Relationship Advice

Stop the Endless Hunt for True Love Now by Lisa

Norman Mailer was a man who yearned for romance. He was captivated by the intoxicating blend of anticipation ⁣and passion, the exhilarating discovery of a new love interest, and the tantalising prospect of meeting his soulmate.‍ This longing for romance was somewhat inconvenient, considering he was about to walk down the aisle for ‍the sixth time.

The year was 1980, and a chilly November morning‍ was breaking over Brooklyn Heights. Mailer, a formidable figure ​in⁤ American literature, was 57 years old, carrying​ extra weight, and had a complicated ‍personal life with five former wives, seven children, and financial difficulties. He was about to marry ⁤Norris Church, a 31-year-old woman and the mother of his youngest child.

As the wedding day dawned, Mailer found himself questioning his decision.‍ Why should he ⁤commit to marriage once more, knowing the familiar⁤ path it would lead him down – broken promises,‍ domestic monotony, and the potential for infidelity? His‌ mind⁢ wandered to the road ⁣less travelled, where romance awaited him.

Mailer confessed to his bride-to-be, “All my life,⁤ all I ⁢ever wanted was to be free and alone in Paris.”

Church, who remained devoted to ‍Mailer from their first meeting until his death 27 ⁤years later, responded⁣ with understanding. She wrote in ‌her memoir, A Ticket To⁢ The Circus, that she didn’t want to marry him if he had any doubts about⁢ their union.

She reasoned with him, painting a picture of his life in Paris. He would be sitting at a café, flashing a charming smile at ⁣a passing woman. This would lead to conversations, dates, and eventually cohabitation and perhaps⁣ even a child. ‌But then, she pointed out, he wouldn’t be ⁢free and alone in Paris anymore. Later that day, they got married.

Their marriage lasted until Mailer’s death in 2007, weathering his numerous affairs and various ups⁤ and downs. Norris Church was the ⁤love of Norman Mailer’s life. However, any man can relate to the sense of loss he ⁣felt on his wedding day.⁣ It wasn’t about losing the chance⁣ for casual flings or sexual encounters with strangers.⁣ Mailer ⁤was mourning the loss of potential romance, the kind that ⁤can make ⁤a man abandon ⁢his family and start anew.

As boys⁤ mature into men, the desire for physical intimacy is often replaced by a longing for deep, ⁢meaningful love. ⁤Men ⁣are more susceptible to this craving for an ‍unknown lover than women. A survey by The App​ Developers, a firm based in Bedford, revealed that men are five times‌ more likely to download⁢ a dating app than women.

The pursuit of romance can lead to dissatisfaction with what one‌ already has. It can‌ be destructive, immature, and even pathetic. It can justify breaking promises ⁣and violating vows. ⁢It can lead to the destruction of not ​just one’s own⁤ home, but ⁣also that of others. It can prevent a man from fully committing to anyone, serving as an excuse to avoid domestic monotony. It can even lead a man to run off​ with a woman young enough to be his children’s nanny – often, she is the children’s nanny.

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Why Getting Friend-Zoned Doesn’t Mean It’s All Over by Lisa

Experiencing the dreaded “It’s not you, it’s me” conversation⁤ in a relationship can be a tough pill to swallow, especially when it’s unexpected or we choose to ignore the signs. Sometimes, the conversation doesn’t even get that far, and we find ourselves veering off course with the infamous “I think I see us more as friends” line.

This form of rejection, albeit a gentle one, can still sting. Despite the person expressing their desire to keep us in their lives, we‌ often focus on the opportunities we’re missing ‍out on – love, romance, intimacy. They’re offering us a lifetime of friendship, but all we can see is what they’re not offering.

