Online Dating

Top Dating Apps and Sites to Find Your Perfect Match by Lisa

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The‌ effectiveness of⁢ dating apps and⁤ websites ultimately depends on what you’re seeking. ​Whether you’re interested in long-term relationships,⁣ casual hook-ups, exploring polyamory ⁣or ⁢kink, there’s likely​ a ⁤platform that has worked for ⁢someone with similar ⁢goals. However, not everyone’s experience with dating ‌platforms is positive, and opinions on ⁣the best dating app can‍ vary greatly. As the saying goes, one person’s Tinder may be another person’s nightmare.

Choosing ‌between platforms like [eHarmony]( and [Hinge]( can be challenging, given that people’s experiences with these platforms can be as personal ⁢as their experiences with ⁤sex toys. We recommend⁤ creating profiles on‍ a couple of dating services ⁣that ⁢align with your‌ goals and focusing your efforts on these ⁢platforms. Spreading yourself too⁣ thin​ across multiple platforms could mean​ missing out on potentially great first⁤ dates. ⁣Continue reading​ to discover⁢ which ⁢services ⁤use compatibility questionnaires, algorithms, and a bit of luck ⁢to help you find your ⁤perfect ⁢match.

**Jump to:** [Which dating site is best for serious relationships?](#seriousdating) | [What is the most trusted dating site?](#trusteddating) | [What are the best dating sites for the LGBTQ+ community?](#lgbtqdating) | [Do dating apps actually work?](#dodatingappswork) |‍ [What makes a good dating app profile?](#gooddatingprofile) | [How can you use dating apps safely?](#safedating)

## Best Dating App for Long-Term Relationships: eHarmony


-‍ **Cost:** From free
-‍ **No. of users:** 5 million ​(in the UK)
– **Available:** Online, Apple’s App Store and Google Play

eHarmony boasts a ​70% success rate in matching its members with a spouse within their​ first year of membership.‍ As one of the oldest ⁢and most recognized brands in ​the⁣ dating industry, eHarmony has over five ⁤million users in the UK alone.​ The platform’s success ‌can be attributed to⁢ its patented ‘eHarmony Compatibility Matching System’ that matches users based on compatible personality traits.

As ‍part of ⁤the ​sign-up process,​ you’ll complete⁤ a quiz that will generate ⁢a list of matches. You can view ⁣these matches and send “smiles” to those you’re interested in as part of the free version⁤ of the site. However, to view full ‌profiles and⁣ send ⁣personalized messages, you’ll need to⁤ subscribe to‌ the paid version.

## Best ​Dating App for Features and Usability:


– **Cost:** ⁤From free
– **No. of users:** 3 million (in the UK)
-‌ **Available:** Online, Apple’s App Store and Google Play, with 3⁤ million users in⁢ the UK alone, is another veteran in the ⁣dating industry. The platform’s clean and user-friendly interface has ⁣contributed⁢ to its success in matching 1.6‍ million users.⁣ Unlike Tinder (also owned by Match⁤ Group), focuses more ⁢on the whole person rather than just their best selfie.

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Exploring The Disputed Dating Site for Polygamists by Lisa

Gini ⁢Chase is ‌on a quest⁣ to find a sisterwife. She and her ‌husband, Randy, whom she met at a‌ nightclub ‍17 years ago, have ⁣had⁣ their fair share of adventurous sexual experiences.‍ However, they⁤ are‍ now seeking something more substantial: a long-term partner ⁢to join their relationship.

At 52, Gini expresses her desire for a ‍child and a happy family. “If‍ we can have a‌ child and be a happy little tribe, it would be⁤ a beautiful⁣ thing,”⁤ she ‍says. However, ⁤Gini is unable ​to conceive, and the couple hopes ​to find ​a compatible ​partner‌ who can have a separate relationship with⁣ Randy and ideally bear⁤ children. ⁢The women wouldn’t ⁤engage sexually with​ each other, and​ there ​wouldn’t be any threesomes. To find their “third”,‌ the couple has been attending⁢ a polyamory​ group in Ohio and Gini has‍ recently joined a new website, is a⁤ matchmaking service established by Sunderland-based entrepreneur Azad Chaiwala. The website ‌aims to promote “Bigger Happier Families”. Polygamy, the practice of marrying multiple people, is illegal in the UK and US, so ⁢any additional ‌spouses would be​ spiritual rather than legal. Since​ its ‌launch in January 2016, has attracted​ 30,000⁣ registrants from 161 different countries. Members can set up a profile for free, but to send messages, they must pay £20 and ⁣complete ‍more than⁢ 75% of their profile. The fee is primarily to filter out​ unsuitable members, according to⁣ Martin Currah, Chaiwala’s right-hand man.

