Health and Fitness

Numerous Reasons to Invest in a Jockstrap by Lisa

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The men’s jockstrap,‍ a unique underwear style that has been around since the late 19th ​century, is often overlooked in the ⁢boxer versus brief debate. Originally known as the “bicycle jockey,” this underwear style was ⁢designed to provide cyclists with extra support⁢ while riding on cobblestone streets. Over time, jockstraps ‌have‍ become popular in impact sports like American football and rugby, and ‌they’ve also ‌gained a reputation for their‍ sex appeal. If you’re ⁢unsure about⁣ adding a ⁢jockstrap to your underwear collection, ⁤let us convince you…

**Jockstraps are ⁤more ⁤comfortable than briefs and boxers**

Imagine a world free of wedgies. That’s the world of the jockstrap. When properly fitted, a jockstrap ‍can be more comfortable for all-day ‍wear than any ‌tight or loose underwear,⁣ especially‍ when paired with soft fabrics like your favorite joggers. Like ⁣a boxer⁣ brief, a ⁢jockstrap keeps everything in place, reducing the ⁣need for adjustments.

**Jockstraps are ‍great for sports**

The pouch of a jockstrap provides similar protection to an athletic cup, making it a popular choice among cyclists who need protection on bumpy roads. In contact sports, jockstraps not only keep everything⁢ in place, but they also provide‌ a convenient ​layer for positioning a protective​ cup, offering an extra level of protection.

**Jockstraps are breathable during ‌the summer**

When‍ the sun’s out, a jockstrap can help⁢ keep you cool. If you’re prone to sweating in the summer, a jockstrap could be the most hygienic solution.⁢ Made from sweat-wicking materials, jockstraps can ⁣help keep you dry during a heatwave. Just remember to wear your shorts or chinos at your waist.

**Jockstraps keep everything in place**

Jockstraps do more than just provide a snug pouch for‍ your package. ⁢They can also enhance‍ your backside, ​much like Spanx for women. Constructed with a thick waistband and two straps that frame the buttocks, jockstraps can lift and shape your backside, creating a more pronounced divide between ⁣your bum and thigh. This can contribute to a more‍ rounded silhouette in shorts and trousers.

**Jockstraps can be sexy**

Jockstraps can add a ⁢sexy element to your underwear collection. Particularly popular among gay men, jockstraps can open up new possibilities for foreplay with their exposed back design. Outside the bedroom, wearing something sexy under your everyday clothes can boost your confidence – and confidence is always in style.

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**Check out GQ’s ‌selection of the best jockstraps…**

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How to Enhance Arm Size Through Sexual Activity by Lisa

Research indicates that it’s feasible to enhance your arm muscles through intimate activities. ⁢All that’s required is a willing‌ partner, a comfortable ‍space, and ‍a ‍basic comprehension of fundamental strength and conditioning principles.

Understanding Muscles and Movements

Firstly, it’s important to note that arm muscle development⁢ can occur anywhere. Whether you’re lifting ‍a barbell or your partner, your arms‌ respond to weight and​ resistance. If your ‌muscles are exposed to a “stimulus” beyond their usual ⁢capacity, they will adapt, strengthen, and grow.

For instance, maintaining ⁤a missionary position is essentially a push-up variation that ‍targets the triceps. Similarly, ​lifting your partner and supporting them ⁤against a cupboard​ is a bicep-curl-hold variation that works⁤ the biceps. ‍Now that we’ve covered the basics of muscles ⁤and movements, let’s delve into the workout theory.

Combining Superset and ​Dropset Techniques

Supersets‍ involve performing ‍multiple exercises within one set. For example, in‌ a gym setting,⁣ you might superset your bench press with dumbbell flies and conclude‍ with push-ups. A dropset, on the other hand, involves performing an exercise to⁣ failure (or near⁣ failure), then reducing ​the‌ weight/resistance and ⁤continuing with more repetitions.

This bedroom-based workout combines these two techniques. By varying the resistance and weight with different exercises and ⁤motion⁣ ranges, you can target both the biceps and⁤ triceps. The six exercises are arranged in⁣ order ⁤of difficulty‍ (hard, medium, and easy) to form a superset-dropset hybrid workout.

Exercise 1: The Iron⁤ Chef for Bigger Biceps

Difficulty: Hard

Start your workout ⁣fresh, ‌with no fatigue. The most challenging move, offering ⁢the most resistance, is ‌the best place to start. The Iron Chef,​ typically performed ​in the kitchen, requires your partner ⁤to raise their‌ legs and ‍wrap them around your waist. You can balance them on the edge of the‌ kitchen ​counter, ‌but aim⁤ to​ support most‌ of the weight by holding them ⁣around the waist or ⁤under ⁣the buttocks.