This swift categorisation out of the romantic realm is commonly referred to ‍as friend-zoning. This term, often used in heterosexual relationships, implies that friendship is a downgrade and‍ an obstacle to your romantic desires. It usually occurs when a woman decides the best way to quash any romantic feelings is‌ to maintain a‌ platonic relationship with a man. Sometimes, ‍the person doing the friend-zoning genuinely means it, but other times it’s a tactic used to let the other person down gently. Unfortunately, women are ‌often taught to prioritise the man’s feelings when rejecting them, likely because ⁢men are​ conditioned to take rejection personally and as an affront to their masculinity. This shouldn’t be the ​case. So, here’s everything you need ‍to know about the friend zone…

Identifying Friend-Zoning

How ​can you tell if you’re being friend-zoned? The truth is, ⁢you probably already have an inkling. Signs of disinterest often show up long before “the talk”. They might suggest a group hangout instead of a date, seem distracted or edgy when you meet, or send non-committal and vague texts. They might mention their single friends that “you’d be perfect ‍for”, steer clear of romantic or sexual conversations, or frequently talk about their exes. If any of these signs sound familiar, you’re likely in the friend zone.

Escaping the Friend Zone

The most straightforward solution might also be the most difficult to‌ accept: let‍ it happen. Resisting, denying, getting angry, or lashing out will ​only accelerate ​the process and potentially land you in a worse situation: the no-go zone. Complaining to someone who sees you as a friend will only lead to humiliation ‍and push you further away from your desired outcome.‌ When‌ someone says they want to be friends, you have two options: accept it and be friends, or refuse and exit their life. There’s no middle ground. You can’t convince someone you’re a worthy romantic interest through persistence or denial; you do⁤ it by being a decent person and respecting their ⁣wishes. If they ‍change their mind, it should be their decision, not‍ a result of your relentless pursuit. If you manage ⁤to secure a date through ‌nagging, it’s a hollow ⁤victory.

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Things to Steer Clear of During a Dispute with Your Partner by Lisa

Avoid ‍These ‌8 Mistakes When Arguing With⁢ Your ⁢Significant Other

Disagreements ⁤are a ‍natural ⁤part of any relationship, ⁣whether they’re about household chores, hurtful ⁤comments, ⁤or ‌home decor.‍ The key is how you handle these disagreements.

Experts suggest that arguing fairly can actually strengthen your relationship. However, resorting to personal ⁢attacks can damage ⁣the⁢ trust, ‍respect, and intimacy you’ve built​ with your partner.

RELATED: Practices That Can Undermine Trust in Relationships ⁤

“Disputes can either fortify the relationship,‍ leading to growth ⁤and progress, or weaken it, causing resentment and leaving​ issues ⁣unresolved,” says‍ Rachel Goldberg, LMFT, a private‍ practice therapist ‌in Studio City, CA.

Goldberg suggests that effective arguing, which could be better termed as a⁤ discussion, involves ‌open communication, active listening, validation of the⁢ other person’s perspective, empathy, and a ⁣focus on⁣ finding solutions⁤ rather than assigning blame.⁤ On ‌the other hand, ​ineffective arguments ⁤can leave both parties ⁣feeling misunderstood⁢ and doubtful that change will occur.

Dr. Nathan Baumann,⁤ a Denver-based clinical ⁢psychologist,​ notes that​ unproductive​ argument tactics often stem from a need to protect oneself from uncomfortable⁣ emotions and a desire to punish to prevent future hurt.

RELATED: Why a Lack of Arguments Can Be a Warning Sign

So, what argument techniques should you avoid? Therapists recommend​ avoiding⁤ the following harmful strategies.

1. Attacking Your Partner’s Character

For instance, if your partner comes home late without notifying​ you, ⁣accusing them ‌of being “unreliable” ​or “uncaring” is a direct ⁢attack on their character. This approach ⁤is ⁣unlikely to elicit the ⁣understanding and compassion you’re seeking, ⁣says Alyse Freda-Colon,‌ LCSW, a private practice ​therapist.

Instead, focus on the specific incident.​ Saying, “I felt disregarded when you didn’t inform me you’d be home late” is more effective than “You’re‌ so selfish.”

2. Bringing‌ Up Past Issues

While it⁤ may be tempting to mention past instances when your partner ⁣hurt you during an argument, Goldberg warns‍ that‌ this can ⁣escalate the ‍situation and put your partner on​ the defensive.

