Social Media Trends

Interviewing Men Who Document Their Divorces on TikTok by Lisa

When Garet, a 22-year-old lumber worker, tied the knot after four years of courtship, he never anticipated becoming ⁤a single father within a few months. “Our relationship started deteriorating after the first year,” ​he shares, “and we ended up divorcing ‍shortly after.” With newfound spare time and⁣ a desire to bond⁤ more with his‌ son, Garet joined TikTok in early 2018. After spending months viewing and creating videos, he found a unique way to ⁢cope⁤ with his divorce while indulging in his new pastime. Garet filmed himself burning his marriage certificate in a metal bin on the street,​ creating what would‌ later become a legendary Divorce TikTok.

Garet’s video, along with seven ⁣others, was featured in a viral Twitter thread highlighting some of⁢ the best TikTok content from divorcees in February. Most of⁢ these videos are lip-synced to emotional songs and ‌often show the divorcee removing their wedding ring and tossing it towards the camera. ‌Many Divorce TikToks also include the divorcee’s children or the divorcee holding old photos of the couple with‌ background music lyrics like “look ​what you gave up”. While these intensely emotional‍ videos may seem⁣ niche to Twitter users, the popularity of Divorce TikTok is undeniable. At the ‌time of writing, the hashtag #divorce ‍has over 60 million views on TikTok, and the ⁣hashtag #divorced has over 18 million. While some videos using these hashtags⁤ are simply memes ⁤about divorced parents or skits about divorce, many⁣ of them are people sharing and documenting their marriage dissolution.

What’s⁣ puzzling about⁣ this trend is⁣ its ⁣occurrence on TikTok – an app famously used by pre-teens. ⁣However, Nicholas, a 33-year-old managing director from⁤ Milton Keynes who posted his own divorce video, explains that many divorcees​ are‍ on TikTok because it’s a popular app among parents looking to connect with their children. “My kids saw a TikTok ad on their tablets,‌ so I downloaded it,” he shares. “Watching ⁢five TikToks before bedtime ⁤became part of our routine.”

Nicholas shares that it took him nearly⁢ three years to ⁢finally ⁤exit his marriage after ​encountering an unavoidable rough patch. Struggling ⁢with anxiety and⁢ depression,⁢ he ⁣was initially hesitant about posting personal videos on ​his TikTok page. “My early posts were ‍mostly about my kids or jokes,” he says, ⁢”But ‌I wanted to share my divorce story and express the emotions associated with it… Posting⁣ the video allowed me to express ⁣things that I felt​ I couldn’t before.”

Ryan, a 35-year-old truck driver and photographer from Kansas, began ‍posting on TikTok⁣ purely for entertainment – discovering ‍it just a few months after his marriage officially ended. After creating ​a ⁣few videos, Ryan had ‍a moment of inspiration that led ⁤him to post about his ⁢divorce.

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TikTok is Eager to Know Your ‘Body Count by Lisa

Recently, there’s been a surge ​in discussions about people’s sexual histories, particularly on platforms like TikTok,‌ Love Island, and even in Prince Harry’s memoir. On TikTok, there’s been a noticeable increase in street interviews where individuals are asked ⁢about their views on potential partners‘ sexual⁤ pasts. This ‌trend ⁤is often referred to⁣ as ⁤the ‘body count’ discourse.

The term ‘body count’⁢ was originally used to denote⁣ the number of enemy soldiers killed in a war. However, it has evolved to represent the number of ⁣sexual partners a person has had.⁢ This topic isn’t ⁣new – it was even discussed​ in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. But ⁣it’s become a popular subject in TikTok’s ‘seggs’ content, with ‌the ‘body count’ hashtag garnering over 700 million ‍views.

The ‘body count’ ⁣on TikTok continues the term’s original connotation, portraying past lovers as⁣ conquests. Here, having ⁢’too many’ sexual partners can potentially decrease your worth ⁣as a potential partner. This viewpoint is echoed annually on Love Island, where ⁤contestants with fewer sexual partners often receive⁤ praise, while those with higher numbers often feel the need to justify their pasts.

However, public opinion – or at least⁣ the views of those interviewed on TikTok⁢ – is more varied. Some people don’t care about a partner’s sexual history, ‍some prefer their partners to have a diverse sexual past, while others uphold⁢ the double standard that it’s acceptable for them to have multiple partners, but not for their own⁤ partners. Much of this conversation is rooted in misogyny,⁢ leading to a viral video telling men who are concerned about women’s ‘body counts’ to “get lost”.

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