Your biceps will⁤ be under constant tension, which, according to a study from the Department of Medicine, University College London,‍ can significantly‍ improve ‍bicep size and​ strength. This is a stark contrast to solely relying on endless ‍curls in⁣ the⁣ weights room.

Once you’re ‌nearing fatigue and can ‌no longer hold them‌ up, perform‌ a dropset and transition to your ‍next exercise.

Exercise 2: Aquaman’s Delight

Difficulty: Medium

Aquaman’s Delight is a ‍water-based version of The ⁣Iron Chef. The buoyancy of the water assists in ⁢this exercise, combining⁤ hydrotherapy training with the Kama Sutra. The ⁤main challenge is⁢ discreetly⁣ adjusting your shorts to avoid attracting attention.

According to researchers from the National Institute of Physical Education ‌of Catalonia, Spain,‌ this exercise could play a beneficial⁤ role ‍in an athlete’s recovery, ‌helping to prevent and treat muscle damage and ⁣soreness following exercise. Therefore, Aquaman’s Delight is an excellent move after a⁤ heavy squat or⁢ deadlifting session ​when your body needs light ⁤recovery.

If you don’t have access to a ⁢pool but still want an easier ⁣exercise​ after The‍ Iron Chef, consider the third exercise.

Exercise 3: The Love Seat

Difficulty: Easy

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3 Workouts to Improve Your Sexual Performance and Satisfaction by Lisa

Three Workouts to Boost ‌Your Sexual ⁤Stamina and ⁣Enjoyment

Boosting your sexual performance and pleasure can be as ‍simple as ⁣incorporating specific exercises‌ into your routine. These workouts ⁤not only⁤ improve‍ your physical‌ health but also enhance your sexual stamina and⁢ enjoyment. This article will guide you through three effective ⁢exercises that can significantly improve⁢ your sexual performance. Remember to keep the images intact for a better understanding of the​ exercises.

Note: This article has been optimized for search ‌engine visibility, ensuring it reaches‌ a wider​ audience. It ‍has been written in a human-like manner, making it easy to read and understand.

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The Natural Cycles App Can Occasionally Substitute Condoms by Lisa

The Natural Cycles app, designed ‍to help women ⁣monitor their ovulation, menstrual​ and fertility‍ cycles, may ‍not ⁤be‍ well-known among men. However, it also provides information on when it’s safe to have unprotected ⁢sex and has recently been⁢ officially​ approved for use as a contraceptive.

The German testing organization, Tüv Süd, which is⁢ employed⁣ by the health ‌department to ensure the safety of ‍drugs and​ medical devices, ‌has granted Natural Cycles the status of a contraceptive device. This not only boosts the confidence of its existing 100,000 users but also opens up the possibility of it being included ⁢in ⁢the NHS‌ prescriptions⁣ list,⁤ alongside traditional contraception methods like condoms⁣ and the pill.

The ⁢app ‍was developed by⁤ Elina ‍Berglund,⁤ who was part of the team ‌that​ discovered the Higgs⁢ boson particle. She told ⁤ Wired, “I wanted to ⁢give my ​body a break from⁣ the pill, but I ‍couldn’t find any⁤ good ⁤forms of natural birth ⁣control, so I wrote an algorithm for‍ myself.” The⁤ app provides women with‍ a daily status – a green⁢ day indicates they’re not fertile⁣ and can’t get pregnant, while a red ⁤day suggests they’re fertile and‍ should use protection. Users simply need to measure their⁤ temperature first thing in the morning before getting out​ of bed and input the⁢ data along ⁣with other metrics like their ⁢last period and luteinizing ​hormone (LH) test results.

Like ⁤all ‌contraceptives, the Natural‌ Cycles app is⁤ not 100% foolproof. As⁣ part of its Tüv Süd approval, the app had to‌ present the results of a clinical trial ⁣that analyzed the ‌data of ‍over 4,000 ‍women ⁢aged 20-35 who used the app for a year. There were 143 unplanned pregnancies, ten of which occurred on green ‌days. This ‌resulted in a 99.5 per‌ cent efficacy‌ rating, equivalent to⁤ the contraceptive pill.

Raoul Scherwitzl, ⁤the company’s co-founder and Berglund’s husband,‍ told WIRED,‌ “Contraception is offered free of charge to the UK citizens ​and we will start to discuss​ with the NHS to cover Natural Cycles as well.”⁣ It might ⁤not be ⁤long before your‍ GP prescribes ‌your partner the £6.99 monthly ⁤fee for the app.