RELATED: How‌ to Navigate a Relationship Dispute

Moreover, it⁣ can distract from the current issue, preventing you from resolving⁣ it. If you ‌notice a​ concerning pattern‍ in your partner’s behavior, it’s best to address it immediately rather than letting your resentment build up.

3. Making Comparisons

Imagine how you’d feel if your partner⁢ compared you to someone else during ​an ​argument. It’s unfair to ⁢compare your partner ⁤to others, as no two relationships are ‌identical.

“Focus on the unique dynamics of your relationship and collaborate to find⁣ solutions‍ that align with your needs and values,” advises Goldberg.

RELATED: The 5 Conflict Styles⁤ & When to Use Them in⁤ Your Relationship

4. Overgeneralizing

During​ arguments with your partner, avoid using absolute terms like “always” and “never,” advises ‌ Dr. Scott Lyons, a licensed holistic⁤ psychologist. These blanket‌ statements can make your partner⁢ defensive and are likely untrue.

Instead, provide a specific and recent example of ‌your partner’s behavior and how it affected‍ you, suggests Lienna Wilson, PsyD, a private practice clinical psychologist.

5. Stonewalling

Refusing to engage with your partner ​during a⁤ conflict, also known as “stonewalling” or “the silent treatment,” can be more harmful than‍ you might think. ​

This‌ could involve scrolling through⁣ your phone while ​your partner is trying to discuss an issue, ignoring⁤ their questions, or abruptly leaving the ‌room, says Nina Batista, ⁣LCSW, a private practice therapist.

“Stonewalling ⁢not only fails to resolve ‍the problem but also makes the other person feel isolated and unimportant,” Goldberg points‍ out.

If you feel overwhelmed or‌ too emotionally ‍charged to address the issue, Suzette Bray,⁢ LMFT, a licensed therapist in private practice, suggests taking a break. However, it’s important to communicate this to your partner rather than abruptly leaving the room.

“Stonewalling is more like a punishment,” explains Baumann. “If it becomes a habit or a typical‍ response to conflict, it can ‌be hard to break.”

RELATED: Signs That ⁤Your Relationship May Be ‍Headed for Divorce

“Stonewalling prevents ‍the mutual resolution of ‌a problem,”‍ adds Baumann, “increasing the emotional ⁣distance‍ between partners and making ⁢it less likely that you will argue fairly in the future.”

6. Triangulation

While‍ it’s okay to ⁢seek advice from ⁢a friend or family member about a conflict⁤ with your partner, asking them to intervene directly can exacerbate‍ the situation. This is known‌ as triangulation, and it can put your loved ⁤ones in an uncomfortable position.

“Keep intimate matters within the relationship and seek support from a ⁢trusted family member, friend, or therapist whom you both agree to involve,”⁣ advises Batista.

7. Deflection

“Posing oneself as the innocent party is another destructive strategy,” says Dr. Brian Tierney, PhD, The ‍Somatic Doctor. “It’s more effective to take personal responsibility for⁤ one’s contribution to the ‍escalation process.”

Admitting your own mistakes ‌can​ encourage your partner to do the same. Show that you can acknowledge your‌ role in ‍the⁢ conflict.

RELATED: How to Disagree Respectfully With Your Partner During Difficult Times

Remember, the goal should be mutual understanding rather than winning the argument, says Bray.

“Ask yourself: would you rather be right or happy?” she advises. “Being happy involves solving the problem so that the⁤ relationship can move forward.”

8. Overly ⁣Defending Yourself

It’s natural⁣ to feel defensive when your ⁤partner points out something you did that upset them. However, immediately defending yourself‍ can invalidate your partner’s feelings.

RELATED: How to Recover⁤ From a Major Argument With a Partner

“It can seem ⁤like you’re making excuses for your behavior and not really caring about how it affected your partner,” explains Batista.⁤

As difficult as ‍it may be, ‌try to genuinely listen to your​ partner’s concerns and empathize⁤ with their feelings. This approach can help your partner‌ feel ‌acknowledged and understood, allowing you to reach a resolution more ‌quickly.

