for ​those who are single, it’s actually the‍ perfect⁤ time to enjoy⁢ your freedom. Here’s ⁣how to‌ navigate the summer months while ⁢maintaining your sanity and dignity.

Embrace Fitness and Show Off Your‍ Physique

Welcome to summer, the only season where it’s socially acceptable to ⁤walk around shirtless. July and August are your‍ golden tickets to flaunt your physique. So, hit the gym, get familiar with protein balls ⁤and salads, ​and forget about carbs. Be ready to go shirtless at⁣ a moment’s notice.

Enjoy Outdoor ⁢Activities with Friends

Being single means ‍more time for simple, fun activities that often get ‍sidelined‍ when you’re in a relationship. It’s like reliving your youth, minus the awkward fashion choices. Celebrate your freedom by⁣ playing football or frisbee in the park‌ with your friends. And remember, being ⁣shirtless can be a great conversation starter.

Have Fun at Barbecues

Barbecues can be a mixed ⁤bag, but as ‌a single guy, you have⁢ the freedom to enjoy them on your own terms. Show up, have fun, flirt ⁣a little, and leave before the toddlers can spill their drinks on you.

Transform ⁣Your Garden and Enjoy a⁣ Cold Beer

Embrace the therapeutic benefits of gardening. ⁣Create‍ a beautiful space, invest in stylish garden furniture, and spend your summer enjoying nature ⁢with⁤ a cold beer in ‍hand.

Embark on an Unforgettable Holiday

Take advantage⁤ of your freedom and go on a holiday that’s all about you. Whether ‍it’s an adrenaline-fueled adventure, a geeky convention, or a hedonistic retreat, make it a trip to remember.

Discover Yourself

Use your newfound free time to embark⁤ on a journey of self-discovery. Whether it’s attending a retreat, writing your autobiography, or simply spending time alone, embrace the opportunity to get to⁢ know yourself better.

Revamp‍ Your Wardrobe

Being single means you’re free to experiment ⁤with your style. Summer is‍ the perfect time to ⁢discover your inner fashionista.⁢ Who says you can’t ​pull off wide-leg trousers? The answer is no one.

Experience ⁣Summer Dating

Being single doesn’t mean you can’t date. Summer dating can be a wild ride, with plenty ‌of unique events and opportunities to ⁢meet new people. And remember, sunglasses are your best friend ⁢– they allow you to discreetly check‌ out others without your date suspecting a thing.

Be the‍ Coveted Single Guy at Weddings

Weddings⁣ can be a goldmine‍ for single guys. Arrive looking sharp and ready to dance, and you’ll soon be the center of attention. Take advantage​ of the opportunity to meet other singles and have a great​ time.

Enjoy Regular​ Nights Out with Friends

This​ one is self-explanatory. Enjoy your freedom and have‍ fun with your friends as often⁣ as you like.

Explore Casual Relationships

Summer ‌is a time when people are more open to‌ casual relationships. As long as everyone is ‌on the same page and practices safe sex, there’s no harm in having a ⁣bit of fun. ​Just remember to be respectful and considerate of others’ feelings.

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Experts’ Advice on How to Successfully Meet People in Real Life for Dating by Lisa

There are times ‍when I ponder ‍about the dating scene in the pre-digital era. People had to physically meet someone, perhaps at a club or on the street, and then exchange phone numbers on a piece of paper,⁣ assuming‌ someone had a pen handy. ‍Then, they would wait for a call on their landline phone. Without the convenience ⁣of dating apps or the ability to slide into someone’s DMs, dating was a completely ​in-person⁤ experience, with ⁢a few phone ⁤calls or emails in between. It’s quite a lot to contemplate.

However, ‌it’s worth noting that many people have grown weary of dating apps in recent years, opting for a more traditional approach. This is understandable considering the endless swiping, the difficulty ​in ⁢gauging⁤ a person’s personality from a few photos ⁤and some scripted words on a screen, and the fact that chemistry is a physical⁤ phenomenon. It seems that dating⁤ apps were never going to be the ultimate solution we once thought they would be. Hence, the resurgence of meeting people in person and dating ⁣them.

