Tech & Innovation

The audio app revolutionizing erotica by Lisa

Recently, my colleague​ Josh⁤ Rothman and I delved into the world of audio ⁢erotica, spending several hours listening to a​ variety of podcasts for a​ potential‌ story on “sensual self-care”. The popularity of⁤ erotic podcasts has surged in recent years, making it an intriguing topic. Both Josh and I⁤ have ⁢a fondness for⁤ radio shows, romance ‍novels, podcasts, and light-hearted content. ​However, our research experience ‍was less‌ than pleasant. We ‍found that the majority of the content we listened ⁣to was cringe-worthy, due to⁢ the difficulty of crafting quality erotica and producing convincing audio drama. The‍ discomfort of listening to ⁣poorly executed attempts at both was unbearable. It was akin to reading awkwardly written sex scenes in books or excerpts from embarrassing novels by infamous public figures,‍ but with‍ the ⁣added discomfort of having it read aloud by ‌a stranger.

However, we found one ⁤exception that ⁣didn’t⁤ make us cringe – Dipsea. This ‌app, launched in 2018 by Gina Gutierrez and Faye Keegan, offers subscription-based erotic short stories, specifically designed​ for women, with a tasteful yet⁣ sensual aesthetic. Dipsea successfully avoids⁢ the common pitfalls of both erotica and audio drama. ⁢The writing is​ commendable, the⁢ stories are performed by ⁤credible and appealing actors, and the‌ entire‌ operation⁣ has‌ a startup feel‌ to it. With $5.5 million in‍ venture capital backing, Dipsea feels ⁣like a ⁤well-designed product ​you might see ⁤advertised on Instagram,‍ aiming to revolutionize ‌a ‍specific aspect of your life. The sophistication of Dipsea’s marketing, the consideration​ given to ​its ⁣visual ‌design, the abstract illustrations of diverse bodies,⁢ and the intriguing story titles are so in tune with the current cultural climate that it’s almost unsettling. ⁤The content​ is exactly as the marketing⁢ suggests: ⁢tasteful erotic scenarios featuring ⁢young, educated, sexually and ethnically diverse⁣ city dwellers, sometimes on vacation, sometimes ⁤in their hometown, encountering old ⁣flames in ⁤unexpected places. Each story is tagged with ​character indicators, scenario indicators, and heat ratings, ⁢as voted by⁢ listeners.

The⁣ creators have clearly put a ‍lot ‍of thought into every aspect⁤ of the app, ⁢including contemporary‍ sensibilities. This is a rarity in the‍ world of erotic content, which ⁢often reflects cultural shortcomings‌ as much ‍as it does healthy sexual desire. The first ⁢erotic book I read, Nancy Friday’s 1973 classic “My Secret Garden”, was filled with a variety ⁤of scenarios, ‍some delightful, some disturbing. And all kinds of written sexual ⁢content, whether ⁢by renowned authors‍ or ​enthusiastic amateurs, often involves some degree of reading ​around unsavoury couplings, ‌phrases, and perspectives, which can require mental‍ gymnastics.⁢ I avoided the “Fifty ‍Shades of Grey” series not because I wasn’t interested in erotic⁣ literature,‍ but because I knew that the balance of ⁤enjoyable elements (sex, ​romance) to‌ unenjoyable elements (wealthy tycoon, helicopters, naive protagonist) would make the series unappealing to me.

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