
Guide to Being the Ideal Plus-One by Lisa

Being someone’s plus-one can be both​ a privilege and a challenge. On one hand, you’re ​the chosen companion, trusted to behave appropriately and likely considered attractive. On ⁣the other hand, you might feel like an afterthought, a mere placeholder in the crowd.

Attending an event where you’re⁤ unfamiliar with the‌ crowd can be an exciting experience. It’s⁤ like ‌being part of a live theatre show or your own version of the Truman Show, where everything is new and intriguing – at least until ⁣the drinks start flowing.

However,‍ navigating ​such an event requires some guidelines. Depending on the nature of the event, be it a work party or a wedding,​ some rules may not apply. Use your discretion to determine what’s appropriate.

Prepare Yourself

Before the event, get a ​brief overview of who ‌will be attending. Understand⁢ who your companion likes or dislikes and any social ‍dynamics you should be aware of. If your companion starts giving you a ‍detailed briefing, consider‍ asking for compensation or finding an excuse ‍to avoid the event.

Support Your Companion

As a plus-one, you’re there to support the main invitee. Avoid negative comments or actions towards them ​and show genuine interest in their conversations. In group situations, become their biggest fan. Laugh ‌at their jokes and agree with their statements, unless they’re being self-deprecating, in which case, lift their spirits.

Act Surprised

Even if your companion ⁣has shared all the juicy details ⁤about the guests, act as if you’re hearing the information for the first time when interacting⁤ with‍ others. Practice your “surprised face” and⁣ “interested face” beforehand. As a newcomer, you’ll likely hear many ⁣stories,⁢ so prepare ⁢your responses.

Be the ‍Bridge

As a plus-one, you’re free from any existing awkwardness between the guests. You can safely engage in conversations others ⁣might avoid. Use‍ this‍ opportunity to improve your companion’s relationship with anyone they’ve had past issues with. ⁢

Dress ⁢Appropriately

While you want to look good, remember⁣ that the spotlight should be‌ on your companion. ‌Ask for dress code ⁤suggestions but use them as a guide, not a rule.‌ You want to be remembered for the right reasons.

Behave Yourself

Being a stranger at an event can be exhilarating, but don’t let it go to your head. Avoid being ⁣the center of attention and stay close to your companion. Remember, you’re there to support them, not to‌ wander off on your ‍own. Also, avoid getting drunker than your companion.

Enjoy Yourself

The goal of⁤ a plus-one⁢ is to enhance the experience ‍of the person who invited you. ​Don’t be a wallflower unless specifically asked to. The⁣ best way to thank your companion is by having a good time⁣ and involving them in the fun. However, avoid getting romantically involved with anyone else ‍at the event. As a plus-one, you’re there to be‌ admired ⁤from afar.⁢ If anyone shows interest in you, discreetly share your contact information. Soon, you’ll have your own stack of plus-one invitations.

Further Reading:

Recycling Doesn’t Make You Gay

How to Determine ⁣if Your Summer Fling Can Transition into Autumn

How ⁤to Handle a Wage ⁣Gap in Your Relationship

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Surviving as the Last Remaining Bachelor: A Guide by Lisa

As⁢ your friends pair off one by one, you may find yourself the last single/” title=”Dispelling the Numerous Misconceptions About Being Single”>single person in your social ⁣circle. This​ can lead to a sense of isolation and questioning your place in ⁢society. This feeling can be even more intense⁤ for women, ⁤with societal pressures to marry‍ young. ‍However, being the last bachelor at the party doesn’t have to be a negative experience.‌ Despite the societal⁢ emphasis on marriage and ‍family,​ there are still plenty of opportunities‍ for single individuals. The next steps are entirely up to you.

Settle Down

Feeling the ​pressure to settle down? Perhaps you’re tired of ​hearing ​from friends that your only‍ problem is an alleged fear ​of commitment. If ⁣so, you could consider‍ settling down with anyone. There’s likely someone out there who shares your dreams of owning a home and raising a ‍family. While this may not be the most ​ideal option, it’s still a possibility. It could even motivate you to strive for something better.

