Steps to Rectify a Relationship Lacking Physical Intimacy

Posted by Lisa in Dating Advice, UK Escort Guides

“Reviving the Sexual Spark in Your Relationship in 4 Easy Steps”

While the excitement of a new relationship may seem like non-stop fun, there’s often the looming prospect of sexless periods. This truth can cast a shadow over a seemingly happy couple. It’s a reality that must be addressed rather than ignored.

Often, the decline of sexual relations in a relationship is attributed to stereotypes, such as the idea that long-term relationships inevitably lead to a decrease in sex or that women enjoy sex less than men. However, in reality, a variety of reasons can cause couples to fall out of their sexual routine.

Despite some individuals finding little to no sex satisfying, the majority consider it an essential part of a romantic relationship. A shift in mood, life challenges or a sexless spell, can pose a threat to the relationship if not addressed.

Fortunately, such issues are common and are often solvable with the right approach. With the assistance of psychotherapist and author Mary Jo Rapini, we will explore ways to reignite the spark.

“Reasons behind a Sexless Relationship”

The absence of sex in a relationship is not always a disaster, but unless both partners are asexual, it may have an emotional or psychological impact and can even lead to the end of the relationship.

The root cause of this usually boils down to communication or the lack of it. Most couples in a sexless relationship don’t discuss their sexual life with anyone. The topic becomes taboo, especially in seemingly happy relationships. However, data suggests that searches for ‘sexless marriage’ outnumber those for ‘loveless marriage.’

There are various reasons why couples may stop having sex, and it’s important to note that a ‘sexless’ relationship does not mean loveless. It refers to couples who haven’t had sex in over a year. In fact, between 12 – 20% of the population is in a sexless relationship. This number could be much higher, considering couples who have experienced certain periods of sexlessness.

Other causes of decreased sex drive can include depression, medication, sexual frustration or general apathy.

“Tips to Revive Sex in a Sexless Relationship”

So, how do you reignite the sexual flame? Here are some proven strategies:

1. Start with a Checkup: If you find your relationship becoming more platonic than romantic, it might be time to find the root cause. Health issues such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and hormonal imbalances may impact your sexual relationship. Over-the-counter treatments that address hormonal levels or vaginal dryness could offer a solution.

2. Dedicate Time to Your Relationship: Ask yourself, how much quality time are you spending together? To revive intimacy, spend time together, engage in simple romantic gestures and consider scheduling regular date nights for more intimate moments.

3. Experiment: If regular intimacy has become less fulfilling, be open to discussing your sexual needs and fantasies with your partner.

4. Consult a Professional: Sex therapy or couples counseling can provide a fresh perspective and practical solutions. Never underestimate the potential of seeking help; it’s an essential part of growth and healing.

“Addressing a Sexless Relationship”

While the idea of tackling sexual problems can be daunting, it’s important to address them head-on. If ignored, these issues could lead to the end of the relationship or infidelity. However, with dedication and a little effort, a sexual spark can be restored in no time.

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