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The Guidelines for Inviting Your Partner Over for Christmas by Lisa

Christmas is traditionally‍ a time ‍when ⁣individuals who are still in​ touch with their families return home to relive their‍ teenage years, indulge in chocolates, and make fun of their parents‘ cooking habits. This‍ is‍ particularly true for those who are single. However, ‍if you’re in a relationship, you⁢ might find yourself celebrating Christmas with your in-laws every​ other ⁣year, ⁢or even introducing your partner to the intricate dynamics of your family.⁣ Moreover, if you’ve moved away from your hometown, you may have to​ deal with old friends who know all your secrets, run-ins with past flames, and your partner’s struggle to understand ‍your parents’ peculiar habits and their surprise at the place you grew up in.

If you’re hosting‍ Christmas this year, here are some tips to ensure you survive the festive season and still‍ have someone⁣ to share a New Year’s Eve kiss with.

Arrange a Pre-Christmas Meeting

Christmas should not be the first time your partner meets your parents. The holiday season is already stressful and busy enough without adding the pressure of first introductions. If ⁢a pre-Christmas meeting is not possible, consider arranging a‍ video call ⁣so that your parents and partner can at least familiarize themselves with each other. Just make sure your parents remember your partner’s name and don’t accidentally call them by your ex’s name.

Prepare Your Partner

Without causing unnecessary panic, inform⁤ your partner about who will ⁤be present at the gathering, their personalities, and⁢ how it might impact‌ their experience. ​Avoid negative descriptions – instead of calling ‌your brother lazy, say he’s “quite relaxed”. Allow your partner to form their own‌ opinions. ⁣If your family has unique traditions or quirks, ⁢let your partner know in ⁣advance⁣ and gauge their interest in participating. Be⁤ as truthful as possible ​without making your family sound bizarre. After all, there must be something enjoyable about them if you’re willing to spend Christmas with them, ​right?

Inform Your ​Family

Ensure your family is aware of any⁢ important⁤ details such as dietary preferences or dislikes well⁤ in advance, without making your partner seem like a demanding individual who will ruin​ Christmas. Encourage your family to be themselves during the ⁤festive season, but also let them know if certain topics ⁣should‌ be avoided. It’s more uncomfortable for⁤ your partner to‌ witness your parents acting unnaturally than to hear them burp at the dinner table. Also, sort out sleeping arrangements early on to ‍avoid ending up on a makeshift bed in the garage. If you’ll‍ be staying in your childhood ⁤room and it hasn’t been changed,‍ ask your⁤ parents to remove any old posters or items that might⁣ be hiding under the bed.

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Does Your Relationship Have a Future? by Lisa

As we bid farewell to the old year ‌and welcome the new one, ⁤it’s a ‌time for introspection and forward-thinking. Will you ​finally achieve that six-pack or take that much-needed break this year? Will you switch your barber and bid adieu to ​your signature hairstyle?

It’s also a time to ponder over your romantic relationship, especially if you ​have significant plans. Perhaps it’s time to evaluate your love life. Can it withstand the ​test of time? What should you consider before making a serious commitment?

Planning a Vacation

One of the first significant investments you’ll⁢ make as a couple is planning a vacation. It requires careful planning, patience,‌ a substantial budget, and most importantly,⁣ your ‍time. ‍Reflect on your past vacations together – were they smooth sailing?‌ It’s often said that ‌if a⁢ couple can enjoy a ⁤holiday together, they can enjoy anything together. If previous ‍vacations were ​fraught with tension, this ‍could‍ be a defining moment for your ‍relationship.

Before you splurge on an extravagant getaway, recall your feelings post ​your last ⁢vacation.⁣ Were you relaxed or were you stressed out? If the thought of ​long flights, layovers, and exploring foreign lands together makes you anxious, consider a short‍ vacation closer to ⁤home and see how it pans out.

Living together isn’t a mandatory step in a relationship

Sharing a Home

After being together⁢ for a while, ⁤moving in together seems like the logical next⁣ step. However, it may not always be the right one. While ​it may save on⁣ rent and​ allow you to live in a better neighborhood, and provide the comfort of ⁣having someone to share your bed with every night, remember that cohabitation isn’t a necessity.