Chaiwala is a serial entrepreneur.⁤ He ⁣started a sweet shop at 12, began buying ⁤and selling confectionery and toilet rolls at 14, and made his first million ⁤at 21 ‍in the ‍games industry. His current financial interests are not public, but records show that his website⁤ is associated with a gym, a local letting agency, a network of ‍YouTube accounts, and​ online games site

Chaiwala, a practising Muslim, meets with GQ at his office⁢ in the Sunderland suburbs. His office is a converted⁢ house on a residential street, with a room ⁣full⁣ of men working ⁤at computers downstairs and a ‌makeshift studio upstairs⁢ where he records the‍ Azad Chaiwala Show for YouTube. He explains that polygamy⁣ is ⁢more than just a business opportunity for him. After his 29-year-old ​brother died unexpectedly of a​ heart attack in 2015, he realised there was more to⁣ life than money and decided his next‍ project‍ should champion a cause.

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Digital Dating: The New Rules by Lisa

Do you consider yourself a ⁤pro at online dating? You might be making some mistakes. The advent of online ⁢dating has made it simpler to connect with‍ potential partners, but this doesn’t mean you can disregard basic etiquette. As we’ve adapted to‍ new ⁢technologies, our ⁢behaviours have also changed, leading to a new ‌set of rules for digital dating. You might not be sending unsolicited explicit photos ‌or negging, but you could be committing other digital dating faux​ pas like Tindstagramming or breadcrumbing. Not ⁤sure what these terms mean? Here are⁢ some common online dating⁣ mistakes to avoid:

Ghosting (but⁤ Caspering is okay)

Ghosting someone you’ve met in person is generally frowned​ upon, and the same applies to those you’ve connected with online. If you’ve⁣ exchanged ⁣a few messages, ‍it’s only polite to say goodbye. This also prevents them from⁣ thinking you’re breadcrumbing them. Sex⁢ educator ⁤Alix Fox suggests “Caspering”‌ as a ⁢friendly alternative to ghosting: send a final message ‍explaining that you don’t​ think you’re ‍a ⁢good match, then feel ⁤free to disappear or block ‌them.

Listing your height in your Tinder ​bio

Listing your height as the first or only‍ thing ⁣in your bio is a no-no. There⁢ are countless ⁤ways to express your self-worth, and if your height ‌is⁣ your top ⁣selling point, you might ⁣need ⁤to rethink⁢ your approach. Avoid clichés, excuses​ about online​ dating, and copied jokes. And ​remember,⁣ Myers-Briggs types are just⁤ horoscopes for pseudo-intellectuals.


Tindstagramming is when you message someone on Instagram after failing ‌to match with them on Tinder. This behaviour can be⁣ annoying or even⁤ stalkerish, and many women have unlinked their Instagram from their Tinder profile to avoid it. If they⁤ didn’t match with you on a dating app, they’re ‌probably not interested.

Creating a ​shopping list

Your dating app bio should highlight your best qualities, not read like a Starbucks order. Listing your preferences in a‍ demanding manner can come off​ as ​arrogant and entitled. If you’re still single, it might not be ⁤because you have high ‍standards, but ⁣because you’re coming off as⁢ unapproachable.

Gym selfies

It’s great that you’re proud of your‌ body, but a woman browsing ⁢dating apps has⁤ likely seen plenty of shirtless photos. If you want to show off ‍your physique,‍ make it⁣ your second picture and include your ‌face. The goal⁤ is to convey that you’re an interesting person who also happens to be fit, not just a gym rat.

Swiping right on everyone

While it’s common for men‌ to swipe right on everyone and for⁤ women‍ to be more selective, this strategy isn’t‌ necessarily effective. Instead of ⁣trying to rack up matches, focus on improving your bio and crafting a⁤ good opening message to attract ⁤the people you’re genuinely interested in.

Sending a lengthy ⁣first message

A first‍ message should be ⁣more than‌ just “Heyyy,” but writing⁢ a novel can be ‌overwhelming. Aim for a balance ⁣between showing interest and appearing desperate. Keep it to two sentences: one commenting ‍on⁤ something in their profile, and ⁤one asking a question.