Embrace ⁤Bachelorhood

Alternatively, you could fully embrace the single life. Instead ⁣of being⁣ the stereotypical bachelor who still lives with his ⁢parents, aim to ‌be the‌ suave, charming bachelor.​ Splurge on a car, date ​younger people, and enjoy the ‌freedom that comes with being single. However, be careful not to fall into the ‍trap of becoming the stereotypical bachelor with ‌a fridge full of beer and a diet of⁣ pizza. While this lifestyle may​ seem appealing, it can quickly lead to a lack of fulfillment.

Find Your Tribe

Just ‌because your closest friends have paired off doesn’t ⁣mean you’re alone. There ⁢are ⁢plenty of ⁣other single individuals⁢ out there. Seek them‍ out and form new friendships. Engage in activities together, have meaningful conversations, and enjoy each other’s company. You may even find yourself forming new⁢ friendships with other single individuals. Remember, being single doesn’t mean being alone.

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Why It’s Not a Bad Thing to Be a Himbo by Lisa

What words would you choose to describe ‍yourself on a dating profile? You might opt for adjectives that portray you as strong, intelligent, reliable,‍ romantic, or ⁤ambitious. However, you might not consider using the term “himbo”. Yet, this term, which has ‌often been ridiculed and overlooked,⁤ is making a comeback.

The term⁣ “himbo” was first used in 1988 by Rita Kempley, a movie critic for the Washington Post. It ​is a derivative of the now⁣ outdated term “bimbo”, which was often used to criticize women who‌ did not conform to⁢ societal expectations. Interestingly, the term “bimbo” ‍was⁤ initially used to describe men, but ‌societal norms shifted‌ its usage. ⁤A “himbo” was originally⁤ described as a muscular,‍ straightforward man, often seen in Hollywood action movies of the 1980s,‍ such as those featuring Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and Van Damme. Over ​the years, the term has‍ been used to describe characters in Magic Mike, Love⁢ Island, The Good Place,‍ and even Armie ⁢Hammer⁤ on Instagram.

According to Tumblr user scofflawsins, a true himbo must be “beefy, kind, and stupid”. The concept of the himbo has recently sparked​ debates on Twitter and Tumblr, with some arguing that being ⁣attracted to a ⁤himbo is “ableism”. In a society that⁣ values achievement, intelligence, and the ability ‍to win, ​why would a lack of intelligence be desirable or aspirational?⁢ What can we ⁤learn from ‍himbos? Can we ⁢all embrace a bit of “himboism”?

One of ⁢the key traits of a himbo is kindness. ‍A himbo’s acts of kindness are not‌ driven by ulterior ‍motives.⁣ He is not kind ‌just to win you‌ over or to get​ a⁤ promotion, but because he is empathetic and believes it is the right thing to do. A himbo is⁢ trusting and optimistic. However,‌ it is important to distinguish between genuine himboism and ⁢those who pretend to be‌ dumb⁣ for their own gain. A true himbo⁢ believes in science, even if he doesn’t fully understand it, and ⁢if he ever acts unkindly or misleadingly, he⁣ quickly apologizes. Embracing himboism is about accepting your limitations without ⁣resentment⁢ or shame, ​and being content with ‌a simple, benevolent soul.

The resurgence of the himbo is⁢ a reaction to the​ “sexy nerd” archetype that has been popular in the last decade. The himbo is not ⁣threatening⁣ because he does not⁤ feel​ threatened. He is secure in his ⁤masculinity and does not feel the need to assert dominance or react aggressively when challenged.‌ As Miles‍ Klee ⁢from MEL explains, himbos ‍are “gentle⁢ oafs” who ​are too innocent to hurt others and too content in their own ⁢strength to ⁢start conflicts. A himbo is not just ⁣defined by⁤ what he is, but also by what⁣ he ‌is ​not. ‌He ⁢is ‌not a‌ villain, a genius, a bully, or a disrespectful individual. He⁤ may‌ not be ‌the best choice for a trivia team, but he is the person you want by your side when you need help. He⁣ is reliable, straightforward, and willing to admit his mistakes and make amends.

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Sex Lives: A Man Overwhelmed by Grindr After Losing His Virginity by Lisa

In the series Sex Lives by GQ, individuals share their sexual journey and the‍ evolution of their sexuality. This⁢ week, we​ hear from Jack, a 27-year-old bisexual man from Seattle.