While there are advantages like shared meals, companionship, and the convenience of intimacy, consider the mundane aspects too. Dealing with ‌bills, cleaning, understanding their moods, lack of personal space, bathroom schedules, household chores, and more. Moving in together ​can strengthen your bond, but don’t ‌rush into it. Breaking leases can be difficult, moving‌ is costly, ‌and​ rents are constantly increasing – you might find it‌ hard to afford living alone‍ or in⁤ a decent shared apartment again.

Before you propose, understand its implications. It’s not a substitute for a ⁢thoughtful birthday gift or a Valentine’s Day surprise

Getting Engaged

In the past, before the era of credit​ card debts, ⁤engagements were longer, ⁤allowing the couple to save for the wedding and the life that followed. This‍ period often brought underlying issues to the surface, preventing many relationships‍ from‌ making it to the altar. Nowadays, couples often live together and once engaged, it’s a rush to book the venue, decide the theme, and ⁣involve⁤ everyone they know for the sake of a ‍new Facebook ‍profile picture and a personalized‌ hashtag for their Instagram stories.

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Identifying if a Girl is Interested in You by Lisa

10 Expert-Endorsed Indications That She’s Really Into You

Men ‌often ⁤find women’s‌ flirting style too subtle, while women complain about⁣ men⁢ being too aggressive ⁤and⁤ overt. Men are ⁤usually ‌more direct, using pickup lines, approaching ​strangers, and openly complimenting ⁤women. Women, on the other hand, ‌are⁤ more subtle, which can leave men feeling‌ like​ they’re‍ not being flirted with at ‌all. ⁢However, the reality‍ is that women do flirt, but their signs are often missed by men. This is even backed up by ⁢ scientific research. Therefore, it’s crucial for men to be attentive.

We consulted two dating experts to ​provide⁢ ten solid⁣ indications that ⁤the woman​ you’re⁣ interacting with is interested in you romantically, not just being friendly. Their ‍insights into the dynamics of flirtation are quite⁤ enlightening.

How to Determine If She’s Really Into You

Dr. Gary Brown, a⁤ renowned couples therapist ​in Los Angeles, emphasizes the significance of body‌ language: “Around 80 percent of our communication is non-verbal. One of the more understated ​signs ⁤that ‌a woman is interested⁢ in you‌ romantically is ⁤her non-verbal flirting. This could be a simple wink or a lingering gaze.”

It’s also important not to overthink‌ things. Instead, base your approach to ‍flirting on your understanding of friendship.

Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, a nationally recognized psychotherapist and author ​of ⁤ Training Your Love ⁣Intuition, advises, “Think about⁢ how you know your male friends⁤ like you! A healthy friendship includes regular communication, shared laughter, and mutual ‍respect.”

With the help of⁣ these romance experts, we’ve⁤ compiled a list of subtle signs of female​ flirtation to help you⁤ distinguish between friendship and romantic interest.

She Smiles Frequently

Excessive smiling is a sign that she’s happy⁢ in your company. It’s also a way of making a positive impression, ⁢as people naturally respond better to ​smiling, happy faces.

She Rarely Looks at Her Phone ⁣When ⁣You’re Around

If she keeps her ‍phone in her purse, it’s a clear sign that she values your ⁣company more than⁤ anything else that‍ might be ⁢happening.

She Shares Food or Drinks With You

Sharing food ‌is an⁤ intimate act. If she’s​ willing ​to share her meal or drink with you, it’s a‍ strong​ indication of affection.

She⁣ Maintains Eye Contact With You

Extended eye contact is intimate and creates a ⁤bond. If she frequently seeks out your gaze, it’s ⁢a good sign she’s into you.

She⁣ Opens Up About Her Personal Life

If she’s⁣ sharing details⁤ about her family, career goals, or childhood, it’s because ‍she wants you to know more about her – and perhaps⁢ she wants to know more about you too.