Sliding into DMs

It’s possible to flirt⁣ outside of dating apps, but be careful. Sliding into someone’s DMs has a sleazy reputation, but it can be done respectfully. Start by building⁤ a rapport, ‍such as by liking their tweets. ⁤If they​ reciprocate, you can⁣ try sending a DM. If they ‌don’t respond, back off.

Replying to ‍every post

Balance‍ is⁢ key.⁤ Constantly liking and responding to someone’s ‌posts can ‍come off as ⁣desperate. A ⁢”reply guy” is someone who replies to every post, even if they⁤ never get ⁣a response. This level of enthusiasm is⁢ more likely to scare ⁣someone off than attract them.


Deep-liking is when you accidentally ​like an old post while scrolling through someone’s social media. They’ll get a notification and realize you’ve been creeping‍ on their profile. If you can’t undo the like in time, your best options are to‌ own ⁣up to it or delete your account.


Breadcrumbing is⁣ when you string someone​ along with occasional⁣ messages to boost your ⁣ego, even though you’re not interested in them. If you don’t ‍plan⁣ on pursuing a relationship, it’s better to focus your efforts elsewhere.

Inappropriate use of Xs

Never end a work email with a kiss. ⁤Digital communications have become less formal, but⁣ the potential for misunderstanding is high.⁣ A single “x” ⁤can be ⁢interpreted in many ways. Use a ⁢smiley emoji instead. And ⁤no, I don’t want to ⁣connect with ⁣you on LinkedIn.

Digital Etiquette by Victoria Turk ⁢(Ebury Press, £9.99) is available now.


Tinder tips⁣ for the ​best openers and winning bios

What it’s like to have your ‌dating​ profile publicly shamed

Ask For Angela: the scheme keeping women safe ⁢on Tinder dates

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The Transformation of Dating Apps for User Safety by Lisa

Andrey Andreev, the founder of Badoo, a free dating social network, revolutionized the world of online dating. Instead of charging subscription fees, he introduced the option to pay via ⁤SMS to boost one’s profile to the top of the feed. This innovative approach led to a rapid increase in⁤ users, providing Andreev with a vast pool of data on individuals seeking love. This success spurred him to‌ develop new apps⁢ such as Bumble, designed for women;‍ Chappy, for gay men; and Lumen, for those over fifty. However, Andreev now faces a⁤ significant challenge: ​how to eliminate‌ inappropriate content?

Unfortunately, even on platforms like Bumble, where women initiate conversations, ⁢some men still send unsolicited explicit images. ⁢To combat this, ​Andreev’s team developed a smart recognition verification system that can identify and blur inappropriate​ content, notifying users of its presence.

Andreev’s team also tackles‌ issues such as fake profiles, catfishers, bots, and trolls. As explained by VP of Product, Miles Norris, they’ve introduced ⁢verified profiles on Bumble. Users can earn a‍ verification tick by submitting a photo of​ themselves mimicking a specific gesture, which is then checked against their profile​ by both AI and a human reviewer.

Recently, the⁢ team introduced in-app video chats, initially tested⁤ on Badoo and now available on Bumble. Unlike other dating apps, this feature allows users to verify their match’s ‌identity without exchanging phone ⁣numbers, thus enhancing safety‌ and speeding up the dating process.

While Badoo may not be ⁣a household name, its influence‍ on the online dating industry is undeniable. As ⁣the pioneer of freemium dating sites, Andreev and ‌his team have consistently stayed ahead of the curve. Andreev, who enjoys building and selling businesses, has ensured that each of his company’s apps serves a specific need,⁢ filling⁤ gaps⁣ in a saturated market.

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Top Dating Apps for Individuals with Disabilities by Lisa

Searching for Love as a Disabled Individual? Here Are the Top Platforms to Begin Your Journey

Our editorial​ team at AskMen conducts comprehensive research and reviews​ to bring you the best ‌gear, services, and life essentials. We may earn a commission if⁣ you purchase a product or service through ​a link in this article.

For many, dating ⁤can be a daunting and anxiety-inducing experience. When you add a disability into the equation, ⁤it can sometimes⁤ feel disheartening. However, there are several platforms that are designed to assist ⁤disabled​ individuals in finding love and‍ companionship.

Deciding whether to disclose your disability in your profile can be ​a tough decision. ⁢However, it’s important to remember that your disability does ⁣not define you ⁢and should not negatively impact your love life. The process of meeting new people, engaging in playful ‍banter, and assessing potential chemistry should be enjoyable.

RELATED: Tips for Overcoming First-Date Jitters

Whether you’re an amputee, physically disabled due to an accident, or living with a mental health condition, it’s natural to desire a partner who can empathize with your experiences. Remember this: everyone is ​deserving of love, regardless‍ of their disability. The key is to know where to look.