My sexual awakening happened during a family outing to watch Die Another Day. A scene featuring Halle Berry stirred​ something in me, right there‌ in the cinema.‌ I was the one⁤ holding the popcorn, and in my excitement, I ended up spilling it all over ⁤the floor.

I began ⁣masturbating at a young age, around‍ first or second ⁤grade. I would sneak peeks at online porn or Victoria’s Secret‌ catalogues and‍ stash them away for later. However, I wasn’t very adept at covering my tracks online and ended up infecting the family computer with viruses. When my mom discovered⁢ my online activities, ​she cautioned‍ me that what I was seeing wasn’t representative of real love.

I lost my virginity at the age of ⁢21. I experienced puberty quite⁤ early, which made my⁤ school years⁢ awkward. I⁣ had a significant growth spurt, my voice broke in fifth and sixth grade,​ and I ‍struggled with severe acne. In high school, I became deeply religious,‍ which led to​ feelings of ⁤guilt about my strong sexual desires. ‌Around the same time, I began to realize my attraction to men, which ​I tried to suppress. I⁢ eventually lost my virginity to a woman I met on Tinder. It was a‍ night of many firsts for me – my first kiss, my first sexual encounter. However, I was unable ⁣to climax and ended up returning to my studies.

After‌ losing my virginity, I joined Grindr. ⁤The experience was ⁢overwhelming, and I was unfamiliar with the lingo. I received messages inviting me to orgies and asking if ‍I liked to “party”, which I later learned was code for ⁣drug-fuelled sex. I found one man attractive and expressed my interest in him, but he turned me down, saying that my‌ first time ‍with‍ a man​ should be special. However,⁤ I wasn’t looking ‍for anything special. My‍ attraction to men often depends on how I feel about myself. When I‌ feel attractive, I‌ find men⁣ more‍ appealing. My attraction to women, on the other hand,⁣ remains constant, regardless of my self-image.

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Steps to Alleviate News Anxiety Following a Day of Doomscrolling by Lisa

As individuals navigating through⁤ life, we often downplay significant issues while overthinking minor ones. The digital age has blurred the lines of emotional response, often leading us to compare our reactions to others. Questions like, “Am I overreacting?” or “Should I be more upset?” often plague our minds. The reality is, we are all just small entities in the grand scheme of life, and it’s okay to give ourselves a break. However, this can be challenging when we​ are constantly bombarded with news that seems to⁤ be straight out of a shocking history book.

Traditional media has always brought us face-to-face with distressing events, ‌but the ‌immediacy of digital broadcasting and social media​ commentary seems to amplify these events. This constant exposure can be emotionally draining, yet we⁢ find it hard to look away. From⁣ political scandals to war and social injustices, we are drawn to these stories. According to Shelley Treacher, a psychotherapist and member of the Counselling Directory, this‌ fascination may stem from a primal instinct to stay alert⁣ to potential threats. By staying informed, ​we⁢ feel proactive. We‌ often feel guilty for having personal reactions to global tragedies or for viewing events through our personal lens. ​However, it’s important to remember that these events do impact us.

Shelley Treacher explains, “Some of us are drawn to the pain because it mirrors ⁢our own. Doomscrolling can be a way to⁤ avoid confronting our personal⁢ suffering.” Our hidden traumas can be triggered by events that may not seem​ directly related. “Every trauma can trigger our own experiences or fears of difficulty, loss, trauma, abuse, ⁢or being overpowered. Recognizing and accepting ⁢your response is the first ⁣step towards healing.” It’s completely normal to relate global events ​to your personal feelings. After all, ⁢your ⁢life is a unique‍ journey experienced by you alone. It’s okay to prioritize ‍your well-being.

So, how can we manage this? Be mindful of⁣ your emotional state while ‌consuming news. Notice⁢ if your heart‍ rate increases or if your breathing quickens. Take a moment to⁤ calm⁤ your breathing. Ask ​yourself: why‌ am I looking at this, and what do ⁤I hope to gain? This ⁢can help ground you in reality. If you choose to consume news,​ set a schedule and limit your exposure. Avoid starting or ending your day with ‌news. “The key is to refocus on the details ‌of your ⁢real⁤ life, ‌rather than allowing the news to dominate your waking or resting moments,” advises Shelley Treacher.