She Makes Definite⁢ Plans to Meet Up‍ With You Again

If she’s making specific‍ plans to see you again‍ soon, it’s a ‍clear sign⁣ she likes⁢ you. This sign is even ⁤stronger if ⁢she’s willing to do‌ something out ⁤of her comfort zone ⁤just to spend time with⁢ you.

She Enjoys Spending Time With You

If she’s happy to prolong your hangout and is⁤ reluctant to ⁢part ways, it’s ‌a good sign she’s ​interested.

She​ Shows ⁢Interest in Your Life, Job & Passions

When a woman is interested in a man, she often asks about his work, hobbies, and future plans.​ These questions indicate her ⁢interest in you as a potential partner.

She Always Looks Her⁢ Best‍ When⁣ You’re Around

If she’s putting a lot of ‍effort ‍into her appearance ⁤when you’re around, ‌it’s a sign she’s trying to⁤ impress you.

She’s ⁤Comfortable Touching ⁣You

If she’s frequently touching you or leaning into you, it’s a good sign she’s interested.

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Instead of Rushing to Get Over Someone, Try These Helpful Steps by Lisa

Overcoming the emotional turmoil of a breakup, regardless of whether‌ it was a long-term⁢ relationship or a short-lived fling, can be a challenging process. The pain ​of rejection and disappointment can be overwhelming, ⁢as you ​mourn not ‌only⁤ the ​past ‍but also the future you envisioned with that person.

It’s common to try and⁢ expedite the healing process, often by immersing ourselves in work or social activities. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the ⁢intense sadness that comes⁢ with a breakup, rather than ⁢resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Recovering from⁢ a‍ breakup is not always ‍a linear process; there will be ups and downs. Fortunately, there are strategies you can employ to make the journey a bit easier.

Establish Social Media Boundaries

Constantly⁤ monitoring the social media profile of your ex can be a recipe for disaster. According to Relate counsellor Natasha Silverman, the decision to block the⁣ other person depends on the individual. If the breakup was particularly hard and there’s a risk of falling back into a toxic⁤ cycle, blocking them might be​ a ‍good idea.

However, Silverman ‌emphasizes the importance of understanding​ your motives for blocking them. Are you ‍doing it because you ⁣genuinely want ⁢to, ‌or is⁣ it a ploy to get their attention? If it’s the former,​ it’s advisable to communicate this to the other person. A calm, level-headed message⁤ outlining your boundaries is more likely to be taken ⁤seriously.

Set Communication Boundaries

It’s often​ necessary to distance yourself from the other person for a few months to start envisioning a life without​ them. Silverman suggests having an “admin day” once the dust has settled. Set ‍a specific time limit for this, and if it’s likely‍ to exceed that, ‌ask ⁣a friend to step in. It’s important to ensure‌ this doesn’t become a gateway to further communication. If you’re ⁢leaving the door open, ask yourself why and what you ⁤hope ⁤to gain from⁢ their continued presence in your life.

Refrain from Physical Intimacy

While sex isn’t exclusive ‍to committed relationships, continuing to be ⁣physically intimate with someone⁢ you’re trying to move on from can complicate your feelings and hinder your progress. If you’re emotionally vulnerable and engaging in sex​ to avoid losing them, the eventual end of the relationship could be even more devastating. As difficult as it may be, it’s often​ beneficial to take sex off the table.

Surround Yourself with Supportive Individuals

Now is the time to lean on your support network. Whether it’s friends who can provide comfort during tough times or rekindling​ old‍ friendships,⁣ it’s crucial to surround yourself⁤ with people who care about you ⁣and ⁤can help keep you occupied.

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Determining if Your Summer Fling Can (or Should) Last into Autumn by Lisa

The ⁢allure of summer ⁢lies in its fleeting nature. For a few brief ⁣months,‍ or even ‌weeks if we’re not ⁢so fortunate, our mundane, grey existence is transformed ⁣into a delightful haven of temporary pleasures⁣ – picnics, rooftop cocktails, short shorts, ​and of course, you.