That being said, not ⁣everyone finds it easy to meet people or flirt offline. This is particularly true ​for those under​ 25 who can’t recall a time before Instagram reactions. With this in‌ mind, here’s a useful guide to meeting people ‍in real life without the use of dating apps or DM slides.

Choose the Right Locations

If ​you’re‍ looking to meet new people, it’s not enough to frequent the same three places (your home,⁣ the ‍local Aldi supermarket, and your friend’s house). You need to ‍explore new locations,‍ particularly ‌those that ​encourage‍ conversation. You’re unlikely to meet someone at the⁢ cinema or a dental clinic, although ⁢stranger things have happened.

Dating educator and author Lalala⁣ Letmeexplain recommends‍ attending actual singles events. She also suggests⁤ joining local groups based on your interests. However, she ⁤advises joining these groups for the enjoyment of‍ the⁢ hobby itself,⁢ with meeting someone as a bonus.

Otherwise, just stay open to possibilities. As Lalala Letmeexplain puts it, “It’s⁤ possible to have meet⁢ cutes all over the place if you’re open to it.” If you’re open to random encounters, make eye contact with ⁣people you find attractive, be friendly‌ and approachable, and initiate non-creepy conversations when appropriate.

Embrace Flirting

Flirting comes ‌naturally to some people, while ⁣others find it challenging. However, flirting​ can be enjoyable, so don’t hesitate to show your interest through⁤ your body language. Just ensure it happens naturally and you’re not trying too hard. As Lalala Letmeexplain advises, “Just‍ try to make eye contact⁣ and smile. Most things you⁣ say will sound a bit⁢ flirtatious if you say them with a smile.”

Leverage Your Friends (Positively)

Before the advent of dating apps and social media, ⁤many people met “through ⁢friends.” Your parents and your Gen X neighbors probably met this way. This doesn’t mean‍ you⁣ should try to date within your⁣ friend group, but it does mean that you ⁢shouldn’t ignore social invitations. You never know, ‌there might be attractive people at these‍ gatherings, which might be the only good ⁤reason to ever leave the ​house.

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10 Practices That Could Be Damaging Your Libido by Lisa

Libido levels can fluctuate, and there may be periods ‌when you experience a decrease in sexual desire. This can lead to ⁣feelings of confusion, distress, or even embarrassment.‌ However, it’s important to remember ‍that​ sexual desire varies from​ person to person and can⁢ change at different stages of our lives.

According to Jacqueline Hurst, author of How To Do You: The Life-Changing ‌Art of Mastering Your Thoughts and⁢ Taking Control of Your Life, societal expectations can ⁤often pressure men into believing they should always ⁤desire sex. However, a decrease in sex drive can be quite common and ​can lead to a cycle ⁣of physical and⁤ emotional side effects.

Hurst reassures that it’s normal⁤ for‍ both men and ⁤women​ to lose interest in sex occasionally. However, a prolonged period of‌ low libido could be a cause for concern. While it could indicate an underlying health⁤ issue,⁣ it’s often due to psychological factors or ingrained ​habits. Here are ten habits that could be impacting your libido.

Excessive Workload

Continuous work stress, such as back-to-back Zoom meetings or overlapping deadlines, can negatively impact your ‌libido. Hurst confirms that stress is a ⁤major libido killer and suggests finding ways to manage it. This could⁢ involve speaking to a therapist, exercising, spending time in nature, or ‍discussing ⁣your stressors ⁢with a friend.

Use of Certain Medications

Some prescription medications, including antidepressants and antihistamines, can lead to ​a decrease in sex drive. If you’re experiencing this ‍side ‍effect, Hurst advises discussing⁣ it with your doctor who ⁤can suggest alternative medications or provide other advice.

Conflict with Your‌ Partner

Arguments, poor communication, or a lack of intimacy with your partner can also lower your sexual desire. If you’re experiencing these issues, Hurst suggests open communication with your partner or ​seeking ‌therapy if necessary.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

While alcohol can lower inhibitions, it can ⁤also decrease sexual performance and libido. Recreational drugs can have a similar‍ effect and can contribute to depression and anxiety, which‌ can further reduce your libido. Poor sleep quality after drinking can also impact your sexual desire. Hurst ​suggests prioritizing⁤ self-care to manage these effects.

