Men’s Fashion and Lifestyle

GQ Discusses #MeToo by Lisa

Let’s begin the conversation.

In⁣ the ⁤aftermath of the ​Weinstein scandal‌ and the subsequent #MeToo movement that⁤ exposed ⁤the actions of ​men globally, ​the initial reaction ‌of most men was to remain quiet.

Primarily, this silence was born out ⁢of the understanding that​ while there was a lot⁤ to be discussed, men ⁣were not the ones to initiate⁣ the conversation. ⁢When women courageously ⁤voice their experiences of assault and harassment, the last‍ thing they need is a man explaining their experiences back to them. ⁣In essence,​ we needed to ⁢close our mouths and open our ears.

However, there was another factor at play: uncertainty. Fear. A realization not⁣ that the norms⁣ of sexual behavior⁤ had changed – because seriously, what did you think the norms were? – ‌but that we hadn’t⁣ been paying ⁤enough attention to them. That we hadn’t⁣ given it enough thought. And the shocking realization that some men – more than we’d like to admit –⁢ simply ‌didn’t care about the ‌rules⁣ or about women.

But now, it’s time for a ⁣change. By ⁣remaining silent⁣ and not engaging in discussions among ourselves, we risk perpetuating⁢ the status⁤ quo, ignoring the problem,⁤ and patting ‍ourselves on the back for not⁤ being one of ‘those’ men.

But maintaining the status quo isn’t how ⁣things improve: it’s ⁣how they remain stagnant.

Therefore, this week on our website, and in our print⁤ edition⁢ next month, GQ is addressing #MeToo. ⁢We’re doing so honestly, respectfully, and openly. After‌ all, acknowledging the problem is the first step towards solving ⁢it.

We need to have this conversation.

In our initial meeting, ‍a young female intern made a statement that surprised the male GQ editors. She admitted that after⁢ reading so ⁢much about men behaving badly – the molesters and the rapists, the Weinsteins and the Spaceys, the corrupt ⁤CEOs, the hypocritical journalists, and everyone in between – she now viewed all men differently.

She confessed that she was now afraid of men. Every man⁤ she encountered – ⁤the stranger on the subway, the ‍random guy ​in the elevator, the man⁤ across the street⁣ – was now a ⁤potential threat. Every man could be one of those men.

This became the first article – a truly brilliant one – by ‌23-year-old Olive Pometsey.

We examined the institutions that are still resistant to ​change.

Our Style and Grooming Director Teo van den Broeke delved into the fashion industry’s toxic culture of abuse, while John⁢ Niven, the renowned chronicler of music ‌industry abuse with his 2015 novel Kill Your ⁤Friends, ⁣questioned ⁢why their Weinstein moment is yet to come.

We highlighted the people and places that are making an effort.

Technology writer Amelia Tait reported on​ how dating apps are evolving in the wake of #MeToo,​ while GQ’s Staff Writer Eleanor Halls visited ⁢her alma mater Oxford ⁣to report on the toxic masculinity of their exclusive societies – and the mandatory ‌“consent ⁣courses” every student is now required to take.

We asked female‍ writers to ⁤point out our mistakes.

Prospect’s Head of Digital Stephanie Boland writes about the unconscious sexism of the everyday – the‌ “hundred petty violations, often more irritating than humiliating, which are nothing like the crimes Weinstein and others have been ⁤found guilty of, but similarly put you​ in your place” – while The New Statesman’s Deputy Editor Helen Lewis writes about the “bullshit ​tax” of having⁣ to⁢ speak‌ out while ⁤supposedly liberal, feminist men⁣ stay silent.

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