If you’re seeking a ‌meaningful connection with someone who can understand and appreciate your life experiences, we’ve compiled a list of 8 platforms designed for disabled ‌individuals that are a great starting point.

7 ‌Dating Platforms to Assist Disabled Individuals in Finding Their Ideal Match


Glimmer’s tagline is “be proud of who you are.” Their mission is to foster a transparent and inclusive community for singles.⁣ While disclosing your disability is ‌optional and can be adjusted at any time, Glimmer​ provides the option​ to include it in your profile.

Glimmer was founded ⁤by‌ Geoffrey Anderson, who was inspired by his brother’s struggles with mainstream ​dating apps due to​ his cognitive disabilities. Anderson wanted ⁣to create a platform where ‌individuals didn’t feel the ​need to hide their disabilities. While not everyone on Glimmer has ‍a disability, the platform attracts open-minded⁤ individuals​ seeking love ​in all forms.

Once you join Glimmer, you can search ‌for members based on your preferences or shared interests. You can also filter members by their‌ specific disability.

Explore Glimmer

Disability Matching

Whether you’re seeking new friends or a romantic connection, Disability Matching is a viable option. While the app​ is free ⁤to download, a premium‍ membership ⁤offers ⁣unlimited⁢ messages and⁤ advanced search filters.

Users have praised the app for its simplicity and user-friendly interface.

Explore Disability‍ Matching


Dating4Disabled is a⁢ platform designed to help individuals with any kind of disability connect with like-minded people for relationships and friendships. The site takes safety seriously, using an advanced filtering system to block fraudulent membership requests and monitor public correspondence.

The testimonials page‍ is filled with heartwarming stories of individuals who⁢ found their perfect match‍ on this platform.

Explore ‍Dating4Disabled


If you prefer a Tinder-like interface, Ellie is a great option. The app is‍ designed to be a safe‍ space where everyone can feel accepted and be themselves without judgment. However, it’s only available for ⁢iPhone users and is geared towards individuals seeking serious relationships.

Explore Ellie

Dating Handicapped

Dating Handicapped caters to two types of members:‌ those with ⁤disabilities and those‌ open to dating someone‌ with a disability. The platform allows ⁢you to browse other members based on your location or⁤ other criteria.

Explore Dating Handicapped


Part of ⁣the Dating Factory, one ⁣of the world’s largest online dating networks, Whispers4U boasts thousands of members across the globe. The platform offers live audio and video⁤ webcam chatting, as well as instant messenger features.

Explore Whispers4U

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Her Thoughts When You Send Her an Explicit Image by Lisa

Considering Sending Her Unsolicited ⁢Explicit Photos? Here’s Why You ‌Shouldn’t

Every woman has her preferences when it comes to men’s ‍physical attributes. It could be dimples, lips, shoulders,⁤ or arms. However, ⁤one thing that most women don’t appreciate is an unsolicited explicit photo, especially if there’s⁢ no personal relationship involved. So, it’s ​time to stop sending explicit​ photos that ⁤weren’t requested.

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Truth be⁤ told, we don’t want to see them. If we’re interested, our imagination is more than enough. It’s unclear when sending explicit photos ⁢became a norm, but whoever told you⁤ it was acceptable, ‌misled you. The ⁢message you think ⁢you’re ⁣sending with these ‌photos is often misinterpreted.

Let’s take a ⁢look at what‍ goes⁤ through ‍her mind when she receives an unsolicited explicit photo.

10 Thoughts She Has⁢ When You Send Her An ‌Unsolicited Explicit Photo

1. “That’s Unpleasant”

If you’re not going to put effort into making the photo appealing — proper grooming, good lighting, right angles, and clear⁢ composition ‌— then ​don’t bother. Even if you’re ⁢proud ⁢of⁢ your size or ⁣your experiences, it doesn’t translate well in a⁤ photo. The best way to impress a woman is by pleasing her,‌ not by ⁢sending explicit ⁣photos.

2. She Feels ​Violated

After the initial shock, she feels violated. Not necessarily in a sexual ‌harassment way, although it could be considered​ as such legally. It’s more of⁤ a feeling of lost innocence. She can’t⁤ unsee what she just saw, and it’s hard for her to ⁤go back ⁢to her routine after your photo interrupted her ​day. It’s an ⁤image that will stay with her, and ⁤not in a ⁤good way.