Low Self-Esteem

Fluctuations in self-esteem can also impact your sex drive. Sex and‍ relationship therapist Miranda Christophers explains that low self-esteem can affect how desirable you feel to others and your perception of your sexual ability. This‌ can lead to the suppression or avoidance of sexual feelings and‌ can further impact sexual function and confidence.

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Expectations of Sugar Babies from Their Sugar Daddies by Lisa

While pursuing her university⁢ degree, Alicia*, a⁢ 22-year-old from Texas, found herself in a financial crunch and overburdened with ⁤work. As⁢ a full-time student with an internship and a part-time job, she had little to no free time. In ⁤a bid to alleviate her ⁤financial stress, Alicia and her friends explored various apps and ⁤websites to earn some quick cash. After encountering a few scams and a brief period of trial and⁢ error, Alicia discovered a legitimate solution to her predicament.

Sugar‌ babies, typically young ⁤women who spend time with older ​men in exchange for money or gifts, often face harsh criticism. They are frequently stigmatized as desperate, promiscuous, and even damaged.‌ Negative‍ comments about ‍them are rampant ⁣on social media platforms like Twitter. However, contrary to popular belief, not all sugar baby/sugar daddy relationships involve sex work. In fact, many of these relationships are more common⁢ than one might think, and often involve healthy, mutually beneficial ⁣partnerships. Many sugar babies⁤ are content with their arrangements and ‌harbor little to ⁢no regrets.

Contrary to ‍popular belief, ⁤many sugar baby/sugar daddy relationships ‌are​ healthy, mutually​ beneficial partnerships that the sugar babies are content with.

Students constitute a‍ significant portion of sugar babies in the UK. Half‍ a million​ students alone are registered on the popular sugar baby website, SeekingArrangement. ‌Stephanie*, a 24-year-old ⁢law ⁣student, met her‍ first sugar daddy while working in retail in San Francisco during her undergraduate degree. She shares that her future sugar daddy ⁢began flirting with her‌ while shopping for gifts for his wife. Eventually, he⁢ gave her those gifts, and they started‌ dating.

Stephanie⁣ had two sugar daddies, ‌one of which she​ describes as​ a “gift-based” relationship and the other as “more cash-based”. She shares that her ⁢second sugar daddy ⁣gave her an envelope with $250 after their first date, which ⁢increased to $500 once they became intimate. Stephanie admits to⁣ having sex with both her sugar daddies, although the relationships initially did not involve​ any ⁢sexual activities.

Leah* also turned to “sugaring” to support herself as an undergraduate student in New York. She had relationships with five sugar daddies between the ages of 21​ and 23. Leah views being a sugar⁤ baby as a long-term, monogamous relationship rather than a ‍sex worker-client relationship. She believes that a client seeking a ‘sugar baby’​ experience is not ⁣interested in sharing and is willing to pay a premium for exclusivity.

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Sex Education: A Man’s Journey of Learning About Sex Through Pornography with Friends by Lisa

In the series “Sex‌ Lives”, GQ engages in candid conversations with individuals about ‌their sexual journey and the​ evolution of their sexuality. This ​week, we hear from John, a heterosexual man from New Jersey.

John’s first encounter with pornography was during ⁤his fifth-grade at a friend’s house. His friend’s⁢ older brother, who was two years their senior, introduced them⁤ to‌ porn. John’s initial reaction was amusement, but he also felt a sense of curiosity. ​A ‌few years later, ​he⁢ started watching porn on his own. He recalls an incident during his middle school orientation when he ⁣saw a girl and felt a‍ desire to do more than‌ just hold her hand or kiss her.

John lost his virginity​ at the age‍ of 21 during his college years. It was a drunken⁤ one-night stand that ⁣happened during the first ​weeks of school. He was living ‌in a co-ed dormitory next to some‍ girls. One of his friends had expressed interest in one of these girls, but ⁤John didn’t think much of it. However,⁣ one night, he ended up in their ⁣room, they started talking, and before he knew‍ it, he ⁣was losing ⁤his virginity.‍ His friends, ⁣aware of his situation, were quite proud of him.

