Relationships and Divorce

When and How to Request Money from Your Ex by Lisa

Nowadays, ⁤couples are delaying marriage but still choosing to ⁢live together around the same⁢ time ⁢in their ‍relationship, typically just before the two-year mark. This trend has led⁤ to a significant number⁣ of unmarried, cohabitating‌ individuals, much to the ⁤dismay of traditionalists. While this‍ delay in marriage⁢ has contributed to an 18% decrease in the divorce⁢ rate from 2006 to 2018, it has​ also left those who separate before​ legalising their union in a⁣ tricky situation. Marriage, despite its perceived ⁢outdatedness and hefty ⁢price tag, offers a range of legal‍ protections, including financial safeguards in case of a split. Without these legal provisions, breaking up can become financially challenging, ⁤leading‍ some to request their ⁢ex-partners to contribute ⁢towards the costs incurred due to the breakup.

Compounding this issue, many people ⁢are ‌grappling with debt, housing shortages are prevalent in ‍many‌ cities, and home ownership among young ‌people is declining. Consequently, when individuals move out after a breakup, they often⁢ face the burden ​of breaking leases or paying double rent ⁢until they find a⁢ new roommate.​ However, these are‍ not the ⁣only financial concerns associated with breakups. As Alicia McElhaney, founder ‍of She Spends, points out, “It’s not just ⁣breaking a lease or ‍a mortgage. Packing your stuff up, finding⁣ a new place. That all adds up pretty ‌quickly.” Furthermore, an ex-partner may refuse to pay for things they had previously⁣ agreed to, making the breakup not only emotionally but also financially painful.

Fortunately, in this digital age, one can request money from an ex without the‌ need for face-to-face interaction or complex bank transactions. Apps like Venmo,⁤ Cash App, Zelle, and PayPal ⁣have simplified the process of​ asking your ex for financial support. However, the convenience of these apps ‌has also⁤ led to some rather unusual requests. With the ease of requesting money comes the potential for pettiness.

Interestingly, it is generally more ‍acceptable to⁣ ask for larger sums of money, provided ⁢there was ​an agreement ​or contract ‌regarding its use. McElhaney explains, “If they owe you money for rent, or mortgage payments,⁣ or anything big where⁢ the ⁢both⁣ of you are in a contract to pay for something, and they leave⁤ that ⁤contract, I ‍think⁣ it’s more than reasonable for you to ask‌ for [their share of] that money.” She also suggests that if a ‌partner had agreed to split⁤ the cost of a significant purchase like a trip or a‍ new mattress, ‍it is entirely ⁤reasonable to ask them to ⁣honour that agreement. The circumstances of the breakup‍ also matter. For instance, if your ‌partner cheated ​on you ⁢or left without warning, ⁤you ​generally have more leeway in asking‍ for financial‍ compensation.

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