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How the New No-Fault Divorce Law Will Eliminate Stigmas Associated with Marriage Dissolutions by Lisa

Separations can ‌be heart-wrenching, ⁢often resulting from a⁢ series​ of accumulated misunderstandings and⁤ disagreements. The ultimate separation, divorce, however,⁤ requires one party to be blamed. Despite being one of the most stressful life events, ‌divorce still carries ⁢a stigma. In 2020, over 103,000 divorces were recorded⁣ in England and Wales, yet the sense of failure and guilt associated with a marriage breakdown remains. ‍Currently, the fastest way to get a divorce in England and Wales involves assigning blame. The divorce law, dating back to⁣ 1969, requires‌ proof of adultery, unreasonable behaviour, or desertion. If these⁢ are not applicable, a divorce ⁤can be applied for after​ two years of separation, but it still requires the consent of the ex-partner. The only way to divorce without consent is to live separately for ‌five years. This lengthy period can hinder ⁢the ability to move on. Scotland, however, has been more progressive, ‌granting no-fault divorces after a year of separation since 2006.

The blame-based approach to divorce ​is regressive, and the government has recognised this. New “no-fault divorce” rules will be implemented in early April 2022. These rules allow for a divorce ​to ‌be filed regardless of the partner’s consent, potentially ⁣finalising the process within six months. Most of the process can be completed via email, although financial divisions will still need to be handled traditionally. This⁢ does not mean that solicitors will be replaced ⁢by automated legal bots anytime soon.

The ⁣goal of these‌ changes is to enable couples to separate without resorting to accusations and‌ blame. This allows them to focus on ending the ⁢relationship as amicably as possible. “The breakdown of a marriage is usually accompanied by complex emotions such as sadness, anger, resentment, rejection, grief, fear, and anxiety about the future,” says Graham Coy, Partner at Wilsons Solicitors LLP. “By⁤ the time couples consult a solicitor, they have usually decided that divorce ⁢is inevitable. The last thing they want is to ⁤revisit a painful past.” The journey to no-fault divorce has⁣ been over‌ a ⁣century in the making. As early ⁤as 1900, The Law Commission noted that the divorce law in England and Wales “provoked unnecessary hostility and bitterness, ‌did ⁤nothing ‍to save a marriage and made things worse for any children involved.” Coy adds, “The best approach⁣ is to end the marriage as quickly and painlessly as possible. Creating obstacles only leads to more pain and distress and serves no useful⁢ purpose.”

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When Should You Terminate a Toxic Bromance with Someone Similar to Euphoria’s Nate Jacobs? by Lisa

In ‍the inaugural season of⁢ HBO’s Euphoria, there’s a memorable scene where the​ character⁣ Nate Jacobs, portrayed by Jacob Elordi, engages in a disturbingly‍ dark banter with his supposed best⁢ friend, McKay, after he exits a room with Cassie.

Nate, in a‌ rather crude manner, ⁢questions McKay about his intimate activities ⁢with Cassie. As Nate⁣ continues ‌to pry into McKay’s personal life, McKay uncomfortably​ tries ‍to distance himself from Nate’s ‌intrusive inquiries. ⁢

Banter, while often​ harmless, can‌ sometimes take a toxic turn. But when does a friend’s behaviour become so off-putting​ that ‍you feel the need ⁣to ‌distance ⁤yourself from them permanently?

Dr. Sam⁢ Thompson,​ a London-based clinical psychologist, compares the ‌dissolution of a ⁣long-standing friendship among men to a romantic breakup. He explains that many men feel a sense of duty, loyalty, and nostalgia ‍that compels ⁢them to maintain friendships, even when they no longer ⁣bring joy.

So, how can you sever ties with a long-time friend without causing‍ a major fallout? Dr. Thompson shares his seven-step plan ⁣with GQ:

1. ​**Recognize‌ your feelings:** If you find yourself⁣ avoiding meetups⁢ with ‍your friend ⁢or ⁤feeling disinterested, don’t ignore‍ these feelings. They could be indicative ⁤of a deeper issue. It’s important not to invalidate your feelings or blame yourself for ‍the discomfort.

2.⁢ **Reflect on post-meeting feelings:** How do you feel after meeting your friend? If ​you feel ​belittled, ‍ignored, or taken advantage of, it’s worth considering the state of your friendship. ​If alcohol was involved, it can be‌ challenging to discern ‍your feelings, but ⁢it’s crucial not to⁤ dismiss ‍any negative emotions.