Before losing his virginity, John had paid for a ‘happy endingmassage. It was during his freshman year of college, during spring break. He was waiting for​ his fantasy baseball ⁣draft and feeling bored and aroused. ⁤He looked up ‘happy⁣ ending massages’ online and found​ a place at a mall near his parents’ house. He paid $100-$120 for an hour ⁢with a woman in her 30s or 40s.‌ They both got ⁣naked, and‌ she started rubbing her body over his. After a few minutes, he ejaculated, and⁢ she informed him that he ⁣was only allowed to do‌ so once. Despite paying for an hour, he left after just seven minutes.

Years later, John experienced‍ a nuru massage in Montreal⁢ during a friend’s bachelor⁤ party. This involved ‌a naked woman rubbing herself ‍all over ⁣him for an hour, ending with a ​’happy ending’. He and⁤ three other friends went for this massage. They were ‌allowed to⁣ choose the woman who would massage ‍them. John chose a woman who resembled Jamie Lynn Sigler. At that time, he was in a long-term relationship, as were two of his friends. They justified their actions by saying it wasn’t⁤ harmful since they weren’t sleeping with these women; it was just a massage.

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Is it sexist if men experience The Ick? by Lisa

Recalling the incident still makes Liam cringe. He was at ⁢his local pub with a woman he had been dating for a⁣ few months. Their relationship had progressed quickly, spurred ‍on by the‌ lockdown. They had vacationed together ⁢and met each other’s friends. ‌Then, ‌one⁢ afternoon, she showed him her Instagram account and her recent shift to video content, where ​she​ talked about her 30-day fitness challenge ⁤to her followers.

“The silence was deafening,” says Liam, who is now 34. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t hide his genuine reaction. “She was a ⁢wonderful person, fun ‍to be around –‌ but I found this to be ​a turn-off,” he admits. “I’m not ⁣really from the generation that talks into the camera. It made me feel uncomfortable.” His date‌ could⁤ tell ⁢from ⁢his⁣ expression, ⁢Liam says. “She was ‍utterly embarrassed, my reaction was clearly⁣ one⁣ of shock.”

His date attempted to downplay her Instagram ambitions, but⁤ the damage‌ was done. A few weeks later, Liam ended the relationship: he had experienced‍ his first-ever ick.

You might have experienced it too: that sudden, seemingly trivial​ turn-off that can spell the end for a budding romance or even ​a relationship.⁢ The term “the ick” (as in “I got the…” or ⁤”it gave me an…”) was popularised by Love ⁤Island last year and has since become a common term‌ for an unexpected loss of attraction.

For Ben, ⁤it‌ was discovering that a girl he⁢ was dating kept a can of Coke ‌by⁢ her ⁤bed and sipped from it every⁣ few hours. Tim ended things with a woman after she referred to her father as “daddy”⁢ in​ conversation – and⁣ with another⁣ when she ‍introduced him to her pet hamster during his first visit to⁢ her house. “The ​hamster ​was ⁢adorable,” he says. ​”But I knew ‌that was the end.” For Xavier, it was finding out ​over dinner that his date ‌didn’t know how to use chopsticks. The restaurant was upscale enough⁢ to make the request ‌awkward, he remembers, “I never felt the same ​after that.”

The⁢ ick​ can be superficial or profound; it‌ can occur suddenly, or ‌gradually. In the ​recent second season of ⁢the BBC series Industry, Harper ⁤experiences‌ it not even mid-hookup but “somewhere between the cab and the front door”. Regardless, ⁤it ⁢is believed to be almost impossible to ‍recover from. According to a recent survey by dating app Badoo,‌ 82 per cent of users said‌ they ‌had experienced the ick‌ and 78 per ‍cent had ended a relationship because of⁣ it. However, while we⁣ might discuss the ick as a consistent and widely shared phenomenon, the concept‍ is vague – and‌ highly personal. Clinical psychotherapist Jordan Dixon says it reflects our ​own “erotic blueprint”. “We all have a diverse range of things that turn us ⁣on ⁢– the ​same⁤ applies to what turns us off,⁢ and our icks.” She adds: “Disgust doesn’t usually come out of nowhere.”

