Sex & Relationships

Has the pandemic increased our cynicism and decreased our empathy towards others? by Lisa

Have ‍you sensed the growing tension in ‍the atmosphere? ⁣The increased impatience in queues, the aggressive behaviour of commuters, the impatient ‍honking of drivers, and⁣ the abruptness of emails? It seems ⁤like the ⁣pandemic has triggered a wave of bad behaviour. From unruly ⁤passengers on flights to disrespectful notes on parked cars and ill-treatment of waiting staff, the signs are everywhere.​ Even as restrictions lift, the⁢ anticipated joy and camaraderie seem to be replaced by a general sense of irritation. So, what’s causing​ this widespread annoyance and how ⁤can we prevent it from affecting us?

During the pandemic, we quickly adapted​ to a‍ life of rules and restrictions to curb the spread of the⁤ virus. This adaptation, while necessary, may have led to compassion fatigue and a heightened sense of self-preservation due to⁣ isolation. A⁣ report by the University of Arizona College of‌ Medicine ‌suggests that anger ⁢and aggression are common outcomes ‍of thwarted individual ‍goals, according to ‍the frustration-aggression hypothesis. After being unable to live freely for ‍two years, it seems we’re now trying to⁣ make up for lost time. This behaviour is often rooted in fear, leading to feelings of helplessness, ⁢annoyance over trivial matters, and ⁣outward ‍hostility. The revelation of government officials flouting ⁤rules and partying has only added ⁤fuel to the ​fire.

The constant barrage of news, the inability to control ongoing⁤ catastrophes, and the blurring of real-life and ‌online interactions have made us more ⁤cynical​ and ⁤impatient. Technology has made it easier to‌ push boundaries, whether it’s cancelling meetings at the last minute or sending⁤ dismissive replies ⁣to well-thought-out emails. While‍ we may feel absolved by informing someone⁣ of our inability to attend​ a meeting ⁢just ten minutes⁢ prior, it’s likely to ⁢leave the other person‍ fuming.

Rudeness, it seems, is as contagious as the⁤ virus itself. If someone treats⁤ you poorly, you’re more likely ⁤to pass on the negativity. Each interaction ⁢we have‍ is ‌influenced by the behaviour of the person we interacted with previously, creating a vicious cycle ‍of rudeness,⁤ aggression, and⁢ entitlement. So, how do we navigate ​this? The ⁢key ‌is ​to‌ remain calm, positive, and professional.‌ Imagine someone you respect ​is observing you and act ‌accordingly. If someone takes your‌ parking space, let it go.‍ Reacting negatively only provides ⁤temporary ‌relief and can‍ lead to ⁣regret or escalation. Responding‍ politely to rudeness can defuse ⁢the situation and‌ make the⁤ other person realise their behaviour is unjustified. Practise self-control and avoid retaliation. Accepting responsibility for your actions rather than blaming others is the ⁢quickest way to resolution. Stand up ​against bad behaviour, but aim to be a calming influence rather than adding to the⁤ drama.⁣ Engage in physical exercise, try journaling, or play a video game to release pent-up frustration.

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