3. **Aim for ‍balance:** A one-sided relationship is ​unlikely ⁢to last. If your friend ⁤constantly ⁤brags or makes you the butt of all ⁣jokes, it’s time to‌ reassess ​the⁣ friendship. A good way ‍to test the waters is by suggesting a change, like meeting at a different ⁢location or introducing‍ a⁤ new topic of conversation. If your friend ‍is‌ unwilling to ⁣adapt, it‍ could be ‍a red flag.

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Dispelling the Numerous Misconceptions About Being Single by Lisa

Is there such a thing as being ​single⁣ for too long?⁤ Does a‌ prolonged period of singlehood make you undesirable?⁣ The societal narrative ⁤often paints singlehood as ⁤a phase to be quickly overcome. Phrases like ‘back on the market’ or ‘on the shelf’‍ imply that we should ⁣be eager to be claimed by someone else. But ⁣what’s wrong​ with ‌embracing the single life? It’s time to ⁢debunk these misconceptions about being single.

Myth: Singles ⁣are lonely

While ⁢it’s true that being single can sometimes lead to feelings ‍of loneliness, it’s important to remember that loneliness isn’t exclusive to singlehood. Many couples in unhappy relationships⁣ can attest to feeling lonely despite sharing a bed with someone every night. Being single doesn’t ⁤equate to⁤ being devoid of human interaction. Casual relationships ‌and⁤ hookups often get⁢ a bad rap, but they can be fulfilling for those who don’t necessarily desire monogamy.⁤ Moreover, being‌ single allows for the cultivation of meaningful platonic ‌friendships, provided your friends don’t constantly try to⁣ set you up ⁢or treat you differently because you’re single.

Myth: Singles fear‌ intimacy

Being single for a long time might make you comfortable⁣ with your own company and hesitant to‍ relinquish control over your personal ⁢space. As a Reddit‍ user ⁣who has been single ⁢for ⁣13⁢ years‍ expressed, the longer you’re single, the harder ⁤it might be to accommodate someone else in your life. Society ‍often views being ‍in a ⁣relationship as ⁢the norm, causing singles ⁣to question their ability to form close connections after a prolonged period of singlehood. You might scrutinize your social skills, communication style, and ​boundary-setting abilities. But why can’t we appreciate ⁤the enriching experience of self-discovery that comes with⁢ being ⁣single? In essence, ‌the notion that singles lack intimacy is⁤ a fallacy – being ‌single doesn’t make you emotionless.

Myth: Singles haven’t found ‘the one’

The negative connotations associated​ with being single are often ‌perpetuated by couples⁣ or those yearning‌ to be⁤ in a relationship, as⁣ a means of validating ⁤their own choices. Numerous industries ‍thrive on the desperation of singles ‌to change ‌their​ status – dating apps, wedding planners,⁢ jewelers, and even relationship columnists. The business‌ of love⁣ is always⁣ open. As you‍ witness friends and ex-partners‍ pairing up, it’s natural ⁢to ​question your own desirability. Even if you’re content with being single, ​you might wonder why ⁢you don’t desire a partner. But ⁣remember, ⁣as a single person, you ⁢have‌ the freedom to decide how to spend your time. If ​you’re content with your single status, why squander it in ⁣pursuit of a partner?

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Guide to Keeping the Spark Alive: Dating While Living Together by Lisa

In the early stages of a relationship, everything is new and exciting, from​ the fresh sheets to the romantic dinners. However, as you start living together, you begin to notice the less glamorous ⁤aspects of your partner,​ like their worn-out pants. ⁣While this doesn’t necessarily diminish your love for them, it does require effort‍ to keep the spark alive, especially when you’re both keeping tabs on mundane tasks⁤ like ⁢paying ​bills.

Moreover, cohabitation often means spending more time together, which can be both a blessing and⁣ a challenge. This is particularly true if you’re both working from home and neglecting date nights in favor of staying in. A recent trend on TikTok highlights this issue, questioning whether cohabiting couples who⁣ go out‍ on dates ‍will have anything new to talk about.