For both ‌men and women, the‌ ick can be a reliable indicator of a lack of connection or‌ even incompatibility. Today, Liam ​recognises his strong reaction as​ a sign of a‍ deeper disconnect that would have inevitably surfaced over time. “In‍ retrospect, ⁢I just wasn’t connecting with her in the way I would with a partner,” he says. “As we​ spent more time together,​ that connection⁤ wasn’t growing, and then ‌I didn’t really want it‍ to. That’s when ⁣the ick set ⁣in. It⁤ was​ just a stark moment among other subtler moments of‍ me thinking: ‍’This isn’t quite right’.” ‍At the time, Liam admits, he was ⁢so disturbed by the⁤ sudden change in his feelings, he turned to Google to⁣ try to understand it. “It ⁤was so strange to‌ me: I’d stopped being attracted to someone.”

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Steps to Launch, Persist, and Distinguish Yourself on OnlyFans by Lisa

As the saying goes, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. This is a valuable piece of advice to keep ⁣in mind ⁤when considering a trip to the casino or⁤ investing ⁤in a dubious ⁣get-rich-quick scheme. However, the concept of a side hustle is something that many people are embracing. All you need is an internet connection and a⁢ device,‌ and ⁣you ⁢have access to a vast potential audience. Where there are people, there’s money to be made. Perhaps you’ll launch a ⁣Substack and⁣ compete for readers’ small contributions to⁢ keep ⁣your operation running. ⁢Or maybe you’ll become an influencer, constantly in the spotlight of a‍ ring light. Or you could leverage your unique talents on platforms like ⁣OnlyFans.

OnlyFans is a platform that allows subscribers to pay for access to exclusive content. This could be behind-the-scenes footage from a celebrity’s‍ show or photoshoot, or personal video diaries. It’s a way to get⁣ closer to the action and build a more intimate relationship than what’s possible on platforms like Twitter, where opinions are shared freely. It can be a⁢ lucrative venture – the top earner on OnlyFans in 2021 was Blac Chyna, ⁣who made⁤ $20 million a⁢ month. However, OnlyFans has also become a platform for personalized adult content. The paywall and direct interaction with subscribers have democratized​ pornography to some‌ extent. It ⁣seems ⁤like anyone can⁤ give it a try.

However,⁣ that⁢ doesn’t mean it’s easy​ or that everyone can succeed at it. Entering the adult industry requires serious consideration, ⁣and it’s not​ a ⁤way ​to make quick⁤ money. But if you’re‌ serious about trying it, it’s worth getting advice from those who‌ have been successful.

What should you consider before starting an OnlyFans?

If you’re thinking ⁢about using OnlyFans for adult content and this is your first foray into the sex industry, ⁣it’s ⁢important to take some time to decide if it’s the right move for you. As OnlyFans creator Destiny Diaz, 30, advises, “It can sound glamorous and easy, but being ⁤a ⁣part⁣ of⁣ the adult industry can negatively affect your personal relationships. No matter how careful you are about keeping your ‌personal life and sex work life ‍separate, there’s always the possibility that someone you⁤ know may find out.” It’s not easy being a sex worker, so it’s crucial⁣ to consider all aspects of the industry before diving⁣ in.

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Prevent Drama Similar to Coleen Rooney’s When Ending Friendships by Lisa

Friendship fallouts can often be ​more complex‍ than a typical romantic split. High-profile disputes, such as the social media feud between Coleen Rooney and Rebekah‌ Vardy, can involve airing private conversations in public. For the average person, disagreements may arise over financial ⁢matters, disappointments during crucial moments, ⁢or conflicts over romantic interests. Often, it’s a mix of factors that lead⁣ to the breaking point. It could be a lack of commitment, inconsistent communication, or a decision ‍to replace you with someone else. The question then arises: should you confront‌ the issue or ‌simply ignore them?