3. You ⁤Clearly Don’t Respect Her

Simply put, sending ⁢her an explicit photo doesn’t⁤ convey respect or ‍care. Trying to ⁢pass it off as a compliment or ‍a joke is insulting. The only message it ⁤sends is that you see her as an object, which won’t get you⁢ far.

4. She Can’t Respect ‌You

How can she respect you when you clearly don’t respect her or women ​in general? It’s⁣ a ⁣major turn-off.

5. You Don’t Have Much to Offer

Just like those ⁣girls on Instagram who post about their new ⁤lipgloss while topless, starting ​with an explicit photo says a lot about you. Mainly, that you lack social ⁢skills and​ understanding of women. No matter how impressive you ⁣think ⁣your​ photo is, it can’t⁢ compensate for⁢ that.

6. You’re ⁢Not to Be Taken Seriously

If you ‌don’t take yourself seriously, ‍how ⁤can she? Sending her an ⁣explicit photo either as a ⁤joke or to be sexy is a poor choice. It⁢ shows that you see‍ her as cheap, which is not a good start.

7. Where Did Things Go Wrong?

At ​what point did you misinterpret her​ actions as ⁤a request for​ an explicit photo? ⁣It’s a mystery how men often mistake basic kindness for sexual interest. When a ⁣woman receives an unsolicited photo, she often questions herself and whether she sent the wrong message.

8. Did She Ask for This?

This leads to a quick review⁣ of all interactions since knowing you. ⁣She’ll check her social‌ accounts and ⁣recall all conversations to see if she ever unintentionally asked for an explicit photo. In most cases, she’ll realize that she didn’t, and it’s​ just you acting inappropriately.

9. Sharing Is Caring

If you’re sending her an explicit photo, you must want it to be seen, right?⁢ So, she might share it with her friends, along with some backstory and jokes‌ about you. That’s what you signed up for when you sent an unsolicited ⁢photo.

10. What Was Your Intention?

This ​is the part that confuses her — your ⁤intention. Were you trying to attract her? Turn her on? Get her to send one back? Because that’s not⁢ how it works. Women prefer anticipation‍ and mystery. An explicit photo only generates disgust and a​ loud “Ewwww!” What were you expecting?

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Creating the Ideal Tinder Profile: A Guide by Lisa

In 2017, Liam relocated from South Wales to Manchester,‍ driven by the allure ⁢of lasting love. He had been dating his girlfriend long‍ distance ⁣for over a year, and he secured ​a job as a prison officer to be closer to her. However, a year later, he found himself single and has struggled to find a‌ serious relationship since then. His desire for a committed, long-term relationship ‍seems elusive amidst his string of consistent‌ hook-ups.

Holly, on the other ‍hand, had⁤ her relationship crumble​ a few months ago. After spending 13 years in London, she moved back to​ her hometown of‍ Hastings, accompanied by her new dachshund puppy. However, her ⁣attempts to date other women in⁣ Hastings have been unfruitful.

Dan,⁢ a graphic designer nearing the completion of his masters at UCL, has had a fairly good life in ​London. However, at 29, he’s found that the gay clubbing ‍scene ⁤is hindering his chances of meeting romantic partners he genuinely connects with. He’s struggling to find someone to date ‌for more than a few months.

Despite their different circumstances, Liam, Holly, and ⁢Dan share a common frustration: they detest their online‍ dating profiles. Whether it’s Tinder, Bumble, Her, or Hinge, they feel uncomfortable and unfulfilled by how they present themselves online. They believe their dating profiles are hindering their chances of success.

This is a​ significant issue for online daters. ⁤Even if ⁣you’re charming, funny, and genuinely interesting, ⁤writing a bio can be challenging. It’s difficult to make⁤ your profile⁣ unique and to make your true self stand out. ⁤In the US, dating profile styling agencies are emerging, ‍offering professional ⁣solutions to‌ this common dating problem. However, ⁢for those who can’t afford professional ⁢advice, the question​ remains: how can you improve your dating profile?

Liam, Dan, and‍ Holly sought answers to this​ question. They collaborated with three​ romantic professionals – a ​relationships therapist, a dating expert, and ⁣a professional advertising creative. ⁣They willingly ⁣shared their profiles, histories, and insecurities to be transformed into ‌more authentic versions of themselves. They‍ also received much-needed advice on how to make their dating profiles more appealing.