Regardless, it’s crucial to continue dating, even when you’re in a ‌long-term relationship. According to psychosexual and relationship therapist Aoife Drury, relationships need both space and intimacy to thrive. She emphasizes the importance‌ of spending quality time together and apart to keep the passion​ alive.

Drury suggests scheduling regular date nights to ⁢ensure dedicated time ‍for each other amidst the chaos of daily life. Psychosexual therapist and couple’s counsellor Cate Mackenzie also⁣ recommends planning dates in advance ⁤to ‌build anticipation. She suggests meeting at the date ‍location instead of traveling together to recreate the⁤ thrill of early dating. This separation ‌can also lead to pre-date texting or sexting, which can⁢ reignite the spark.

Once the date begins, it’s ​important to keep​ the conversation light and engaging. Avoid discussing ⁣mundane tasks or grievances and focus on getting to know each other better. Drury advises putting away your phones and immersing yourselves⁣ in the⁤ moment.

While⁤ it’s beneficial to set a specific date and time ‍for dating, it doesn’t always⁤ have to involve going out. Veronica, a 30-year-old from London, shares that she and her boyfriend, Adam, often organize movie nights‌ at home due to their busy work schedules.⁤ They make a conscious​ effort to spend quality time together at least once a month.

Drury ⁢also encourages creativity⁤ in maintaining novelty in relationships. This can involve organizing themed food nights or board game nights at home, or even experimenting ‍with ⁢your intimate life. This ⁤approach is particularly useful during lockdowns, when finances are tight, or‌ when the weather is unfavorable.

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A Guide to the Art of Sexting from a Cam Girl’s Perspective by Lisa

Modern⁢ technology has provided us⁤ with countless innovative ways to explore ⁣our sexuality -​ from remote-controlled sex toys and virtual reality⁣ porn to Zoom sex parties. However, one of ⁢the most reliable and effective methods remains the simple⁢ text message. Sexting, the 21st-century equivalent of the passionate love letter, is both exciting and easily accessible, requiring​ no expensive ⁢gadgets or VR headsets.

Despite ⁣its appeal, sexting can be intimidating. How do you start without seeming inappropriate? ⁢How ‌can you ​let go of self-consciousness? ‍What are you supposed to say?⁤ For beginners, sexting can seem like navigating a minefield. However, for‍ those in long-distance relationships, it can be a game-changer.

To assist ​you in your sexting journey, we’ve compiled ⁣a list of essential tips and tricks​ you need to​ know before sending ⁤that first message. Who better to guide you than professionals in the field? Here, Canadian adult content creator Gwen Adora and⁢ OnlyFans creator ​ CruelAlice share their expert advice on ​initiating sexting, capturing the perfect nude, and what to avoid to ⁤keep the conversation ‍spicy.

Transitioning​ from casual conversation​ to sexting can seem daunting. ⁣You don’t want to abruptly change the topic, but you ‍also don’t want to be⁤ so subtle that the other person misses the hint. According to⁣ Adora,⁤ the best sexting arises from normal ⁣conversations that naturally build tension. She suggests subtly shifting into ⁣sexting by⁣ discussing each other’s kinks and fantasies. This not ‍only helps you understand each other’s interests but also creates an erotic conversation.

For those who prefer a more ⁣straightforward approach, Adora suggests setting ⁢the scene by⁣ describing ⁤a scenario that can inspire your‌ sexting partner. Compliments can also stimulate​ sexting. For instance, ‘I need to feel your hardness against my thigh’. If you’ve been with your sexting partner in person, reminiscing about shared memories can be a ​great way to start ‍sexting.

As ⁢Adora puts it, “sexting is a delicate dance, so you’ll ‌have to work ‍together to⁣ discover what you enjoy”.

Once ⁢you’ve successfully initiated sexting, the next step is to keep the momentum going. To do this, ​you need ⁣to be creative and descriptive. ⁣Adora advises, “When describing‌ actions, try to draw ⁤out the small, sexy details. You don’t​ need to pull out⁢ a thesaurus, but play around with how you can communicate your desires in an expressive way.” For example, there’s a difference between ‘I‌ put my dick inside‌ your pussy’ and ‘I slowly‌ rub my cock across your vulva before sliding it inside of you’ – the​ latter evokes feeling, and ⁣that feeling is‍ turned⁢ on.

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