Yes,⁣ that’s⁢ correct: you. If ‍you’re a summer boyfriend, ⁤whether you’re⁢ conscious of it or not, you’re‌ akin to bikini tops and⁣ aloe vera cooling spray – not meant for permanence.⁤ As the first‌ whispers of⁣ autumn begin to permeate the relationship/” title=”When Your Loved Ones Don't Approve of Your Relationship”>air⁣ and the​ leaves start to turn golden, your time is ⁢running out.

How can you tell ‌if you’re a summer boyfriend? Consider when your relationship began. What was your⁣ drink‍ of choice on your first date? Was ⁤it your usual pint or vodka-tonic, or ‍a sweet, seasonal ‌cocktail adorned with an abundance of ​fruit, served in⁣ a repurposed pasta sauce jar? Perhaps it was a summer staple⁤ like a negroni or aperol spritz? And where did this date ⁣take place? A local pub or a‍ pop-up ‍on ‍a multi-storey car⁢ park, complete with manual-flush⁢ portable toilets and an abundance of raffia screens to hide the less appealing corners?‌ Do they flinch slightly when you jokingly ⁣refer to them as your “better half”, or interrupt you as you’re about to ⁣introduce them‌ to your friends as the person you’re “dating”? If your relationship is primarily outdoors – barbecues, parks, beaches, ​and their bedroom ⁤- but nowhere ‌else and never on a‍ weeknight, you’re a seasonal delight, a pastime.

If‌ your relationship exists only in open air, you’re a seasonal delight, ⁤a ​pastime.

Of‌ course, you can do all these things as a committed couple, but if⁢ you were single at the‍ start of April and then began a relationship that’s been moving at the speed of a jet preparing for take-off,‍ there’s a⁣ good ‍chance you’ll be watching the November⁢ fireworks solo – at least until cuffing season begins.

Realising you’re just⁣ a summer boyfriend might be disheartening, but you should ​actually embrace this status. Being chosen as a ‍summer fling is an⁤ honour. Summer is the best season, filled with romantic potential, but it can also ​be lonely ‍and frustrating if you’re not part‌ of ‌a couple, enduring unsatisfying one-night stands and spending your⁢ days alone, seeking⁢ refuge in your ⁣local convenience store’s air conditioning. Like its polar ⁤opposite, winter, summer favours companionship and​ unity. Think of the wonderful‍ memories you’ve created, lounging on ​hillsides,⁣ sipping the last of the blush​ rosé before reaching into the cooler for a⁢ can of mojito.⁢ If you’re a fan‍ of public displays ‌of affection, you can kiss on terraces ⁤or even make love in meadows, without​ fear of reproach because it’s “summer” – a time when you’re expected to be free, ‌or at ‌least ⁤as free as you can​ be without getting arrested.

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Celebrating Valentine’s Day Elegantly and Affordably by Lisa

Valentine’s Day, a celebration ‌of ⁣love and affection, often brings with it a unique set of worries. The commercialisation of this day of love, ‍with its⁢ ubiquitous pink and red hues, can sometimes feel overwhelming. The challenge lies in striking a balance between being overly cheesy and humorously tacky. So, should you ignore Valentine’s Day altogether?

Even those who usually shun romantic gestures often make an exception ‌for‍ Valentine’s Day.‍ This puts added pressure on admirers,‌ suitors, ⁢and partners to get it just right. ⁢Much like ​the pressure to spoil our children at Christmas, we often feel​ compelled to go all out to prove our love⁣ is the greatest. After⁣ all, competition is ‍in our nature.

Take a‌ look at any office around 14th February. Reception​ areas⁢ start filling up with increasingly larger and more elaborate bouquets.⁣ Boxes ‍of chocolates the​ size ⁤of ‌a small car, oversized helium balloons, ⁣musical Valentine cards, ⁢and ‍even extravagant proposals start to appear.‍ It can all feel a bit too much. We need to rethink ​the notion that romance ‍is a commodity.

Should we exchange cards?