Liam, ⁤a 28-year-old Welsh, straight, prison ⁣officer, describes himself as a regular ‍guy who​ enjoys sports, hanging out with friends, spending time​ with his ​family, and taking care of ⁣his dog, ⁣Jasper. He’s had three serious relationships, all ⁢of ⁢which⁢ fizzled out around the two-year mark. His dating profile ⁢is mostly dark, selfie-filled, with one topless photo and mostly scary faces. His bio reads, “I have⁤ absolutely no idea what I’m doing / Beards make the world go‌ round / Never watched Game Of⁣ Thrones, which is apparently a ‍huge deal? / Welsh boy ​trespassing in the⁣ North, tryna not get kicked out after Brexit…”

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Experiencing the Dating App Scene in Your Thirties by Lisa

It’s often surprising for people to discover⁤ that you’ve ⁤never used a dating ‌app if you’re of a‍ certain age. I, for instance, met my ex-partner around‍ the time Tinder was launched, so I ⁣never felt the need ⁤to use it. However, after ending an eight-year relationship last year, I found myself downloading the app and stepping into the world of ‌online dating, albeit⁢ a decade late.

Like me, many men in their thirties⁢ are navigating this unfamiliar territory for the ​first time. The dating scene has been gamified during our absence, and it’s a bit bewildering at first.​ As someone who isn’t a big social media user, I found the fragmented and disposable nature of the interactions quite jarring. I initially thought these apps would make⁢ it easy to meet new people and go for a quick drink, ‌but I soon realized it felt more like ​an administrative task.

One of my friends, who had used dating apps in his 20s ​before entering a long-term relationship, shared ‍his observations with me. He noticed a⁢ significant shift from the‌ time when there was only one app⁣ available, primarily used for fun and⁣ flirtation. Now, dating feels more like a ​rapid assessment exercise to determine if the person shares your vision of a shared ⁣life.

While everyone desires that elusive spark of chemistry, I started questioning the effectiveness of a socializing form ⁢dictated by the constant sifting and evaluation mechanisms of apps like Tinder. First impressions can often ⁢be misleading, and first encounters are inherently awkward.

A single friend suggested ‌an app called Thursday, which turns nightspots into singles bars‍ for one evening every week. It seemed⁤ like a sensible way to meet people in a more relaxed environment. However, the app’s facial recognition software didn’t⁢ recognize my face, and I was turned away at the door. My friends who made it in described⁣ a crowded basement bar where someone had recently vomited‍ on the dancefloor. They left after an hour without talking to almost anyone.

Experiences like this made me⁣ realize that extensive filtering is now ‌an integral part ​of modern dating. Why waste several hours in an uncomfortable real-life situation when apps promise you can target a specific type ​of person from the start? I also understood that for some people, filtering potential love interests is necessary. For instance, one friend explained ‍that she had to look for women with shared hobbies and⁢ weekend pursuits as many of her friends were now busy⁢ with‌ young children.

However, being on the ⁣receiving end of this filtering process isn’t easy. I recently went on a date that‌ ended just as the conversation started to flow. I felt frustrated, not with the person I’d spent a couple of hours with, but with the feeling that we could have left some questions unanswered for a bit longer. Instead of rushing to form ⁤an opinion about this person, I wished we could have taken more ⁣time to discover each other’s unique quirks and interests. But instead, I found myself ‍heading ‍home,⁤ with ‌my phone securely in my pocket.

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Top Dating Websites for Professionals by Lisa

Struggling to Balance Work and Love? These​ Platforms ​Can Assist

Our‍ editorial team at AskMen conducts ⁢comprehensive research and reviews⁢ to bring you ‌the best gear, services, and essentials for⁢ life. We may ‌earn a commission if you click ‍a link in this article and purchase ‍a product or service.

Are you seeking a long-term partner⁢ who matches your work ethic ⁤to ⁢form a power ‍couple? There’s ⁢an app for that. ⁢Do you have ample resources but lack the ‍time for ⁢a relationship, ‌preferring a more casual connection? The internet has got you covered.

The challenge is:‍ How can ‍one manage dating⁢ with limited time? The solution involves sacrifice. “If you’re serious‍ about dating, you need to prioritize and make time,” advises Michelle Herzog, a relationship/sex therapist and owner of the Center for Mindful Living in Chicago. “Chances are slim that a⁤ romantic​ interest will suddenly appear while ‍you’re at your office for 60+ ‍hours a week.”