Friendships ebb and flow, and not all are meant to last forever. ⁢A friendship with an expiration date is just as meaningful as one that lasts a lifetime. Despite the constant connectivity offered by technology, it’s surprisingly easy to lose touch. Apologies for lack of communication or time elapsed since ⁤the last ⁤interaction often start conversations. Life changes ⁤such as relocation, parenthood, or personal growth‍ can⁢ alter friendships, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the end. Men, particularly‌ straight ones, are often expected to be poor at maintaining contact, allowing friendships to fade naturally without much notice. This method can prevent future awkward encounters and leaves room for reconnection. After all, if you never officially ended the friendship, is it really over?

However, there are instances where⁣ a major fallout, akin to the Wagatha Christie saga, requires more than just casual ghosting. If a serious conversation​ is needed, it’s important to remain calm, gentle, and truthful. Avoid bringing up ‌specific⁣ incidents and focus on your feelings ⁣and future expectations. Consider the future dynamics of your relationship once the friendship is over: can you still ‍interact in group ⁣settings?‌ Will you remain cordial? Or is it a complete ​severance? Be honest about what you can handle and⁢ try not to put mutual friends in an uncomfortable position. Respect their decision if they choose ​to continue their friendship with your former friend, unless they are truly a bad influence, in which case multiple conversations may be necessary.

There’s a common perception that ⁣male friendships are straightforward, based on shared interests rather than emotional bonds. This could ⁢be anything from social drinking, fitness, fashion, cars, running, or supporting the same sports team. However,‍ this might underestimate our emotional intelligence.‌ Friendships are distinct ​from ‍romantic relationships, but the loss of a friend can sometimes be more painful than a breakup. While it’s relatively easy to find a new romantic⁢ partner, unless you have particularly off-putting habits, filling the void left by a friend can be ⁢challenging. As we age, making ‌new‌ friends becomes harder, and the shared history with a lost friend ⁣never truly⁤ leaves ⁣us.

While you may ​not always express your emotions openly with‌ your friends, their absence makes you realize how much you relied on them for emotional support. Losing a friend can ⁢feel like a death without a ​funeral or a grave to ​visit. You might find yourself wondering about their life⁢ without you. ⁤Do they ever think of you? Do they still tell the same jokes? Have they shared the secret they once trusted only you with? Trying to recreate the unique chemistry of⁣ a lost friendship can be a futile effort, ⁤as it requires the same individuals to ⁣be present.

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Improving Allyship During Pride Month and Beyond: A Guide by Lisa

As ⁣we step into Pride‌ Month, the visibility of LGBTQ+ individuals is at an all-time high. From Jake Daniels, the first English footballer to publicly come out in three decades, to the popular gay drama‍ ‘It’s A Sin’ becoming Channel 4’s most-watched show in years, and trans actor ⁤Yasmin Finney landing a significant role in ‘Doctor Who’. While this increased‍ visibility is a⁢ positive step, ⁢it also makes the community more vulnerable. Some perceive this shift as a threat, leading to discussions about ‘trends’ or ‘domination’. ⁣This is the double-edged sword of⁣ visibility – ⁣it makes you an easier target.

Therefore, the need for allies ‌remains crucial. But what does allyship ‌look like in a world that, on the surface, appears accepting? Is ‍it as⁣ simple as showing up to Pride Month adorned with a flag? Unfortunately, it’s⁣ not that simple.

Engage with LGBTQ+ culture

Participate actively. Engage with the creative output of the LGBTQ+ community. This includes ‌books, shows, movies, music that you might think are “for LGBTQ+ people”. The goal isn’t just education, but also entertainment. Understand our lives, ‍why we deserve to be at the heart of these⁣ narratives, whether they’re romances, horrors, intense dramas or light-hearted comedies. We’re just people, living our lives, sometimes with a bit more flair. (And yes, we can be ⁣mundane too, and that’s perfectly okay.) Support queer businesses as well, from PR firms to jewellery makers to sandwich shops – show your support by patronising our businesses.


Make it a norm to ask someone’s​ pronouns and state your own, even if you think it’s “obvious”. It’s about showing respect, making others feel comfortable, and acknowledging their equality. If you make a mistake, acknowledge⁢ it, and move on. There’s no need for a lengthy apology on social media.

