Social Etiquette

Is there ever a suitable time to strike up a conversation with someone in public? by Lisa

While we’ve grown used to⁢ maintaining our distance due to the ⁢pandemic, the‍ transition from in-person to digital interactions, particularly in the dating scene, ⁣began much earlier. The digital dating landscape,⁢ with its swipes and online profiles, ⁢has⁢ its advantages, such as safety and‌ the ability⁤ to screen potential partners. However,⁢ it also ‌comes with its own set‍ of ⁢challenges, such as⁢ cyberflashing and⁣ catfishing.

When was the‍ last time you flirted with someone face-to-face, or⁢ had‌ someone do the same ⁢with you? Is this ⁤something we should long for? Are there benefits ⁣to meeting someone spontaneously in person? Camille Virginia, an offline dating coach and ⁢author of The Offline Dating Method, ⁣believes so. She argues that meeting ⁤someone in person‌ can⁢ be more enjoyable and informative. ‌You can learn more about a person’s true self in‌ a⁢ few seconds of face-to-face interaction than you ⁢can in weeks of online ‌chatting. Body language, she points out, can convey more subtleties than any digital⁤ message.

However, the practice of‌ approaching strangers ​in person doesn’t⁢ have the ​best reputation.⁤ Is it even suitable? Is it a tactic best left to dubious pickup artists on social media, or is there still room for a bit ⁣of ⁢serendipity? Camille, who primarily coaches single women, assures that ⁤her clients do want men to approach them. She notes that⁢ we’re⁢ all craving connection, but ⁢we’re also socially ⁣awkward ‌and unsure ⁢how to ‍handle it when it happens.

When engaging with someone⁤ you’ve⁣ just met, ⁢don’t treat ⁤it as a ​pickup attempt. That can come across as​ desperate or creepy. Your aim ⁣should be to establish a connection and see where it leads. In this era of heightened awareness about personal‌ boundaries, it’s important to approach interactions with empathy and thoughtfulness.‌ Ensure you’re ‍in a public, well-lit place where ‍the other person can ⁢easily leave if they’re not interested. And​ never ask⁢ someone ‍to ‍remove⁢ their headphones to talk to⁢ you.‍ So, ⁤once⁣ you’ve considered these factors, what should ‍you say? ‍That’s‍ the next ⁢step ‍in navigating the world of offline dating.

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