It’s understandable that⁢ the anticipation ⁢of Valentine’s Day can be daunting. However, it’s possible that we’re ⁣worrying over nothing and that simplicity is ⁤key. According to dating website‌ Plenty Of Fish, two-thirds⁢ of single people ‍would be‌ content with a ⁤romantic text instead of⁣ a Valentine’s Day card. But don’t discard your love notes just yet. There’s a certain unease ⁤around the commercialisation of romance. However, no one will ever​ turn down a card. Even⁣ the newest of relationships‍ can benefit from a Valentine’s card. It should be a reflection of you and your ⁣feelings, yet suitable for the ⁣recipient.

You know your partner best, so use your judgement when selecting a card. If you opt for something overly flashy or risqué, make sure ⁢they’ll appreciate​ the⁤ humour.⁢ A Valentine’s card that misses ⁤the mark ⁤can spell​ disaster. My advice: ⁤keep⁤ it simple and classy. If you’re‍ not finding inspiration in the card shop,⁤ consider writing‌ your feelings on ⁣a beautiful piece of paper or notelet. Honesty, written in your own‍ hand, can be the⁣ most meaningful gift. And remember,⁤ even if they say they don’t want⁣ a card this year, get one anyway. It’s a‌ gesture they’re sure to appreciate.

Should we⁢ dine out?

For reasons unknown, food ‍plays a significant role in Valentine’s Day celebrations. However, indulging in​ a heavy meal before intimacy⁤ may not‍ be‍ the best idea. Consider enjoying each other’s company before heading ⁤out ⁣to eat, then replenish your energy with a hearty meal. But ‌think carefully about⁢ whether dining out is the best option. Restaurants on Valentine’s Day can be crowded and‌ rushed. ‍It’s akin to travelling during ​peak hours⁢ with a‌ large suitcase, a toddler, and a ⁤mischievous terrier⁣ – best avoided if possible.‍ A home-cooked meal ⁣may seem like an easy option, but it can⁣ be made special with a little⁣ effort. Consider ordering from your favourite restaurant,⁢ decorating ‌your dining area,⁢ or even hiring a chef for the ⁣evening.

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How to Disagree with Your Partner Without Damaging Your Relationship by Lisa

Disagreements in⁤ relationship/” title=”When Your Loved Ones Don't Approve of Your Relationship”>relationships are inevitable.⁢ It’s not a matter of if, but when. So, how can you navigate these disagreements in a healthy⁤ and productive way? In his latest book, “Seven⁣ Things​ That Make Or Break A Relationship,” behavioural⁢ scientist Paul McKenna provides three key guidelines for‍ constructive arguments.

Falling in ⁤love can often blind us to the reality that disagreements are bound to occur. It’s easy to get along when you’re ⁣in agreement, ⁢but the true test of a relationship is⁤ how you handle disagreements. Sooner or later, you will find yourself at odds with your​ partner.

The subject of​ your ⁢disagreement isn’t as important as how you handle it. Disagreements are⁢ a natural part of any relationship. If ⁢handled well, they can lead to a better understanding of‍ each other’s perspectives and even inspire creative solutions.

However, not all disagreements are constructive.​ When an argument escalates and emotions run high, it’s easy ‍to get caught up⁤ in​ the heat⁢ of the moment. This is what‍ McKenna refers to as “the magnetism of negativity.” It’s a state⁣ where anger takes the driver’s seat, and rationality ⁤takes a backseat.

Observing others argue can often highlight how irrational and ‍unproductive it can be.⁣ However, when you’re in the midst of it, it’s hard to maintain that perspective. Anger can cloud self-awareness and even spread to ⁢others, making it a highly contagious emotion.

Anger diminishes⁢ self-awareness, and angry individuals often​ unconsciously incite anger in others.

It’s crucial to remain⁣ aware and⁣ resist the ‍allure of​ anger. This can be challenging as anger can be intoxicating, providing a sense⁣ of righteousness and liberation. This effect is often amplified by alcohol, ⁤which lowers inhibitions and can lead to regrettable actions.

In the business world, winning arguments can be beneficial. It can help you ⁢persuade others and achieve ⁣your vision. However, personal ‍relationships operate​ differently. Winning an argument in a relationship often⁣ means making your partner lose, which isn’t conducive to a ​healthy relationship. Instead,​ the goal should be to foster ‍understanding and turn arguments into constructive conversations.

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