Sexuality and Personal Growth

The Transformation of Male Perspectives on Sex through Orgasmic Meditation by Lisa

The current climate of gender relations ‌is tense, with the #MeToo movement and numerous allegations of women-delay-engaging-in-sexual-activity/” title=”Reasons Women Delay Engaging in Sexual Activity”>sexual assault ​and harassment causing⁤ a surge ⁢of pain and anger. Many men are ‌grappling with feelings ‍of shame ‌and guilt as the harmful effects of toxic masculinity are exposed. It’s becoming increasingly⁢ clear that patriarchal societies‌ are detrimental not only ‌to women but also to men. This could be⁣ why a somewhat unconventional and female-centric practice is gaining traction in the UK.

So, what⁣ exactly is orgasmic meditation?

Orgasmic meditation, ⁣often ‌abbreviated as OM, is not a sexual act, ‍despite involving a ⁢body ‍part typically associated⁤ with sex. The practice‍ involves one person stroking another’s clitoris for fifteen minutes, using gloves and lubricant. The experience is akin to ⁢yoga, as it encourages you to connect with your body​ and feel every⁣ sensation. It​ also resembles meditation, as it involves observing ⁢thoughts as they arise and ⁤letting them ‌go without judgement.

But is‌ orgasmic ‌meditation suitable for men?

Men can participate in‌ OM as “strokers”, but they are not the‍ ones being stroked. The practice⁤ does not⁤ involve penetration, romance, kissing, eye gazing, or penis play. The focus is ⁤solely on the female genitals. Women reportedly reap numerous benefits from ⁢OM, including reduced stress ​levels ​and more intense orgasms.​ But⁣ what’s in it for men?

Chris‌ Jescheck, a 33-year-old from Munich who has been practicing ⁤OM ‍for years, initially⁢ questioned the same thing. He admitted, “At ⁢first, I thought I should quit because I was giving ⁢something to her without receiving anything in return.‍ However, after a few⁢ sessions, something‌ changed. I felt energised and more ‌alert ​after OM. I realised that ⁤the practice isn’t about ‘getting something in return’.”

In ⁤addition to ‌feeling more energised, “strokers” claim that OM helps‍ uncover subconscious beliefs about sex,⁤ such as the notion that “If I ‍do something for them, they should do something for me”.​ This practice,​ which doesn’t aim for climax, also helps to dismantle sexual conditioning.

![Christoph Jescheck](

![Will, 33, from London](

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