Speak out

Merely saying you’re “okay” with LGBTQ+⁢ people isn’t enough. You might not have any LGBTQ+ friends, and that’s okay. But it’s important to ‍care about bigotry and ‌oppression even if it doesn’t directly affect ‌someone‍ you know. Don’t wait until you have a gay child or ​a trans friend who isn’t out yet to start caring. Start now. Challenge offensive jokes, explain why⁢ they’re wrong. Don’t shy away from confrontations – they’re often necessary for change. ‍Remember, you’re the majority, and change must come from you. We can provide the tools, but only you can use them. Being respectful shouldn’t only be when there’s an LGBTQ+ person⁣ in the room. Make⁣ it your default.

Strive to understand​ us better

Living in⁤ ignorance is a luxury – many long for the days‌ when they were oblivious to life’s harsh realities and had no responsibilities. But we all have to grow up. Most likely, an LGBTQ+ person had to grow​ up ⁣faster than you did. We’re open ‌to answering questions, but we can’t do all the work. ‌Doing your own research eases⁢ the burden on us. Familiarise yourself with the terms ​we use and respect them, instead of resorting to dismissive cliches. Remember, the LGBTQ+ community is diverse, and not everyone will have​ the same views. Some may even ⁣be unpleasant, but that doesn’t mean you should revoke your allyship. There’s no historical evidence of LGBTQ+ people posing a significant, consistent threat to straight, cisgender people (unless ⁢you consider having a better fashion sense and playing Madonna too ⁤loudly at your ‌barbecues a threat).

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Pre-date vibe checks are becoming popular among internet daters by Lisa

When Emily‍ suggested to​ a potential match on Bumble that their initial meeting should not exceed an hour, she was met with scepticism. Emily’s​ intention was to conduct a quick ‘vibe check’ before fully committing to the date. ⁣While some were hesitant about this approach, ‍others were ⁤open to⁣ the idea, like ⁢the man she went on ⁤a 7km run ‍with around Victoria⁢ Park. In today’s economic climate, it’s prudent to gauge the ‍situation⁢ before investing time and resources into an uncertain ⁣prospect.

The concept of‍ a ⁣pre-date vibe check has been gaining ⁣traction over the past few years. It’s ⁤a practical way to avoid⁤ the cycle of costly, time-consuming, and disheartening first dates that ‍consume your evenings. Kristina, a ten-year ⁣veteran of⁢ dating apps, finds this approach baffling to those unfamiliar with the online dating ‍scene. Her strategy⁣ involves suggesting a drink or two, with ‍another social engagement lined up immediately afterward as an exit strategy. This saves time, money, and the​ emotional toll ‌of‍ constant dating.

Being half-Norwegian, Kristina believes her straightforwardness may contrast with the British politeness ​she’s encountered, where leaving after‍ two ⁢rounds‍ might be seen as impolite.‍ The financial implications of⁣ a vibe check versus a full‌ evening of dining are​ significant, especially ‌with the rising ‌cost of living. Then ​there’s the issue of free ⁤time, ​which can be significantly consumed by a lengthy dinner date. Kristina notes that the ⁤expectation for‍ men to pay for⁢ everything on a first ‍date can add additional pressure.

Alice⁣ Tapper, ⁢a behavioural economist, debt advisor and finance writer, recalls a⁢ friend who went into significant debt due to the ‍pressure of paying for expensive dates. She believes the trend is shifting ⁣towards dating ‍within one’s financial means, prioritising personal ​time, and not succumbing to societal dating expectations.

However, this⁣ may ⁢be changing ⁢for the younger generation. ‍ Studies indicate that ​younger generations are breaking the taboo around money, ‌becoming more comfortable with splitting the bill ‌or discussing earnings. Bumble has reported an increase‍ in low-key dating, with a YouGov survey​ revealing that almost‍ half of Gen Z and millennials ​ prefer cheaper date ‌locations over extravagant dinners or large bar tabs. Furthermore, one in⁤ five people aged 18-34 are more likely to set a ⁤dating budget than they were at ⁤the start of the year. Alice suggests⁣ that people are beginning to‍ understand ‍that time⁣ is valuable and should be​ protected.‍ Spending a significant amount on an unenjoyable dinner when time is limited is becoming less‌ appealing. Opting for a low-key, affordable pre-date such as a coffee or park walk can help manage expectations.

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