As a young professional, your time is precious, so be clear about the type of romantic relationship you can accommodate⁣ before starting the dating process.⁣ “If you’re ⁢someone who regularly works more than‌ 40 hours a week, travels often, or has an⁣ unpredictable work schedule, then honesty ⁣with ⁤yourself and the people you are‍ dating is crucial to manage expectations,” Herzog emphasizes. ‌“There are certainly ways​ to get creative while dating as a young professional, such as joining local young professionals‌ organizations, advisory boards, or networking‍ events specifically geared towards professionals in your age groups.”

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As a busy ‌professional,‌ it’s also crucial to be upfront about your time constraints. “If there’s a particular person‍ you’re interested in, engage with them⁢ regularly and be consistent in finding a time to meet ‍for another date. These can be helpful steps towards prioritizing your romantic life,” she adds. “For most people, quality ⁢relationships determine the quality of life, not how much time ⁤you spend‌ at your office.”

Because ​prioritizing work can lead⁣ to a skills deficit when it comes to dating and building healthy, adult relationships, and we understand that ​you’re busy, we’ve compiled a list of the best dating sites for professionals. Continue reading to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Professional Dating Apps

Elite Singles

As professionals,⁣ we appreciate a business that gets straight to the point. Elite ⁢Singles pairs you with other successful individuals, providing more than just ​a Facebook photo to⁤ base your opinion ⁢on. This ‌high-end dating site⁤ collects information about your profession and appearance, allowing you to be as selective ‌with your dating game as you are during the hiring​ process.

Try Elite ​Singles⁣

Match is a well-known name. As⁣ a professional, you understand that to become a household name, you have to be doing something right. ‌When you’re seeking a relationship with another⁣ mature individual ready for real relationships and real ⁣conversations, ⁢Match is the high-end ‍dating site for‍ you. Rather than just swipes, the site asks for information that is both erotically ​and intelligently⁤ useful. If you know you’re looking for a toned brunette, those filters are available.⁤ Likewise, if you know you’d be better paired with someone interested in marriage and children someday, you can search⁤ for that, ⁢too. essentially lets you search for your dream partner.​ While⁣ it’s⁤ free to look, it‌ will‍ cost you per month depending on what package ​you pick. Think of it as ⁣an investment. Plus, that monthly fee⁤ helps ​to‌ weed out the flakes‍ who would only waste your precious time.

Try ⁢Match

The League

The ​League made⁢ headlines for its professionalism in the likes of Forbes for a reason. The dating app bills itself as the go-to high-end dating⁤ app for professionals with high standards. Rather than Facebook, ⁢it uses LinkedIn to verify work ⁢and ‍education information provided. Not anyone can join The League;⁤ you have to​ apply. However, with application comes the promise that your matches are likely to‌ be people that you’re ⁣actually compatible with. With ​the ⁢slogan “date intelligently,” their ads encourage you to keep Tinder for casual hookups, but ‍use The League when you actually want to date someone.

You have to play by the rules to ‍stay in⁣ The‌ League.⁤ Members who don’t log in for two weeks will ‌be kicked out.⁢ That also goes for “flaky” members who ignore‌ messages, ⁢so get over your fear of commitment before you‌ apply. For professionals ​looking to meet someone up ⁢to their standards, it is the way to go. You can rest assured that all​ potential mates have been screened and approved, so⁤ fear not about fakes or bots. The app makes it clear that the office is in mind, because every day at 5‍ P.M. (happy hour)‌ their “concierge” sends you a batch of matches. If you “heart” one⁣ another, it’s on. Start chatting and⁣ meet up for in real life happy⁢ hour next time.

Try The League


Seeking ⁤ is undoubtedly controversial — we’re just going to lead with that. But as ⁤any businessman knows, if​ something ‌is infamous, it’s ‌because a lot of ⁤people are⁢ paying attention. Seeking connects sugar babies⁣ and sugar daddies. That means that usually ⁢beautiful, younger women, looking for a mentor to help with school or support their art, seek wealthy older gentlemen (and their wallets) for companionship.

We don’t judge and ‍we’re not going to get high and mighty on ‍you. Sometimes you want⁢ marriage;‌ sometimes you want an arrangement. We praise Seeking for its honesty. We respect that it can be ⁢hard out there for women to make it on⁣ their own. We also respect ⁣rich businessmen who⁢ would rather set up‍ a casual arrangement when they want‌ some company. And FYI, the website hosts sugar mommas, ⁢too. So if you’re a hot young guy looking for​ some ‌support while you launch your own ⁢app, enjoy cougar hunting.