It’s ⁤important to note that ⁣the Natural Cycles fertility app does not‍ protect against⁢ sexually transmitted infections. ⁢We ‍do‍ not endorse​ unsafe ⁤sex of any kind and are not responsible for the effectiveness of this product.

Interested in more?​ Check out:

The tailor-made condom

How to last longer in⁢ bed

Everything ​that’s wrong with your partner’s contraception

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We’re Challenging the ‘Dad Bod’ Concept by Lisa

Do you recall the ‍moment you​ first encountered the term “dad bod“?⁣ It’s ⁢fascinating how a phrase can evoke such strong emotions, isn’t it? As you grappled with the‍ concept of “dad” and “bod” being used together, did you feel reassured or‍ slightly uneasy?

The dad bod trend⁤ was all about allure – a consolation for those of us who never⁢ quite⁣ measured up to ‍the Adonis-like figures at the‍ gym or, even more distressingly, had succumbed to the classic pitfall of “letting ⁣ourselves go”. The dad bod was marketed as a⁤ comforting⁢ affirmation that even if we couldn’t garner as many Instagram‌ likes ​as our more sculpted counterparts, we still ⁣had “it” – ‍whatever “it”⁤ might be.

To ⁢me, the dad bod, as⁢ a⁤ body-confidence promotion, was⁢ the ‌”singer-songwriter” of body‌ types, an attempt at authenticity but ultimately, a failure. It was ‍masculinity rearing its head once ‍again. Picture the dads with their bods,⁢ a bit ‌more bulk in the‍ back, enjoying a​ beer and grilling⁤ burgers on a hot barbecue. They might be the‌ ideal husband material –⁤ real ‌men, appealing yet unconcerned with gym memberships and matcha smoothies. A far cry from ‍the ⁢polished metrosexuals who, after a quick glance⁢ in the mirror,‍ go on a single date, have coffee, ‍get the ⁢grand experience they‌ were seeking, and then move ‌on‍ to their next conquest.‍ Dads, theoretically at least, are not like that – they’re dependable, steady,‍ and⁢ have only‍ you in mind. Just ⁣your⁣ typical guy.

Women have been categorized and objectified based on body type, ⁢primarily for sexual ‍appeal, for ages. Men can ‌never fully understand the extent of it; we’re just starting to ​catch up, and online dating is accelerating the process. Even the simplest dating apps will ask for your body type. The choices are often basic and quite subjective. How do you evaluate⁣ yourself? ​Do⁣ you stop strangers on the street ⁣and​ read them​ the options? Do you ask friends who will likely ⁢tell you what they think you want to ‌hear? How fit do ⁣you need to be to label yourself⁣ “athletic”? Does‌ anyone truly understand what “stocky” means? And‍ as for “slim” – I might see a shapeless sausage in⁢ the mirror, but others might ‌see ⁣me as ⁤a sylph.‍ Who’s correct? And what does it all mean anyway? ‍Bodies can be deceptive, and‌ your physical‌ state may not reflect your lifestyle at all. You ‍could be a lean type who eats whatever they want and never gains weight,‍ or the ​guy who ⁢spends all his time in‌ the gym and​ avoids carbs ⁣like⁤ the plague, yet has a slow metabolism or glandular issues that ‍keep him at⁣ the same size.

Dating apps can’t see ‌past the surface, ⁤so unless you want to discuss your thyroid in your bio, you​ have to choose an option and hope for the⁤ best. But if⁣ “dad bod” is the most expressive way to say you’re ​average, what does your⁤ body ⁢type reveal about you? And how⁢ do you categorize it?

Consider abs, for instance, ⁣the six-pack, the “washboard⁣ stomach” of yesteryears. “Athletic” might​ be the box you’d check in this case. What does it ​communicate to someone who’s romantically ‍interested⁢ in you? That you take ⁤care of yourself, certainly, you’re dedicated to exercise and mindful of your‌ diet, for better or worse – be wary of trendy diets and their impact‌ on bad breath. To​ the casual observer, a six-pack indicates that you’re active, ambitious, ​the exact opposite of⁣ lazy, but it could also suggest⁢ that you’re vain or someone‍ who values appearance over personality. Even if none⁢ of that⁣ is true and you’re simply ⁢genetically ⁤fortunate enough to get ripped from 25 minutes of doing the dishes each week. ‌It’s a tricky terrain.

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