Age differences in relationships

The Significant Difference Between Sleeping with Older and Younger Men by Lisa

Almara Abgarian wearing ​red lipstick and a‍ black top‌ standing in front‌ of a brick wall
Who‌ makes better⁤ lovers: older or younger men? (Picture: Rachel Adams 2023)

In‌ my late 20s, I had an​ intimate relationship with a man who was 16 years ⁤older than me.

David* and I moved in similar circles and kept crossing paths. His confidence, which​ I found⁣ attractive, was abundant, and he often wore‍ suits ⁣– a ​weakness of mine at the time.

Although his early 40s age didn’t bother me, such a significant age difference was a new experience for⁣ me.

Before him, the oldest person I’d been with was an ex who was nine years older than me.

My time with David was enlightening.

Unlike my peers, he didn’t just want a quick fling. He saw⁢ exploring my body as a privilege and took the time to understand my ⁢body’s responses more than any lover my age ever⁤ had.

Since then, I have been with more people older than⁤ me, but I’ve also been with younger men. ​

With age gap‍ relationships predicted to⁤ be the biggest dating trend in‍ 2024,‌ I aim to answer the question: do older or younger​ men ‌make better lovers?

Out of respect, I’ll ‍start with the older men.

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Almara laying‌ on her bed, wearing denim shorts and a denim jacket

Ensuring her partner’s comfort has always been crucial⁢ to Almara (Picture: Rachel Adams ‌2023)

In my 20s, being with older men made ⁤me feel secure during a time when I was still discovering‍ myself. It was ​easier to try new things in bed with‍ them, knowing I was in experienced​ hands. ​

They ‍never made me⁤ feel foolish for my lack of experience.

On⁤ the contrary,⁤ like David,⁤ most were eager to demonstrate their skills, acting as my ‘mentor’ in bed⁢ – and I was a willing learner.

However, these relationships​ weren’t without​ their challenges.

I ⁣was more conscious of their⁢ life stresses, which sometimes intruded into our intimate moments.

Some of ⁤these lovers also had a preferred ​way of doing things.‍ At⁢ times, it felt as if they had the upper hand due to the inherent power dynamic⁤ that comes with‌ significant age gaps. ‌

Subconsciously, I viewed their opinions and⁤ methods as more important than mine, given their life experience. It took me ⁢years ⁤to realise that⁤ I didn’t have to follow their lead.

This issue hasn’t been as prevalent with ⁤the younger​ men I’ve been with – the youngest being my current boyfriend, who⁤ is 28 (I am 34), but there have been others before him.

However, now that I’m the older one, I’ve been more concerned about​ ensuring they don’t fall for the power imbalance I ⁤once ‍did as the younger party.⁤

Ensuring my⁤ partner’s comfort has always been crucial to‌ me. I’ve always checked in with my partners to ensure ⁤they are comfortable with our situation and encouraged them to express their desires.

Despite my efforts to communicate openly and satisfy my partners, younger men haven’t always reciprocated.⁤

A former lover ⁣– who was five ⁣years younger than me – ‍was exceptional in ‌bed. He was always giving, which I appreciated. However, outside of the bedroom,⁢ he lacked emotional depth.

This​ soon became draining, and it was the reason I eventually ended things ‍with him.

Almara Abgarian photographed at home by Rachel Adams

I​ may​ be outspoken now, but I wasn’t always this way (Picture: Rachel ​Adams 2023)

If you want ⁣to turn me on, my mind needs as much stimulation as my body⁣ – a fact younger men don’t seem to fully appreciate, at least⁤ in my experience.

However, what they ‍sometimes lack in maturity, they make up for in⁢ enthusiasm.

When I was ‌28, I had ‍an unforgettable one-night stand with a ‍24-year-old man named Jonas*. He was ⁢one of the most ​enthusiastic sexual partners I’d ever had, and ⁢I felt very comfortable with him.

Because of that, I felt able to be the dominant character, ‌take up more space, and tell him exactly‌ what I wanted and needed.

Although I’m very vocal now, I wasn’t always ⁢this way. And statistically, ​women are less likely to speak up in bed. Fortunately for me, Jonas was not only happy to follow ‘orders’ ‍but also wasn’t afraid to ⁣take the‍ lead.

One thing I’ve noticed both groups have in common is⁣ that they ⁢could become jealous or ⁣resentful when it became apparent I had more sexual partners than they had. Sometimes ⁢they told me ‘you’ve been around’ ​directly, other times it was a twitch of the lip‍ or ⁢a raised eyebrow.

Occasionally, their​ treatment of ‌me worsened (which is usually when I ended things).

Thankfully, as we all know, no⁣ two people ​are alike. And as a‍ result, there are pros and cons to being intimate ‍with people‍ older or younger than you.

Based on my experience, choosing a ⁤sexual partner is ‌never​ straightforward.

Older people (including myself now) often have more baggage that can creep ‍into the ‍bedroom – from unresolved emotional issues and ‍ex-partners, to job issues and general stress – but this can also⁣ be a positive because the⁢ more experience we​ have, the better we learn to communicate our needs and deal with life’s⁢ challenges, including⁤ in the bedroom.

While younger people may still⁢ be figuring out what they like in bed or how to please a partner, they are more aware of things such as the importance of pleasure and‌ consent, which has been a ⁣major‌ topic in sexual discourse​ in recent years.

It’s also worth‍ noting that there are age gap limits.

Simply put, if you’re worried‍ that someone might be⁢ too young or old for you, they probably are. You have a responsibility to consider the other ​person’s wellbeing, as well as your⁣ own.

So, while this might be the latest dating trend, it should never just be about jumping into bed with the next attractive older man you ⁣see.

As for who is ultimately⁣ better in ⁤bed, ‌well, sex is relative.

Regardless, every lover⁣ can teach us something valuable.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing [email protected].

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