Try Seeking


Here’s the thing about Raya:⁢ It’s an ‍application-based app “for people⁣ in creative industries.” (Read: celebrities) ⁤The waitlist is notorious; we know famous hot writers still stuck on the waiting list, so don’t let your ego get bruised if you don’t ⁢make the cut. However, if you are a professional in the creative industry, taking⁤ a shot and applying can’t hurt. You might ⁤end up sleeping with your celebrity crush.

Try Raya

The Inner Circle

The ⁣Inner Circle ⁢ markets itself as “fine dating,” and they aren’t lying. Sure, like Raya, there is a waiting⁤ list that makes the app sound a bit‌ pretentious but after swiping​ past dozens‌ of disappointing potential Tinder matches, ⁣the selective screening process of the high-end ‌dating ⁣app may be just ‌the ⁤ticket for the serious person with precious social⁤ and literal currency. They vet potential users on age, photos, and social ‍networks. ‍You’ve worked hard to ‍get where you are, so when it comes to dating, you’re allowed to be a bit ‍pretentious.

Try The Inner ​Circle


Sure, everyone and ​their ⁣mother has Tinder, but that’s exactly why⁣ we’re here for it. ⁢Having Tinder is like owning good⁤ socks. Sure, it may not be the most special item of clothing in your wardrobe, but it’s ‌pretty much a requirement. Along​ with hosting endless⁤ matches, we love Tinder for its easy location-based swiping. You ⁣may meet your future spouse, or you may ​meet a hottie ‍for ‍a one-night hotel stand​ while ‌on a business trip. Tinder is ⁤a staple that everyone should have on their ⁤phones.

Try Tinder


eharmony ⁣ is a staple of ⁤dating websites. We use the word “websites” because it’s ⁢been around longer than apps even existed. While Tinder pretty⁢ much relies on ⁢photos and location, eharmony digs‍ deeper, asking about how ‌many children you have, your religious beliefs, and how often you smoke‌ and drink. ⁣This, paired with ‍its success rate, inherently makes eHarmony a high-end dating site.

We dig eharmony because while it’s more for people looking for long-term relationships rather than‌ hookups, it has the⁢ same name recognition as apps like Tinder. ​That‌ means ‍more members, which means more matches for ​you. As a businessman, you understand ⁤that there’s power in numbers.

Try eharmony


While it’s certainly happened, you may not feel⁣ totally comfortable sliding⁢ into the LinkedIn message center of the hottie who works for your company’s competition. However, you may ‍enjoy the idea of‍ meeting someone who shares⁣ your ambition. This is where‌ BeLinked comes in. With a tagline of “Date like a professional,” the app connects you‌ to other ambitious singles using LinkedIn information.

It even weeds out ⁢unemployed users, ​or those without jobs up to the ⁤app’s standards. ‍BeLinked ‍is for busy professionals who don’t just want to date or hook up, but⁤ that are interested in forming a power couple. While some hard workers are happy to use ⁢their​ gains to support a partner, others prefer those‌ who work just as⁢ hard as them and have their ⁤own wealth. If ​that’s what you’re looking for,⁢ BeLinked is for you.

Try BeLinked

Additional‌ Dating Sites for Various Types ‍of Professionals

Medical Professionals Dating Site

Coffee Meets Bagel

Convenience is crucial for medical professionals as‌ hours⁣ can ⁣be erratic, long, and unpredictable. It also⁣ means you have no time for duds. If⁤ you’re seeking something serious and substantial, Coffee Meets Bagel⁢ could lead you to your soulmate. Perhaps what’s most ⁣appealing about the ‍app is it provides⁢ a limited number of matches each​ day, pairing you​ with only the most compatible profiles. The app also relies⁣ on mutual friends to pair you up,⁤ meaning prospective partners ⁤will not be complete strangers and may ⁤even give you something – or someone – to talk​ about. Like you, Coffee ⁣Meets Bagel values efficient dating ‍because you’ve got no time to waste.

Try ⁢Coffee Meets⁤ Bagel

Black Professionals Dating Site


BlackCupid is part of the leading niche dating ⁣group, Cupid Media, which operates over 30 reputable dating sites. Like most sites in‌ their portfolio, BlackCupid’s function‍ is fairly ⁤basic, offering standard, ⁢gold, and ‌platinum memberships. The website asks users to list their occupation, making it a viable space for professionals to meet. While the dating site is rather rudimentary in its function,⁣ it ⁢is unique in that it offers a space where​ black singles can speak with other black singles. ⁤Best of ‌all, ‌BlackCupid offers a ⁤profile verification ⁢feature, so⁤ you can⁣ be⁤ assured there is no insidious behavior going on.

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